Chapter 192 The White Clothes Going Online

  At that time, Shen Lingxiao logged in to his own account, so he added a special attention friend prompt box and it was displayed on the projection screen in such a big way.

Sitting on a chair and listening to a song with headphones, Shen Ling stood up, and a happy smile burst on his originally dispirited face. Even the headphone cord dropped on the ground, he turned his head and looked at the opposite side. After passing by, I have never seen a figure in my eyes.

'Where are you? He didn't even care about the game being played on the spot, and quickly entered the information into the dialog box with a clear goal.

He did not identify the only recognized opponent when he was talking about it just now, knowing that at this time everyone discovered that this ID named "White Clothes Qingxiang" was the second highest in the standings, and the score was the first. Leading all the way, and the person waiting for the teenager is obviously her.

  Replied the message quickly.

  ‘It doesn’t matter where I am, our previous victory has not yet been determined. ’

  Hidden behind the scenes like a ghost, Qingxiang's momentum is no less than that of the opponent, and it means to fight directly when he comes up.

  ‘Do you want to represent Yan Hua? Shen Lingxiao moved his fingertips slightly and changed the direction to probe.

'Can. "The other end gave a vague answer, and then added, "One game will be the winner." ’

  Shen Ling Xiao was startled. From this sentence, he tasted a bit of goodbye, and his heart sank. After all, he deducted the word ‘good’ on the phone.

  However, the opponent killed by Hengkong did not choose the battlefield as he wanted. The Return of the Emperor team was refused several invitations to participate in the game. Qingxiang in white suddenly appeared in the game, even if it was hidden behind the scenes, it was an excellent opportunity for publicity.

"Since the violinist and the white shirt are the hottest candidates for the championship, both players have fast mental arithmetic and rigorous logical thinking. In order to increase the fun, the next test questions will be customized by the Beijing University professor of the highest school in China. The winner will be directly eligible to be recommended to Beijing University." The female teacher of the exchange group straightened her back and smashed heavy news with one mouth.

The audience on the three floors was silent for three seconds. Qi Qi fell into an uproar. Jingda is a cutting-edge university in China. All the students who have studied hard for nine years in the cold window have set the goal of Jingda and are proud of being admitted to Jingda. Nowadays, a learning game software can obtain such an honor, and the students can understand the grade in an instant.

  In order to take care of the slow thinking of other students, this competition will also require the contestants to write a complete solution step for everyone to learn.

  Compared with the shock and admiration of others about the Beijing University candidate, Shen Lingxiao himself was calm and composed. After the table was opened, his eyes changed, and the whole person had quickly entered the state, "Okay, let's get started."

In an instant, the students in the audience noticed the strangeness. During the one-on-four time, Shen Lingxiao was always lazy and absent-minded, but now he was tight, as if he was not holding a mobile phone. It is a cold sword, ready to go to the court to kill the enemy at any time.

  In fact, when Bai Yiqing entered the table to challenge, and the projection screen split into two and the test questions appeared, everyone truly experienced the shadow of an academic sword.

  Quick, it's too fast.

As soon as the first ten multiple-choice questions came out, they contained knowledge of all subjects. Each question belonged to the super-class category of fusion processing, which was uncommon and difficult to understand. After reading it, I felt choked, but the two who answered the questions in real time were almost the same. One answer per second, brush strokes from beginning to end, no pause in thinking for more than three seconds.

  Wait for all the answers to be filled in, and the blank areas of the test paper will start to type line by line in black text.

  For the next second, the sound of turning pages was like torn paper, shaking everyone's minds, and it looked like a long list of answering steps had popped up on complicated physics problems.

  Neither party made any time-wasting mistakes to modify, as if two precision instruments were being repaired by pressing the Enter key, and they were sweeping away the knowledge points stored in the program.

  Until the last big question was punctuated, the prompt box for handing in the paper was only two seconds apart and popped up one after another. The silent crowd underneath was awakened like a dream, and suddenly found a layer of sweat on his forehead nervously.

  Huh...Shen Lingxiao let out a sigh of relief, watching the two seconds of his gap on the screen, a smile of relief suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth, "I lost."

  His voice was gentle with a touch of gentleness, and he estimated the result without waiting for the tutor’s review. The teachers of the exchange group on the stage couldn’t help but look over, seeming to be dissatisfied with his self-defeating negative attitude.

"Ahem, everyone should see that this set of test papers is relatively difficult, so now we need experts to review and revise the papers." The female teacher stepped forward seems to be to redeem the boy's defeat just now, and the corners of her eyes behind the lenses are high. Hanging, arrogantly said: "Of course, sometimes solving problems quickly is not a good thing. It is easy to make some careless mistakes in the pursuit of speed. This is not worth the gain."

  The discerning person knew that this was referring to Sang Huai, and the audience sighed for a while.

   "It's two seconds apart. Your house also drives rockets. What face is there to say about us."

  At this time, Qin Qing, who was dangling out of the cold drink shop on the second floor of the auditorium, leaned on the railing, playing with her mobile phone in her hand, staring at the female teacher, with a playful smile on her face.

  The person at Yuhuang High School, her former head teacher, is really as arrogant and defiant as ever.

  She hid and didn't go on stage just now because she was afraid of being recognized. Without thinking, she enjoyed the scene of a dog-seeking scene.

  The experts did not change the question too slowly, and the final score was awarded fairly and transparently on the spot in less than ten minutes.

  Both test papers are full marks, and the short-term white dress is the winner.

And the one million points that Shen Lingxiao secretly betted from the beginning all gave people a hand, the first throne that has not moved for ten thousand years was reversed under the eyes of everyone, and the ID with the white clothes on the top was successfully put on the uncrowned king. Laurel wreath.

Although many people are not cold about this perverted learning game, it can be seen that the moment of becoming the king is extremely excited, especially the hidden master represents the school. Thousands of students who came back to life in a flash swept the ground. Raise your arms and shout.

  "White clothes are so beautiful!"

  "The white clothes are beautiful, the world is unparalleled!"


  The summer breeze gently brushed the railings on the second floor, curling up the boy's curled eyelashes, Qin Qing looked down and chewed on these eight words, the dark colors in her eyes were meaningful.

  The seven boys jumping up and down just finished roaring, Dahui patted his forehead with a bear paw and said: "Fuck, it's no wonder that something is wrong. Isn't Song Shen's game ID just Baiyiqingxiang?"

  (End of this chapter)

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