Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 813, three tons of gold, more than!

Sometimes, I have to admit that dry and private activities are easy to delay.

Gao Jazz has also encountered such a situation. When is the story of which of Europe, I have been touched by the rigid seams, but he has treated the transaction from the other, and will temporarily adjust the itinerary. Your own team, leaving only a library of all-round assistants that can take care of safety, life, work, others go to London first, and when they turn to the essay, they can only take off flights at night.

After the next morning, the plane arrived in London Heathrow Airport, the chords and assistants walked down the ramp, and he saw the secretary who came to welcome, and a business car and a local driver.

"The boss, red-eyed flights are very hard." The secretary is cold, "" There is a small vehicle on the road, soon you can take a break. "

"Sitting a red-eye flight, even if it is hard, the London people are not in the heat of water." Senior strings laughed, "You wait for me, then it is hard and boring."

The young man who was made as a farm, said that the company said: "Our Gaowa is not renting a warehouse at the Heathrow International Trade Center, where the supervisor has just been transferred from Xiangjiang this year, just yesterday At night, I have just arrived in a group of electronic products, including the family recorder. I have helped him in some cases, and the hot time is coming soon, I will not be hard at all. "

Senior strings: "You can't wait to go out to take a specific position."

"No, no, the opportunity to experience the boss, so rare, how can I not cherish it." The young man is embarrassed to scratch the head. "I just have a little curious, I heard that the family recorder is in many developed countries. On the market, there is a hot-selling seedlings, and the price of the US dollar is often a seven or eight hundred dollars, but the buyer is still turning it. "

"This is a new style of home appliances." Senior strings are interested, "I said to you, I also want to see the warehouse management here, how is a specific situation, anyway, now go back to the hotel. It is better to understand it in the field, and that supervisor doesn't know if it is still? "

"Affirmation, he wants to wait for this batch of goods to pay back, you can make a breath." The secretary pointed to the driver, smiled, "The boss personally visited, and it will definitely scare them."

Senior strings are also very good, "then don't indicate my identity, so you are not comfortable."

"You can come from the back of the Xiangjiang, you will definitely know the boss." The secretary scratched his head.

The chord is slightly thought about. "I remember that a document of the Secretariat reflected that the loss of the warehouse transfer is a bit abnormal."

The secretary immediately entered the status of the sophisticated sitting. It is indeed that, don't see the surface of the surface, a positive, it may be unfair, the pirate of the chicken, the pirate of the international cargo transportation, small and small, for the province When you go to trouble, you will usually take the loss. If you are big, you will take insurance, our Gao Shi specializes from the Xiangjiang School's backbone to serve this warehouse, which is to improve such disadvantages, especially eliminate the possibilities of internal collusion.

After listening to, I don't blame, small items with high value, it is really easy to become the goal of fishing, just like crazy mobile phones, during the period of being sought after by the mystery, Xiangjiang's belt can be active very.

They are discussing this topic, the front of the assistant suddenly drunk, don't stop, rushed over, but the car is still an urgent stop.

Recognizing the hives of the burst case, holding the handle, inquiring, what is going on.

Masonic's assistant to the driver, answering the sound, and there is a masked person to shoot the car in front.

"Slightly do not, guarantee everyone's safety." Just "put" the east strings of his own things, told the driver, the door there is forcibly opened, and it passed the voice of the game, this The driving power is good, give us use, today Laozi is good, all cooperate with some, carrying things, keeping your life.

The car took the car, and quickly observed the surrounding environment by the merits, and found that this is a hilarious warehousing area of ​​the Heathrow International Trade Center, but it is clear that the door cave is open. Several gangsters with headings, guns, supervise a few wolves, and carry a wooden box to a car.

Under the drink of two gangsters who have been bodging, the Supreme Supper is also joined the team of moving. When they entered the warehouse for the first time, they were also warned by the gangsters. Seeing that several guys who did not know, you have to dare to obey, that is, the next place.

The nose smells a high strollery, and a few eyes bundled in the corner. It is indeed quite miserable, and they are poured by gasoline on their body, and it is estimated almost Dotted the sky lamp.

When the chunghrine and the assistant moved a wooden box, suddenly the heart, the density inside, can be uniform, is it gold?

Soon, the guessing guess was confirmed, the gangsters were obviously excited, they couldn't help but discuss a few words. Originally I just want to get a jewelry, I didn't expect to have three tons of gold, this is really developed, Yunyun .

The tall jazz, the treasure of the hand can be described as countless, but after hearing three tons of gold, it is still inevitably shocked, and then rises a thought. Whose warehouse is this?

After moving a round, the tall strison finally saw a signboard, and the feelings were one of the five major gold traders in London, and the Xunjiang Gold City was also paid to Handan.

Just as the average person is difficult to think about, a million hundred dollar bills are in front of me, handling three tons of gold, is quite troublesome, and very troublesome, soon, the space of the two cars is a little stretched. .

I have been paying attention to this kind of chord of this point, and I will make my physical strength. I took the initiative to put the car to put the uniform wooden box because of the panic. It is "lazy", but the head of the gangster is very appreciated, and the gangs will be praised.

After the gangster caught the four strokes of the Supreme, the handling work is naturally fine. The head of the gangster put two laptop, handed over to the heating, placed, a waving, and ambulance order, according to the original, two cars were separated.

Listening to the voice should be one of the guys, staring at the car, helping the green doorship, giving a suggestion, I see this person especially the style, it should be a fat sheep, Do we want to do a vote again.

I saw the gang, it seems seriously, it is seriously considering that the chord is not astasting, he doesn't touch his assistant, then faintly open, "the purpose of seeking money is reached, or do not weigh the branches "

I don't think, the gangster has really accepted the suggestion of the younger brother, nodded: "So many gold, it is very difficult to handle, bring him, maybe it can be helpful."

Go to your uncle, gold has helped you "handle it", I will not go with you!

If the other party is the Irish Republican army who adds to the UK from time to time, the essay will take a few points, but after the other party is just accidentally hit the robbers, he will never be used.

After the assistant makes an eye, the chord "touch" out of the pistol, the row of clouds raised hands to open the fire, and the other side of the unpacking, the other party immediately planted, and then the chord was under the cover of the assistant, hurry Retreat in the warehouse.

After a shot of the table tennip pong, only the sound of the gondrane, and hurriedly took the car, and the police came to the time.


Looking at the two cars finally left, escaped a robbery, and long-lasting, then he was very eye-catching.

The chords are first opened, pointing to the people of Zhuang Xin Wanfeng, don't be stunned, hurry the alarm, the alarm, will treat your colleagues to treat your colleagues.

Then, the chords told themselves, don't stay in this right and wrong, or go to our own warehouse. Today is really unfair!

Assistant, secretary, and drivers also have a sense of the same point, indeed, really suffocating today!

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