Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 105 Star Products after Calculator

Have to say, Charles Dowi is a reliable person, very attentive of the exclusive agent of Huanyu calculator, and does not drag the water with water, and send it to the $ 250,000 US dollars. .

"Hey, our money, this is enough." Senior strings laughed at Hai: "call Intel, inform Robert Nuis to sign a contract, and the horse feet will be packaged."

Senior strings, it is not entirely in order to put a shelf, because the Xiangjiang Cotton Mold Industry Association has batch goods to Los Angeles, and his directors should be.

After Robert Nois came, he found a chord in the spacious warehouse area.

I have been able to sign a contract, and both sides are very happy.

The chord gives Robert Neuss, which is 60,000, which is the complete ownership of the future Intel-4004; another 20,000, is Intel with this universal chip to develop a prior fee for the terminal.

To be old truth, in view of the fact that Intel's graphics card is really bad, the chord does not think that now is Intel, can change the short plate genes you have in graphic image display, but the work is relatively cheap, just try it.

After the happiness, the Supper, the Supreme, the Supreme, the Supreme Supreme, and then I took the plane with Ma Yongda, and rushed to Boston in the northeast of Migi.

Last year, Intel's annual income was only $ 500,000, and the chords naturally came to drink it to the CEO - Robert Neis; But the CEO of the Data Equipment Company - Ken Olsen is not The chungholic must have passed through the car to meet.

After all, the data equipment company at this stage, although there is still a distance from the small-sized vendor, but the annual sales have been tens of millions of dollars.

Since you want to come to Boston, you will add a trip to yourself, go to the headquarters to visit Wang'an Computer Company in Boston area to visit another star product after the calculator - the status quo of the text processor.

The propaganda work in the rice country produce is very in place. Many Chinese people have a top gift for Jobs, Gates, etc., but in fact, in the early days of the history of computer development, there are also successful Chinese entrepreneurs, such as Wang An.

Compared to the year of 1987, it is high, and the heart is weak. Now Wang An, is a prosperous stage of the rich, ambitious anger blue giant.

It's hard to imagine that Wang An's entrepreneurial course in the rice is very hard, and his grievances of IBM, and it is also over this period.

In a computer using von Nuiman structure, the memory is extremely important.

Early large machine, only paper with a solution.

The work efficiency of the paper strip is closed, and it is possible to know how low, so that the magnetic core memory is successfully delivered.

Wang An has a patent in the magnetic core memory, which is seen by the large-scale machine IBM, but the transaction processes of both parties are very unhappy, the blue giant is only willing to give $ 500,000.

The field of intellectual property is impossible to nail, riveting is clear, many technologies are all developed, who can become the first, sometimes it can be resolved peace, sometimes I can't play a wrist.

In the case of the inventors of the integrated circuit, the rice people himself will be with rain mud.

First, the Franklin learns to take the Bamin medal for the Mikian scientific personnel, and awarded the Jack Krby of Texas Instruments, and Robert Neis, still in the fairy tapping semiconductor.

Among them, the former is known as the "1 Inventor of the First Integrated Circuit", and the latter is known as "proposes the first integrated circuit theory suitable for industrial production."

Finally, in the previous year, the Federal Court of the Mi-Country recognized the integrated circuit as a "simultaneous invention", which allowed the controversy of the inventors of the integrated circuit.

The development of the core memory is affirmative, and there is also a disputeous space such as this.

IBM has a magnetic core memory patent, but I don't want to pay more, so we are studying such technologies. If you don't sell it now, wait for our research success, the lawsuit of patent disputes Bar.

Wang An, this shoulders, where to live in the blue giant, can only take 50,000 US dollars, and go to start a business.

This kind of little thing, in a huge IBM empire, I don't know how much happened every month, I have long been a business competition for a reason, and I have passed in the past, but Wang Anxin must left my heart, secretly A strong enemy.

You know, in the 1960s of the System360 mainframe, it is a period of the blue giant walks on the peak.

Its market value in 1967, reached a $ 10.23 billion, and the GDP of rice in that year is only $ 86 million.

If you replace the evaluation criteria, such as Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, is only rugged.

It is not exaggerated that the blue giant is in the computer industry without opponents, which will be described by the media to describe the pattern of the computer industry as "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs."

Who is "Snow White", who is "seven dwarfs", it is self-evident, and it will be.

Therefore, Wang An will have no way to take the entire IBM, and can only add it to the other party in a small place.

So, in the past few years, Wang An sees the business opportunities of the calculator. With the excellent mathematical skills, it has developed a "Rose" calculator priced at 65 million US dollars, and suddenly become the darling of the market, even the "New York Times" "Peanuts Stew Post" The mainstream big newspapers of the rice country have reported this grand basis.

Wang An's "Rose" calculator, it is unlike the top Yuxian calculator, it is mainly facing the mass market, but puts some market demands that can only operate on the mainframe, thus adding the blue giants. Blocking.

With this wave of good market, Wang An computer has earned a big profit and listed on the market, and the assets are close to Hundreds of US dollars.

The calculator market is so hot, naturally attracted HP, and the strong people of Texas instruments admit.

Wang An computer company will receive a good time, withdraw from the calculator market, and attack the text processor products.

The so-called word processor can be understood as a function of implementing text processing software by hardware.

Senior strings are called the stars after the word processor as the calculator, nature is rushing on its market potential.

Imagine that the white-collar workers in the office have left the familiar text processing software such as Word, WPS, etc., can you still work happily?

At this stage, the mainstream solution in this field is IBM's electric typewriter.

The winning of the text processor is the editorial ability to modify the document. As long as it is successful, it will definitely be able to rely on the IBM's electric typewriter, then it is a number of money.

Senus and Ma Yongda have rented a car in the local area in Boston, and then go straight to Wang'an Computer.


Thanks to Rugen, Tokyo netizen, book friends 20180601154017728 reward! !

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