The next morning, Su Zijin woke up in the hotel at almost noon.

He rubbed his head and remembered that he had to go to the company today.

So he hurriedly took out his mobile phone to check the time, but found that there were more than ten missed calls.

Without exception, they were all from Su Zhengguo and Liu Fang.

And there was a new friend on the phone.

Su Zijin then remembered that he had asked to add Song Zhenbin on WeChat last night when he was drunk.

Without time to think about it, Su Zijin immediately called Su Zhengguo and Liu Fang back.

After telling a lie, he hung up the phone.

Then he quickly got dressed and prepared to take a taxi to the company.

On the other side, Song Zhenbin was reporting last night's situation to Su Xiaoyao.

Hearing this, Su Xiaoyao smiled lightly. Sure enough, he was the one who knew Su Zijin the best.

He even guessed Su Zijin's hobbies and the places he often went to.

He even guessed Su Zijin's reaction.

After Song Zhenbin finished his report, he did not forget to give Su Xiaoyao a thumbs up:

"Chairman Su, you are still amazing, but why do you know him so well?"

Hearing this, Su Xiaoyao smiled meaningfully, but did not answer him.

He was the only one who was targeted by him in two lives, so he naturally knew him.

If he didn't know him well, how could he take revenge in this life?

After Su Xiaoyao briefly explained a few things to Song Zhenbin, he let him leave directly.

After Song Zhenbin left, Su Xiaoyao called Liu Baocheng again.

Soon, Liu Baocheng, who was exhausted, appeared in Su Xiaoyao's office.

"Boss Su, you're looking for me?"

After hearing this, Su Xiaoyao patted the sofa, motioned Liu Baocheng to sit down, and then slowly said:

"How much gambling debt does Li Bo owe?"

After listening, Liu Baocheng thought for a while, and then replied:

"Probably more than 30 million. The main reason is that I don't want to cheat him anymore. Otherwise, another 30 million won't be enough for him to lose."

After hearing this, Su Xiaoyao pulled the corner of his mouth. This is called not wanting to cheat?

"Go find those people now and ask them to urge Li Bo to pay back the money. It's better to threaten him again."

Su Xiaoyao's purpose for doing this is very simple.

Song Zhenbin has already established a relationship with Su Zijin at this moment. Based on Su Xiaoyao's understanding of Su Zijin.

As long as Song Zhenbin does what he did yesterday, invite him to drink some wine, and flatter him by the way.

Then in less than two days, Su Zijin will completely let down his guard against Song Zhenbin.

Going to ask someone to urge Li Bo now will only add some progress to this plan.

Because with Li Bo's courage, he will panic once threatened, and he will urge Su Zijin regardless of everything.

However, Su Zijin is afraid that the matter will be exposed, so he will speed up the process to steal the important information of Su Zhengguo's company and sell it.

At that time... Song Zhenbin will directly buy the information in the name of the company.

Then it will be done...

Hearing this, Liu Baocheng nodded, and then left directly.

On the other side, Su Zijin has come to Su Zhengguo's office at this moment, and Su Zhengguo happened to be here to handle work.

After seeing Su Zijin coming here, Su Zhengguo almost didn't even raise his eyelids, and blurted out:

"Zijin, what did you do last night?"

Hearing this, Su Zijin pretended to be calm and said:

"Oh, a friend asked me for a favor last night, and because it was too late, I slept directly at their house."

That's what he said, but Su Zhengguo had already smelled a clear smell of alcohol on him.

So, Su Zhengguo, who had been busy all the time, finally raised his head and looked at Su Zijin with some suspicion.

And Su Zijin also realized that something was wrong at this moment, so he hurriedly said:

"Because I helped him, he treated me to a meal in the evening, and I drank some wine."

Hearing this, Su Zhengguo's face eased a little, lowered his head again, and said softly:

"You should drink less in the future. You have just been discharged from the hospital, and drinking too much is not good for your health."

Su Zijin was relieved after hearing this, and then quickly agreed.

After saying that, Su Zijin sat directly on the sofa, just like yesterday, waiting for an opportunity.

Finally, after Su Zijin gave Su Zhengguo several cups of tea, Su Zhengguo went to the toilet again.

And Su Zijin hurriedly searched in Su Zhengguo's bag.

Sure enough, there was a bunch of keys in Su Zhengguo's bag, but

Su Zijin didn't know which one it was.

So he could only try one by one, but fortunately there weren't too many keys.

Su Zijin quickly found the key to open the cabinet and opened it.

Then he saw all kinds of documents neatly arranged inside.

But Su Zijin didn't rush to open it, but quietly locked the cabinet again.

And he put the key into Su Zhengguo's bag.

Then he pretended to be calm and returned to the sofa.

Because Su Zhengguo went to the toilet yesterday, he should be back soon.

In order not to be discovered, he had to give up.

But since he had found the file, he naturally wouldn't be in a hurry.

Now he just had to wait patiently, and when Su Zhengguo went to the toilet again, he could go directly to get what he wanted.

Sure enough, as soon as Su Zijin returned to the sofa, Su Zhengguo rushed back in a hurry.

And Su Zijin was also glad that he had just stopped decisively.

Otherwise, if Su Zhengguo found out, all the efforts would be in vain.

However, Su Zijin waited here until the afternoon, and Su Zhengguo did not go to the toilet again.

But his cell phone rang at an inopportune time.

When he saw the caller ID, Su Zijin's face suddenly became ugly.

Then he hung up the phone directly.

Seeing this, Su Zhengguo glanced at Su Zijin calmly and asked:

"Why don't you answer it?"

Hearing this, Su Zijin pretended to be calm and said:

"That... harassing call."

After hearing this, Su Zhengguo did not say anything else, but continued to deal with his work.

Seeing this, Su Zijin quietly breathed a sigh of relief. After a pause, he found an excuse to go out directly.

Su Zijin came outside the company and found a place where no one was and called back directly.

"Did I tell you not to call me? You ignored my words, didn't you?"

Su Zijin shouted at the other end of the phone.

Yes, the caller was none other than Li Bo.

However, Li Boqu didn't care about Su Zijin's attitude at all, but hurriedly said:

"Son, have you collected the money? The debt collectors came to my house today,

saying that they would cut off my hands and feet if I didn't pay back the money."

Hearing this, Su Zijin finally exploded:

"Push, hurry, hurry, you urge me to death? I told you that I would collect the money for you in the next few days, why are you always urging me?

If you didn't gamble all the time, would you be found by others?"

Hearing this, the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds, and almost gritted his teeth and said:

"Su Zijin, I tell you, you'd better collect the money for me quickly, otherwise I will be ruined, and you won't have a good life either."

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