Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 104 plus a letter of credit

After the chunghrine, I will continue to be flicked, listening to Robert Neuss: "This is of course a good idea! Intel has absolute grasp, put this chip Manufacturing costs, controlled below one hundred dollars, let your company's products, significantly increase in performance, and the feature can also be effectively controlled. "

The tall strison is finally "said", and the end of Robert Nuis, "Okay, I am willing to replace the sulk, and we will take this project."

Robert Nobs, who said to have a dry tongue, hurry to hold the hands of the chord, "I wish us a happy cooperation!"

"I have a good cooperation." Senior strings smiled and nodded, "I will prepay 5,000 US dollars first, and then in a week, I have completed all procedures for cooperation. Because this time I am still in Los Angeles Implement a textile trade project, time is a bit busy. "

Speaking of this, the chord refers to the unfunctional avuste Hoff, it is very proud: "Huff's shirt is our export to the product of rice."

"Is it?" Ted Hof looked at the sleeves. "I saw it in the past some day, I bought it."

Robert Nuis is reluctant to come: "High business is a wide range!"

After sending the Supreme and Ma Yongda, Gordon Molds said to Robert Nobi: "Robert, this is very powerful, that is, you can cope; just talk to him with him to discuss business Time, I don't know how to pull the game, I can't pick it up. "

Robert Nuis is also very proud, after all, with its own outstanding mouth, saved an extremely important project at this time, fulfilling the responsibilities of the company's leaders.


After the car opened a good far, I met the so much Ma Yongda, trying to speak: "What about the problem of string, funds, let Xiangjiang raise the fastest speed? I can let my Dad help."

"Don't worry first." The chord did not take a shot of the steering wheel.

I saw the tabloid asked in the chest, Ma Yongda turned curiously: "The chip of Book, Intel's chip, the function is really powerful, it is worth you?"

"I can't talk about how powerful." The chord was lively represented: "Because it is a four-bit chip, at least to expand to eight, in order to talk about real application prospects."

Ma Yongda said: "Then you have spent 60,000 US dollars, the whole dish is next?"

Senior sight: "We can use Intel's products, while I will take a few times the price next year, I bought it back."

Ma Yongda does not believe it, "How can, who will sell things, buy it back, is it stupid?"

"Intel, of course, is not stupid." Gao String lost: "The key is that next year, the semiconductor industry will develop to a new height, and the microprocessor will become a newborn with concern. Industry first famous Who doesn't like it? What's more, I have a strong listing desire to receive a risk investment.

Ma Yongda did not serve: "With its Strord, you take it, Intel is better to develop an eight-bit chip, anyway, there is already four experiences."

"You are too high to see Intel." Senior String patiently explained: "Remove the legal disputes, Intel's industry status, now is a small dairy cat, in front of it, there is a large Ham Motorola, two Hadzhou Instrument, Sanha Xian Tong Semiconductor. "

"Take the Intel's Robert Nuis, although he was called the father of the integrated circuit, but later, in addition, the Jack Krby of Texas Instruments is also a recognized integration of the industry. The inventor of the circuit. "

"For a further speaking, the world's first microprocessor is famous, who is speaking, and it is enough to see who's speed is enough."

Ma Yongda said: "Strove, I understand it, I will only be partners with you, because I don't know when I've been an opponent."

Senior, Haha laughed, "I am not so insidious, this is called a positive positive."


After the Supreme Hospital of Xiangjiang Cotton Work Industry, after the office of Los Angeles, he waited for a negotiator who was more emphasized - Rui Xia's current boss, Charles Downi.

From the perspective of ordinary consumers in mainland China, the name of Ruixia has never heard of it; after replacement into channels, it is a role model for learning success.

Because Rui Xia is in rice, with Best Buy, it is the leader in the consumer electron retail industry.

At the point of view of the era of horses, Best Buy is just taken, and Rui Xia has a history of nearly half a century.

However, Ruixuan's operation is not a smooth sailing, and the prices of $ 300 have given the prices of $ 300,000 before, and they will give Tang Di, which is the fur's business.

Rui Xia failed this time because of the proposal radio.

Don't look at the radio in the future, the function is integrated into the smartphone, but is still a relatively fashionable product, and from the electronic pipe to the transistor, then to the integrated circuit, the upgrade is very fast.

Rui Xia unlucky is unlucky, there is no keen awareness of technological progress.

Ok, Rui Xia's business network is still complete, this has become the only reason for Charles Dowi is willing to "pick up".

Senior strings also look at Ruixuan's channel capabilities, after nearly half a century, there are thousands of outlets in North America.

Ruixuan's storefront, there is a very obvious feature, that is, most of them are a small convenience store in the community, and even attractive children who have forgotten their curiosity.

It is itself to locate the Huanyu-8800 calculator of mass users, is suitable for sale in stores so grounded.

