Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 859 makes pre-service and big classes to do so and digging people

At the same time as the Far East British Interest Group, Henry Catheri is also alive and is very unhappy.

First, like the Far East British Interest Group, after the arrival of Yi and the wound, there will be a lot of constraints, with the energy of the land, it is true to close the door, I want to do it, and there is otherwise to treat it. Listed by listed companies, it is also greatly reduced to the possibility of doing the same, so on the residual forces of the Kazik family in Yihe, must be lonely.

The second reason is related to the real gold and silver, it seems that the place should be the price of the Hong Kong Hua Yue, which will set up the four major consortions per share, and launch Yi and privatization, and according to the contract, The land will also be used in the same price, with the Caesar family finally established the payment of the transactions between the two sides.

Even if the one hundred yuan per share is cash, Henry Catheri also feels too cheap, the Kaisik family has a big loss, and the dog is walking.

Just, now the Catherke family has been out, Henry Kaisi has more ideas, there is no component, even if there is a chance to vibrate, no one will pay attention to it, it is a bit shameful, do not know how many pounds A few two layers.

Unlike Henry Catheri, the Far East British Interest Group naturally can speak.

Huifeng Big Class Shen Yu quickly contact the President of the Board of Directors Wei Po, "How to get it so much, to put the Yi and privatization?"

Wei Ping is explained, and it has taken the Caesar family after the status of Yihe and then starts to save Yihe.

The first step is to defeat the acquisition of the four major consortiums of Hua Yarns, but the other party is not the oil-free lamp, and the high jazz is a good officer. In the end, the Yi and stocks held by the four consumption of the four consumptions are the conditions, ending this The anger acquisition war.

As a result, the Yi and stocks held by the place have exceeded 75%. Considering the convenience of the next asset restructuring, they simply calculate.

This answer, a little problem is not, I will have a little longer, and finally simply throw the old face, and clamped: "The land acquisition and Yihe, many people do their best, set the Yi and privately, for everyone There is a lot of inconvenience. "

Wei Pisu said that "of course the place will not forget everyone's help, this is not to formulate the plan to issue new shares; in addition, Yong and a series, other listed companies have not changed."

I wrinkled and frowned, "You should understand, I mean more than this, set the place to stop private emissions."

Wei Pis shook his head without vaguely, you have a old thing, you will be retired, and you will also dare to finish your hand and the decision.

He smiled and refused. "The land has been promoted, the capital market has the most credit, not good to go to the Rouge, or you go to find a high jazz, see if you can discuss solutions."

Shen Wei thought about it, it is true, this is not a hine.


The four consortions responsible for the implementation of strong pressure and collecting Yi and stocks were arranged with gorgeous retreat, and the chord secrets met with the Xiangjiang business circles for a long time, pre-service and big class New Year.

Calculated, New Yunjian was taken in advance by Ximen Kai Sik from Yi and Grand Class, and time has been more than a year.

Although I got a compensation, the situation in New Yun is very embarrassed, because he is still less than 50 years old, according to the standard calculation of business executives, it can work more than ten years, can be in Xiangjiang, can Accommodation and big classes, it is called Feng Ren, and even if there is such a vacancy, trust before the trust and big class, the Catherik family may not promise, such as a high consortium.

Of course, New Yin Keys can find a job in the UK, and don't have to worry about being known behind it, the more the more mixed, but the cruel reality will not be lie to deceive, starting from the New Year of Xiangjiang when you are young. The hunger is not necessarily to find a wishful position in the UK.

This situation is quite universally, in order to make a trend of the stage, Hong Kong people immigrate to Canada, many elite confidences have passed, and finally, they still have to return to Xiangjiang, only to make money.

The achievements of most people are inseparable from the platform.

New Yunjian belongs to a class of people who can be sober, and when the Gao Jazz is thrown out of the olive branch, he is unemployed, and he is ready to meet, the opportunity to return to the mainstream stage of Xiangjiang business.

Now, the opportunity is coming, and the Gazz wants to let the New Years will be heavy and asking for a hand to play the advantages of Xiangjiang.

For the performance of the New Year's Eve, the high strings give a clear evaluation, mainly responsibility in the Kazik family, their family history and Yiheyuan, is accompanied by a hundred years of humiliating colonies in Xiangjiang History, when Xiangjiang returns to avoid, the Kazik family is a thief, and it is unintentionally to continue to develop in Xiangjiang.

It is clear that the formation of this is that Schwing Ya family will be more people, and the Taikoo is very good in the development of Xiangjiang, which is enough to explain, Yihe is in the fundamental crisis of the business crisis.

Seeing the jazz affairing his value, New Years no longer have a psychological burden, he is happy after lengthening, trying to speak: "Because of the new Central Project, I have a slogan with Wei Po, I don't know how to understand it? "

Senior strings smile, "as long as you assist in the land of digestion and Yi, Wei Pue is not allowed."

Speaking here, the chord is the new button to detach the red wine, porcat the abdomen: "Please serve as a big class, just a temporary arrangement, Yi and this brand will eventually stop, and then please invite you to enter the management committee. Gao Yi will also invite you to join the board, I will ask you to be a senior position that is more suitable for you. "

New Yun, very completely understanding of his mission, not how good it is good, but to help the land, Yiyi. When you can completely bid yourself, you can truly integrate into a high-tech.

This arrangement is another test. The New Year is also unable to pick it up. The establishment of trust is to watch its words; more important trust, the more you need enough weight.

At this point, the NYM has no matter whether it is, the trigger is to make this predecessor and big class. How old is it, and how old, the Catherik family is thin, and now the Katink family is out. He is born with good and no nostalgia, the planing pit is buried!

"Gao Jazz, I think that the place can immediately take the new Central Gate King project to ensure that the new Central Project does not come out."

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