Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 860 As long as the Gao Jazz is willing, the salty fish turned over

When you eat Yihe in the dark layout, the essays have also have a plan to digest this large piece of plan, especially his reference yourself, and Bao Yugang, Li Hematown's passenger experience.

In the three typical cases of Xiangjiang Hua Yarn's large-scale acquisition, Baoyu has just acquired the digestion process after acquiring the Kowloon Cang, which is not shocked. In addition to the factors, it also benefits from its main shipping business, and Kowloon The port business of the warehouse is closely related, so "abandoning the ship landed" plans to make an effort.

Li Hematrus is not allowed to have the right to control, it is due to too much, leading to the prestige, and the ghost management leadership headed by Li Chexun is dissatisfied with the management of the business, and the successful experience in Li Hematography is only a successful experience. I don't dare to have a sin, I can only slowly, it is not easy to digest. It is completely reluctant to get the endless digestion, and the last success is achieved.

The war of the hogy, far more than the Bao Yu just acquired the Jiulong Cang, Li Semic City won the process of remembering the right process, the front is hard to win, the ghost is played without temper, the Gao Jazz is not two , The next digestion process, he has a great initiative, and it will be sympathy.

In order to digest the largest real estate company in Xiangjiang, the chord is mainly starting from two aspects. First, it is financially incorporated into the high-performance control, and the second is to manage the ghosts, to manage ghosts. And gradually penetrate into Chinese staff who serves as backbone positions.

These three typical large-scale acquisition cases have a digestion process, although there is a characteristic, there is a common point, that is, slowly use a small fire.

Nowadays, there is not so much patient with a large amount of digestive body, and the chords can be soothing. Because the Yihe system is complete, it is a kingdom, only the part of its acquisition of other companies, using routine digestion, It was not set to be simplified by it.

One of the ultimate bubbles in the "Old Script" in 1990, the ultimate bubble in the Trinity of Migra is an example. Finally, when the party is home, it is the Times Warner.

Therefore, the string decides to the digestion of the Yihe, taking a division, and the principle of efficiency first.

New Year's advice, in order to ensure that the new Central Ring Expedition is unloraity, immediately put its general contractor Jinmen buildings, combined with the appetite of the Gazz, but it is still not enough.

The chord slowly put forward the first, and the most important requirement, the Yeling business should go to the financialization, the control of the company, the company's control, and the control of the company.

It is necessary to point out a little, the system is complete, although there is no direct ownership, but the financial business is not to be underestimated, such as rational insurance, almost as long as the history of Yihe.

Because at the time of maritime trade is high, the risk is also very large, as long as there is an accident, it may mean the disaster of the top, so the insurance must be indispensable. And and other foreign banks have done their insurance.

It is also because of the energy of Yi and in the financial, when the Huifeng Bank, the Competitors of Yihe's competitors, Yihe did not rank among its founders.

At this stage, the insurance has developed into the largest insurance company in Southeast Asia, headquartered in Xiangjiang, branches all over the Asia-Pacific region.

For the high-jazz's request, the New Year does not have any objection. Which host does not have its own set of power, it will be normal. Since New Year, since the role of the Niki and Nuggets have decided to play the character of Yi and Nuggets, that is, the real bright future in the high currency group is waiting for him.

Senior and New Years are intended to talk, the secretary reports, Shen Yizhen visits, seems not good.

New Years I want to give a doctor, avoid the limelight of this Huifeng class, but the chord is hopped, there is no need, the original is not flat.

This almost makes the New Years rushed to the tears. Since I was in advance by Siemen Kai Ski, he has been far away from the fragrant circle for more than a year. I have forgotten it. I have a feeling of the scene.

Shen Yu came in, I saw it, I don't know how long, I didn't take the niece of the neighborhood, and I immediately stunned.

Senior strings in order to return the back of the New Year, and he took the bed. He took the initiative to explain: "Yihe big class vacancies, set the place to help the colorful candidates, New Yin Jian once successfully served as Yi and Big Class, Bai Yi and The situation is more familiar, plus the rivers and resumes that have grinded in decades, undoubtedly the first person to do this. "

I have a sinking and brow, saying that the essays of the essays can really come to the ghosts, and they can come from the horns, and they will find the waste of Waste, this is not the face of Katitik family.

Let's play, anyway, the Kazik family has been out, the so-called face is not important.

There is a tall jazz, the New Years is full, and the style of raising it when I take it out, I have greeted the equality and sink.

Shen Wei did not think about it, how to reap into the door of the Gao Jazz, straight to the topic: "Enjoy the private sector and unpleasant!"

The string is self-answering, "It is the risk of water to the risks of the water to the stream. Yihe in the capital market is attacking the risk, it is from it is a listed company, but it does not match the weak market. For the core of Yi and a series, controlling the entire Assets. "

For this reason, I have nothing to say, I haven't mentioned the Katin family to Bermuda, and the Book of Bermuda will solve this problem, but not planned to disclose in advance, did not run, set the place, will not stay again Under, such a deadly vulnerability.

Senior strings continue to give the second reason, "Yi and completed privatization, the elbow of the asset restructuring will be much less, which greatly helps solve the heavy debt of Yihe."

Seeing yourself in the truth, I can't stand it, I can only reveal the face of the city, open the sunroof, "Gao Jazz, you are also clear, Yong and the benefits are very wide, the land is in the same, and close the door I want to do it, how to do it, let everyone think. "

Senior strings, you said so, don't you have to think about a moment, then I'm thinking about the solution: "Yihe privatization has started, and it must not stop. This way, we set up a Yihe debt disposal The Committee, as Chairman of New Yin Jian, invited third parties including the loan bank alliance, representatives, representatives,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Speaking of this, the chords can be pushed into the abdomen. "I decided to put the financial business company of Yihe Securities, Yichen, Dangdang Insurance and other financial business companies. From Yi and a series, Huifeng is interested, you can share with the high interest. "

The attention of Shen Yu is immediately attracted to the most picked meat, it can be worse, and it is good, of course, it is.

In fact, there is no choice but to sink. The solution given by the Gazz is impeccable. He can only play with the rules of the game.

After the Huifeng appeases, the tall strings immediately protect the NYT, and the executives of Yi and a company, the incredings of the gods, the media received the news, and they did not show their excitement. I can't think of it, New Your is like this, but also to turn over salt fish!

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