In addition, the chords have hidden a long-term idea, that is, waiting for the opportunity to swallow Rui Xia. Because it is in the near future, it will call the rain in the personal computer industry.

People often remember that the early, blue giants and apples were unlimited, and the blue giants and apples were unlimited.

But in fact, before the IBM-PC is launched, there are three leading sheep in the personal computer market of the group, in addition to the wide-known apple, and Kang Yida and Dowi.

Because there is a Ruixia's sales network, Dowdy Computer has long been the first arrogant record before the IBM-PC is awarded the personal computer industry.

It can be seen that how important the role of Ruixia is.

Ruixuan's headquarters in Worth Fort in Texas, the chord is really too lazy to run so far, but with his current status, it can't be asked to call Charles Tang Di directly like the younger brother.

Ok, Charles Downi has official aces, come to Los Angeles.

So, the chord of the Silicone Valley turned around, while Charles Downi's appearance.

The Los Angeles office of the Xiangjiang Cotton Mold Industry Association is still quite face.

When you entertain Charles Dowi here, the other party does not dare to have the color of the smart.

This kind of flag of the flag is the effect of the tiger skin, is also the chord you want - Brother is not a liar everywhere!

Charles Downi was obviously, the calculator industry was seriously doing homework, and watched the functional demonstration of the essays carefully, and after repeatedly active it, he took a problem in the core.

"As far as I know, the current calculator products on the market, the cheapest is also three thousand dollars, but you can calculate as long as five hundred dollars, what is the difference between them?"

"Ask, I am trying to mention this question." Senior "clearly looks directly at Charles Dowi," Three thousand dollars of calculator, naturally there is its advantage. For example, powerful programming ability. "

Speaking of this, the string shrugged, "You can't expect, the five hundred dollars of calculator can take the calculation of calculus."

Charles Dowi smiled nodded, he accepted the high string, and then said, very pride: "Rui Xia wants the exclusive proxy right of Huanyu calculator!"

After listening to this sentence, the chords do not move. In this regard, he is neither unexpected and does not resent.

You must know that the goods are exported to the rice country, and there is no mouth to take a touch of your mouth.

After all, the businessman outside the rice is shaking the head to sell his goods, selling the market huge rice, and even don't hesitate to count the friends, the Asian textile industry is an example in front of you.

Also, a friend of Huanyu Electronics has developed Sony, which has been developed "Tri Shi", in order to develop the rice market, the President Shengtian Zhaofu has moved to New York, and it has become a business leader. An unprecedented pioneering.

Based on how variety of reasons, the is willing to achieve a more close cooperative relationship.

So, he asked: "So, how many Calculator is sold every year?"

"At least 3,000 units." Charles Dowi stretched out the finger than the road: "But you give me the price, you have to drop to two hundred dollars."

Seeing the Khals Dowi lion directly, I used almost half of the price. The chord couldn't help but pick the brow. Although two hundred dollars, I have to make it, but the other party did not have a black.

Take note of Charles Tang Di, which is a high string, and quickly explain: "Five hundred dollars of calculator, in the convenience store of Rui Times, still expensive."

"Shit, after a few years, the Tang Di computer is priced, put in the convenience store of Rui Xiu, is it expensive?" The wax of the abdomen is still the price: "This, we implement the ladder price. "

"Huanyu calculator sales in rice, each to 500 sets, down the price; until 3,000, reduce the price level you just asked."

Charles Downi is now operated by an Huanyu calculator. After a while, it is also brought to two thousand stations. When the sales volume reaches two thousand, the price will drop to two hundred dollars. "

The tall strings gently knocked on the desktop and continued to bargain: "Then you want the first batch of one thousand ring calculator, and prepay the payment."

"This is impossible!" Charles Downi called.

Seeing the Supreme Words of the Supreme, Charles Tang Di has compromised: "Well, I can buy orders in the next thousand Huanyu calculator, but the advance payment can only be 100,000 US dollars."

Senior strike, the last time, bargain: "Yes, but you have to open a $ 250,000 credit."

"If you are willing." Charles Downi shook his head helplessly, "High, you can really hard to deal."

The so-called letter of credit is a more common settlement method in international trade.

At this trading of Senus and Charles Dowi, Charles Tang Di went to the bank to apply for a letter of credit, handed over to the heating; after Charles Downi received the goods, the high strings can be credited, from The bank got the payment.

The mystery of this kind of transaction is that uncontrollable business risks, transforms into banking risks, and the safety factor has greatly improved.

Naturally, the chords and Charles Dowi have two full beauty.

For the hoggy, this letter of credit has a large use. For example, you can directly get the bank of Xiangjiang, go to the loan, help him get the most valuable cash flow.


Explain a problem with the book review area.

The national name "RB", sometimes it will be replaced by the website to the letter "RB", so it is replaced with the "one" pronunciation of tits.


I would like to thank the Three Kingdoms Cao Cao, Li Dai Chen's expense! !

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