Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 812, the price of the first fluff, Segalai

Introducing the Policy of the Xiangjiang Forex Fund Administration under the Human Corbonal Leadership to Wall Street, which is the top priority of the trip to the rice country. The effect of the vernalency certificate.

Of course, the participants will definitely do not Lenovo's conflicts in the Asian financial crisis, only the high jazz's speech, understand the investment of this international financial center, and from this level, the presentation shows Clear policies, quite in line with taste.

Next, the chord has visited the Headquarters of the International Monetary Fund, mainly to implement, if necessary, the procedure of the inception of the special withdrawal right, to transmit a signal to the outside world, Xiangjiang Exchange Fund Management Bureau can use The means is still very rich.

Then, the chord visited the Fed, but did not seek any of the Hong Kong dollar currency exchange agreements, because the Xiangjiang Forex Fund Administration did not lack the US dollar position, and the Yumi had a small brother, it is still not a river to ask him to give it HK $ guarantees.

In short, the active signal is transmitted to the outside world, and the speculation of Hong Kong dollars, especially the speculation of the Hong Kong dollar is the focus.

It can be said that the chords have no desire for the International Monetary Fund and the Fed, just simply communicate, naturally smoothly tell the media, access to fruitful, very successful.

In accordance with the itinerary, the chords also grabs the time before the twisted waist, do some private life, such as further pointing to the victory after the price war.

With Kang Yida, Texas Instruments, Sega, Yadi, low-end cheap personal computer and home TV game machine price war, currently smoke, four giants and many small and medium-sized manufacturers, they are vomiting blood, not on the spot It is going to be on the way to the road to the road.

In the four giants, the Texas Instruments and Warner's Yadali is a no-controversial loser. The former lost nearly $ 200 million, the latter lost more than 5 million US dollars, the kind of powerless returned, immediately able to come from listed companies It is reflected in the financial statements and cannot be hidden at all.

Seeing that Warner was dragged down by Warner, I always wanted to open a situation in the situation in Mikan, not satisfied with Malvin Davis to rule for the 20th century Fox shadow, and started to play Warner. The idea, scared Steve Ross and the capital of the circle of the era, starting to deal with the rotten stalls of the Yadi, and let the Mero have a good place.

As far as the Dezhou instrument, Howard Hughes acquired the paving efforts of Texas instruments, although there is a resistance like Texagdi wild, progress is still steadily advanced.

By the way, since the 1990s, the malicious acquisition between the large-scale companies in Milan has become a common style. After entering 1980s, the funds involved in the acquisition have become more innovative, and Howard · Hughes treats the attitude of Texas Instruments, is good, such as commitment to retaining the current management, and does not carry out large-scale layoffs.

In the first time, Kang Yida, who can use the winner of the winner, come to pick the fruit, after all, the sales of billions of dollars can be described, but the pressure of the money is also more stressed, and then Let the Chairman of the Chairman of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kang Yida and the CEO have existed the contradiction, further intensifying, and caught in the Kang Yada of more invested, which is obviously unsatisfactory.

Only Sega, although there is a hundreds of millions of dollars in the book, but it is still a stable stone, holding a flicker, starting to pick up the victory, and the primary goal is the original toy business. But come to catch up with the video game, leading to today's Thai.

The chord has received the research report of the North American electronic game market in Gao Yi rice, and his expectations, this year's Christmas sales peak season is not far, but unfortunately, it is difficult to maintain it next year. Going down, the market of the family TV game machine, the shrinkage speed is amazing, and it is estimated that the space for $ 100 million is also space.

Compared with the home TV game console, the arcade is a lot of experience in business, and the prosperity of business is even more.

The arcade business point of the rice country is more than 10,000 times, so that it has triggered a wide focus of adolescent social problems, but now has sharply reduced one thousand and five hundred, and the surviving arcade business point, the business is less than the business. Four percent.

Two years in front of the video game, including home TV game machines, arcade, personal computer games, valuation reached 41 billion US dollars, but now is dragged down by the North American video game market. The winter is coming.

Briefly, this line of video games, because of the crudeness caused by barbarism, inferior currency is removed, and the consumer is currently abandoned by consumers in the North American market, so that many Wall Street analysts have some views, video games are just a kind Fashion, fast, go fast, it is like this.

Senus is too lazy to pay attention to the death of others, I have already fully prepared Sega. There is a "low insurance" in the market. The European market is also steadily doing, enough to stand up, now I use abundant capital, conduct some Transverse expansion such as toys, film and television works, such as Transformers, this IP, also this sucking.

At the same time, Sega is just right to correct the crude abuse of the entire industry. Through the license system, control the third-party electronic game developer, and finally let the Sega's video game platforms become the mainstream of the market.

However, I have to pay attention to it. The hell is in this point. It is very hated to shoot the check in the face. It is a very hated act, the correct posture of the victory fruit of the price war, should be the industry to save By.

For example, when you acquire Metai's largest toy company, while letting it recognize the reality, you can use the transforming king and the like, so that you will be willing to help.

In the process of the small electronic game developer, the previous game platform, more attention to the way, can't leave the weakness of weakness, so in addition to the refinement of the license system, you can also support appropriate support to help It has spent the difficulties in front of you.

The meant mean is that it is now for those goals that are evaluated as valuable. Sega is to buy and prepare in the way, and there is a warm capital in the back, there is no need to make your own image like a wicked person. Like, the vested interests of Mi Di, see the vulnerability, and the crossover event.

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