Chapter 193 An Incompatible Dinner

  Qin Qing used to be a scumbag, and she really experienced the time when Internet cafes opened black and instant noodles for dancing. With this, she built a friendship with a group of boys from Class 7 to fight monsters together.

  Because doing the questions and killing monsters was at the same time, Qin Qing, who was too lazy to use his brain cells, used the same ID name with ease.

  The result was retribution.

The trump card of the return of the emperor lost the game in the third-rate academy. From the perspective of the entire exchange group, it was an impossible event with a very small probability. So when the small probability became true, the high-ranking female teacher was also pinched. The pheasant on the neck can't get up or down at a single breath. The higher the cheers in the audience, the more brilliant her face is like a palette.

  The trip to the end of the next day was also delayed. The pampered exchange group had to stay overnight. In response to the old principal’s reception, the top students had no appetite.

At lunchtime, Tang Lin dragged Qin Qing to a dinner party. He took the small road and drove into the nanny car to a nearby high-end western restaurant. On the return journey, the product came over with a business card like it was insightful. Qin Qing didn't throw it back.

  She went back to the dormitory to inform Qingcheng to contact Tang Lin's agent, and try to get someone out of Qin's hands.

"Mr Qin, the clothing section of the Qin family has been suppressed by us and is on the verge of bankruptcy. Will they still invite Tang Lin for such a half-life industry? As far as I know, Tang Lin's performance fee is quite high." The deputy soon The information was sorted out and reported, and questions were raised decisively.

  Qin Qing leaned on the balcony, looking down in the direction of the big locust tree, tapped twice with her fingertips, and calmly said: "Yes, they won't give up this piece of meat easily."

  As long as that person is still there, Qin’s market will not be chaotic, and she who is familiar with business operations is still standing still, and she must be holding a big move.

  After finally breaking one of the arms of this behemoth, Qin Qing was definitely unable to bring it back to life.

  At three o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Qing, who was still in the dormitory dealing with official duties, was taken aback by Dahui, who slammed into the door. He glanced at the crumbling door panel and said quietly, "You will pay for the maintenance fee next time."

"Hey, didn't I rush to notify the good news?" Dahui scratched the back of his head with a guilty smile, and couldn't wait to report it. "By the way, Song Shen, the head teacher personally gave the notice just now and treats guests to dinner tonight. There are also ours. It seems that the teacher posted your review handout on the Internet to arouse attention, and we followed you."

   Finally dragged a piece of literary and artistic words, Dahui was so close that he almost bit his tongue, but he was really happy.

   "..." Qin Qing frowned and did not answer. After all, the Jade Emperor's people would be there at that time, and she didn't want to be exposed.

  But Dahui refused to give up and said, "Oh, God Song, if you are shy, I will go up to speak for you and talk about your experience. It's rare to be able to raise my eyebrows in front of that **** exchange group.

  Qin Qing pondered for a while, but after all he didn’t sweep everyone’s interest, "Well, let's go together then."

  She thought, with Teacher Yuhuang’s above-the-top disposition, she probably didn’t bother to look at Yan Hua.

  And it is true.

At 7 o’clock that night, a group of people gathered at the food stall in front of the school. All of the Jade Emperor’s people were absent. The other teachers and students of the exchange group did not say anything, but they were more unhappy in their hearts. They felt that the choice of eating place was not enough. Grade.

   "It's our honor to be able to invite everyone from the exchange group today. The crayfish in City B is very famous. The proprietress here is very authentic. You are welcome, hehe..." The old principal also started the advertisement with an extraordinarily grounded attitude.

  Unfortunately, after finishing speaking, the face on the exchange group turned green.

  It was the last time that Class 7 had a fight here and had feelings. As soon as I walked in, I ordered the food and formed a small group to laugh and laugh.

"no quality."

  Shen Lingxiao heard the lower contempt of the girl next to her, and even her back sitting on the plastic chair revealed a sense of superiority. Suddenly he felt a little boring, Yu Guang once again turned in the direction of the excitement, watching the group of boys and girls who are not afraid of eating bad stomachs to affect their studies, screaming and drinking, desperately holding vegetables and handing them to the bowl of a thin-backed teenager, with laughter It is happiness without pretense at all.

   "Song Shen, eat this and this, how about a glass of beer? Oh, teacher, forget it, then forget it."

  The four or five tables before and after took turns in a circle in exchange for picking dishes for the teenager, so diligent that his chopsticks were completely useless.

When the tribute was over, a circle of talents represented by Dahui came over and laughed: "I have eaten this meat, and drink the wine, Song Shen, should you confess to your brothers, in the morning? Isn't that great white-clothed appearance you're you?"

  White clothes Qingxiang...Qin Qing was taken aback, looked down at the tipping rice bowl, and finally understood the idea of ​​this group of people.

  However, before she could express her opinion, she immediately started shooting the case and protested with dissatisfaction, “It must be, who is so powerful in this world, Dahui, you have no level of content, and the organization will criticize it.”

Dahui was not annoyed. He touched his forehead and sang the double reed. "Oh, look at my brain. I accept the criticism of the organization. I will correct it here. The most invincible in the world is Song Shen. A toast to victory, let's go!"

   "Okay!" The heroic blood was mobilized, and everyone got up, half joking and half serious, "Respect the God of Song."

   "Respect the God of Song!"

  Qin Qing was so upset that she could only play with fake chicken blood while raising the tea cup in her hand. The crisp sound of the cup crashing and falling when the cup touched, was filled with a layer of warmth in the aroma of crayfish.

  She gently hooked the corner of her mouth and just touched the water glass to her lips, and suddenly heard a contemptuous sneer in the air.

"Send God? It's naive to play with the house or to dance to the gods." Meng Feifei, who just walked into the aisle and wanted to go to the bathroom, copied his hands and was stuck among a few tables of people, as if he heard something unpleasant or unpleasant. , The lens reflected cold and meanness in the light.

  Since Shen Lingxiao was defeated in the morning, and the exchange group was lost, her heart had been suppressed. At this time, seeing this group of low IQ fools entertaining themselves, she couldn't help but want to disrupt.

But she didn't know that these scumbags Congliang used to be campus bosses. As soon as the voice fell off, she saw the girl who was the closest little guy grabbed her collar with a backhand, "Damn, where did you come from? The eye frog dares to step on our place, is it bored with life, isn't it?"

  The girl looked petite and exquisite, but there was a fierce movement in her movements, which scared Meng Feifei into a beer bottle that staggered to the ground. The clanging movement immediately attracted the attention of others.

  (End of this chapter)

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