Rebirth capital madman

Chapter 882, how to settle in the financial derivatives, Xiangjiang is going to listen to the high j

In terms of Hong Kong Dollar Yen Currency Interchange Agreement, there is a foundation of Hong Kong dollar yen currency exchange agreement in 1984. The negotiation of the Hong Kong dollar yen currency exchange agreement in 1985 is strong. No distress, the key is that after the scale is expanded to 300 billion yen, it is affected by the huge variable, that is, Xiangjiang as the role of the yen offshore financial center.

In the negotiation clearance, the chord continues to focus on a banking world, and personally introduce the unique advantage of Xiangjiang as an international financial center.

In fact, there is a clean ingredient in this way. He will help yourself in the Xiangjiang Futures Exchange, which will be founded in one hand, pull business, and even enter the shareholder ranks such as Xiangjiang Futures Guarantee Company.

Compared to the Xiangjiang Stock Exchange, Xiangjiang Futures Exchange is more friendly, and the foreign investment is more friendly, and continuous improvement, now as long as foreign financial institutions meet a series of registered funds included in Xiangjiang, registered funds For financial supervision purposes, the membership of the Xiangjiang Futures Exchange is not divided, and the membership will be equal, such as the direct access to the market.

The Xiangjiang Futures Exchange is so clear, it is because the chords are seen from the beginning, in the environments of Xiangjiang, futures are not as possible, especially commodity futures, such as soybean futures trading, from a .

As Xiangjiang entered the transition period, the mind of ghosts had a subtle change, and the supervision is no longer "a" one ", and the financial futures also entered the actual stage.

The chord introduces the design progress of the three-month Hong Kong dollar interest rate futures contract in the currency, and continues to flicker. If the internationalization of the yen and Xiangjiang become the day, the yen offshore financial center is all smooth, like the Japanese yuan I can try it.

Among the hundreds of silver thirteen rows and big hands, the tall strine and headquarters have the easiest contact with the bank's Tokyo bank, because its company culture is a banking industry, and the bureaucratic habits are much less. , The style is relatively freedom, one performance is that the dress is not a thousand white shirts, and the color plaid shirt is complete, and even the proportion of female staff is also higher.

This may be related to the Tokyo Banking business, after all, in short, in short, in short, the heart of the chord, so that he is privately told, see if you can dig someone.

You know, in the next few years, and a professionally related professionals related to an financial industry can be more effective in mastering a situation.

In the past 1970, Tokyo Bank has supported an overseas expansion and overseas silver group loans, it can be described as a result of excellence, but after entering 1980s, it has affected the factors including Latin American non-performing loans. The Tokyo Bank exposed signs that started to take the slope.

This is also inevitably, in order to adapt to the big trend of the Japanese yuan, a "new foreign exchange law" in 1980, leading to the collapse of the monopoly in the foreign exchange business to the foreign exchange business.

So, under the tossing of the Gazz, the Bank of Tokyo finally decided to strengthen the status and business of Tokyo Bank in Xiangjiang, it is not difficult to understand.

Gao Jazz is not always consuming here. Yi Huirong has left Tokyo with three children. He integrates the information on the hand, judges a charter of the establishment of the yen offshore market. It is necessary to discuss and introduce it. The remaining time this year is definitely not enough, so he deploys the people who strengthen communication, and then Go to North America.

In Vancouver, Supreme Starts, and the Chairman of the Gaoxing Group's Chairman of the Board of Directors of Investment Expo Real Estate Projects took a face.

"The subtots in the North Shore of Fuxi are great, which can develop high-density residential areas that have hosted 50,000 residents, but the land price estimates must exceed 300 million Canadian dollars. The real estate project development cycle is compared with the Xiangjiang side. There is a difference, is it Dora Some consortium to join, so that it is excessively to squeeze more funds, miss the quote to recover in Xiangjiang? "Xia Boyin's consideration is not to be old.

"No matter how much, the credit quota of this side is enough." Senior String smile is full of peace.

With the jazz close, Xia Boyin has no concerns about multi-line combat.

After communication, the chords directly from Vancouver to New York, and activities in the circle of the Three-side Board.

Don't look at the Bretton Forest System has collapsed for more than ten years, but the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are still important for international organizations in one of the economic order of the Second World War.

From the perspective of the so-called world order, the branch derived from the Royal International Affairs Institute and the Minigang Diplomatic Association - the same energy is huge.

Regardless of whether it is willing to admit that this period of the world power center is on both sides of the Atlantic, a wealth is the dish in the plate.

After the habit, the chord arrived in New York, I found a chance to see David Rockefeller, who is working as the Chairman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Association, and talking to him, after the President of the Xiangjiang Forex Fund, I want to let Xiangjiang bear the yen offshore finance. The plan of the central role is added, I believe that the status of the dollar is still unable to replace.

David Rockefeller, the jazz's smell is sensitive, what happens to happen, a must have a must happen, and it is imperative to establish the yen offshore market, with the geographical location of Xiangjiang, it is a nearest The international financial center will never be absent the yen offshore market. The Gao Jazz will take the initiative to send a suggestion. It is simply a big man who is heaven!

The session of the Supreme and David Rockefeller, talked smiling, the atmosphere was very harmonious, but he and the CEO of Datong Bank, will be a dispute in the meeting, soon because of one thing, there is a dispute.

The cause is that the chord requirements are agreed by the Datong Bank of the shareholders, once again increase the traffic of the Xiangjiang Futures Exchange, provide the capital of Xiangjiang Futures Guaranteed Company, raised from 100 million US dollars to $ 200 million.

Don't look at the time when you engage in forced acquisition, you have taken billions, more billions, or even billions of dollars. The atmosphere does not breathe, and sometimes tens of millions of dollars in cash, you can cause a jrants.

In this case, the CEO of the Xiangjiang Futures Exchange is not moving, only from the Gao Jazz.

The reason why Willard Brigse refused is that the capital of Xiangjiang Futures Guaranteed Company has increased from $ 50 million, raised to $ 50 million, and then to 100 million US dollars in the last time, completely "enough". Increased to $ 200 million, purely "waste", and the landlord should also consider the fadie.

The high-string is that the financial derivatives enter the Xiangjiang capital market, which is also the product of the fresh things, and the risk control can be more important than the traditional commodity futures, and it is better!

Willard Brurl is out of the white eyes, is the capital of Xiangjiang Futures Guaranteed Company does not increase, and the Xiangjiang Futures Exchange will not allow financial derivatives to be launched?

The string shrugged, almost the same thing!

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