Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 881 Books Book for more yen

The coldness of both sides in the airport does not have to repeat it, and then communicate with the schedule of Tokyo.

The yen offshore financial center is significantly complicated, and the light is through a branch of the Hong Kong and a branch of the economic office of Hong Kong. It will definitely not meet the effect of communication, both sides are sitting together, first Communicate before it is negotiating.

In addition, the Gazz came to Tokyo this time, it is also the meaning of the question in Zeng Kanghong in the Prime Minister.

After the hotel, you will tell Yihui Rong. "You have led the children to play in Tokyo, there is no need to have a variety of entertainment, I have to be treated for a long time, you will first go."

Yi Huirong also considerates her husband. "It doesn't matter, when we are accompanying, Jiacheng, Jiaming and Jiayuan are not in the field, and the child has already been exercised by various formal scenes, there will be trouble."

The chord is very gratified to nod, "You don't feel tired."

One way to entertain, the talline is sensible, that is, a piece of elite, although there is a conservative and active difference in the internationalization of Yen, but the latter is in the wind, and it is realized. Can't afford it, agency is being studied through agency such as a variety of relevant committees.

In this context, the chords thrown in Xiangjiang become the yen offshore financial center, which is quite a means to send the latter seamless assists - see this objective evidence, the yen is increasingly recognized. Internationalization is inevitable!

A Dazang minister bamboo lamp said: "The Gao Jazz is really awesome, and the trend of international dynamics is clear."

"This is the responsibility of the President of the Xiangjiang Forex Fund Administration." Sitting in the middle of the "old brother" in a bunch of five or sixty years old, the jazz must respect the old and love the young, "Xiangjiang Exchange Fund Administration Bureau" At the beginning of the establishment, I received the support of the Hong Kong dollar yen interchange agreement. It should be found to find a chance to put into the peachs, such as Xiangjiang became the Yen Dishi Financial Center. "

Speaking here, the chords have once again highlighted their straightforward attitudes. "If the Bank Group will take the lead in obtaining the qualifications of business operations, it is also known as public public. Arrived."

This is the high-string of high, people have mixed a certain level, nothing is not bad, want to pursue some ideals, achieve some ambition, but not equal to completely.

Now, Gao Jazz is working!

Laughing in the seat, laughing, obviously very honest with the high jazz.

The bamboo lights asked: "I can feel that the wishes of the Gala want to expand the size of the Hong Kong dollar yen interchange agreement, I don't know how much you want to increase in the original one hundred billion yen?"

Senus, "Xiangjiang has all the advantages of the yen offshore financial center, I think, on this platform, Hong Kong dollar, the Hong Kong dollar, the rigid protocol, the scale of the Hong Kong dollar, in 1985, can at least be at 10 billion yen the above."

A bank president Chengdian Zhidian has a tang: "How much is the Gazz know a foreign exchange reserve?"

Sen strobers have replied: "As far as I know, if you don't count the gold reserves, a foreign exchange reserve should be more than $ 2006 million."

Chengfang Zhifei quickly asked, "I taking the liberty asking how many reserves in Xiangjiang Exchange fund?"

"In the case of foreign exchange reserves, I believe that Xiangjiang will soon exceed Star Sah, and enter the world's rankings." Senior strikes reputable: "I think that the current Xiangjiang foreign exchange reserves, calculation Don't put the constraint. "

"To know that the freedom of Xiangjiang capital market is also unable to be able to be a global, and there is a huge attraction of international capital."

"I have a conservative estimation data here. At present, the sunset in the Xiangjiang Foreign Exchange market is more than $ tether billion, which is enough to force the world's top ten."

"I want to see you, and this year's 100 billion yen Hong Kong dollar interchange agreement, even if it is exhausted, almost exhausted."

"There is no doubt that in the Xiangjiang foreign exchange market, the proportion of transactions in the yen can improve the internationalization of Yen."

Cheng Tianxiao said: "Even so, the Gala mentioned above the Hong Kong dollar yen interchange agreement is the size of the Hong Kong dollar, or there is a radical suspicion. If the market speculation is out of control, a large number of yen returns a copy Domestic, negative impact on interest rates, inflation, can not be ignored. "

Senior strings smile, "In addition to the day and catenish digestive ability of Xiangjiang Foreign Exchange Market, Hong Kong dollar in Xiangjiang Forex Fund contact a package of international monetary mechanisms, raising the proportion of the yen, I don't know if I have fun?"

Speaking of this, high strines, not feet, "In addition, I believe that in the wisdom of you, the establishment of the yen offshore market will be completed soon, and can prevent the Yen-shi offshore market to a domestic Impact risk. "

Cheng Tianzhi did not continue to debate, because on the one hand, the high-jazz's argument is reasonable, on the other hand, his bank president will end in the end of December this year, and the vice president of the bank is responsible, each Certulations are naturally people who are really worried, not for a long time, it is not in its own, naturally do not seek their own politics.

In fact, Cheng Tianzhi's concerns are considerable, and the Japanese internationalization, and the yen offshore financial market is really much, too complicated.

Pick up the easiest, most proliferative example, the most primitive power of the foreign exchange market comes from the settlement and arbitrage, and the Japanese internationalization naturally hopes that the yen is more properly used, like a loan, enter the entity economy, Instead of all become a speculative ammunition.

If the proportion of these two categories is seriously dismissal, the latter accounts for absolute superham, and it is facing huge financial risks.

History always has similar, "Old Script" decades later, the Oriental big country became the world's second largest economy, currency internationalization also became trend, and all kinds of problems they faced can be found. lesson.

Senior and bamboo, Cheng Tianzhi, etc., this way, after a few rounds, Zhu Xia Guan gave suggestions, "Gao Jazz, we first increase the size of Hong Kong dollar in 1985, increase to three Thousands of yen, on this basis, discussing the topic of Xiangjiang became the yen offshore financial center. "

"I will give you a bottom, within a few months, the charter of the establishment of the yen offshore market can be completed. At that time, there is a policy guidance, and the Hong Kong dollar yen interchange agreement in 1985 has expanded. Good operation. "

"In this process, I hope that the Gazz can communicate into consultants, more to Tokyo, and provide you with the internationalization of the Japanese yuan."

"Well, then let's go to the next stage." The tall string is very refreshing. In fact, he also read the "advisory" of Henghu down, because it can be closer to the game like "old script". The core layer, timely, key internal messages.

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