The old man was very happy, but he was very happy.

"Mom, don't worry. Although Dad has fallen, I am still here.

I have learned a lot from being with Dad these days. Why don't you let me run the company?"

After saying that, Su Zijin looked at Liu Fang with hope.

Hearing this, Liu Fangdun's face suddenly showed a trace of relief, and then she looked at the sisters again:

"Look, this is our Su family, this is my son,

He is not afraid at the critical moment, and he still wants to help our Su family share the heavy responsibility,

Unlike those ungrateful people, who have been eating and living at my expense for so many years,

When the Su family was in trouble, they hid faster than anyone else."

Hearing this, Su Ziwei and others did not speak, but Su Zijin was still looking at Liu Fang hopefully:

"Mom, so you agree?"

After hearing this, Liu Fang nodded immediately:

"Well, Zijin, you go, the company is handed over to you, I hope you can support this sky for your father."

Hearing this, Su Zijin smiled and agreed, and then turned around and left, going to the company.

The plan he had been planning for so long was finally realized.

At this moment, his heart should be extremely excited.

However, after Su Zijin left, Su Ziwei looked at Liu Fang and seemed to be hesitant to speak.

After a pause, she spoke with some concern:

"Mom, do you think Zijin can take on this important task? The company is at a critical moment now.

If he messes it up, then all the hard work of Dad for so many years will be ruined."

Hearing this, Liu Fang just glanced at her lightly, and then said unhappily:

"What can I do? Su Zining, that ungrateful bastard, refuses to come back, and we don't know how to run the company.

Fortunately, Zijin has studied with your dad for a few days, and now we can only pin our hopes on him."

Indeed, although they have been in the Su family for such a long time, they only know how to eat, drink and have fun on weekdays.

Except Su Zining, the rest of the people have not learned these things, so naturally they know nothing about them.

After hearing this, Su Ziwei pursed her lips, and then tentatively said:

"How about... Mom, you go and persuade the third sister in person? As long as you go in person, the third sister will probably consider it."

Hearing this, Liu Fang immediately glared at her, and then said angrily:

"Ziwei, do you know what you are talking about? I am her mother after all.

Now she doesn't think of my kindness in raising her, but asks me to beg her?

I tell you, even if the Su Group really falls that day,

I can't beg her, so just give up this idea."

After saying that, Liu Fang stopped looking at her, turned her head and looked at Su Zhengguo lying on the bed.

Seeing this, Su Ziwei could only shut up. What else could she persuade?

On the other side, Su Zijin had already arrived at the company.

And the first thing he did when he came to the company was not to learn how to handle work like Su Zhengguo.

But he came to Su Zhengguo's chairman's office chair and sat down directly.

And he looked very happy, as if he was really the chairman of the company.

At this moment, he perfectly interpreted what it means to be carried away by success.

After showing off, Su Zijin looked at the pile of documents in front of him and suddenly had a headache.

In fact, what he just said to Liu Fang was true. He did learn something from Su Zhengguo these days.

But he only learned some superficial things. The reason he said that was that he wanted to take over the Su Group as soon as possible.

Because he was afraid of more trouble, Su Zining and others supported Su Xiaoyao to take over the company all the time.

The only ones who supported him were Su Zhengguo and his wife. Once they were persuaded by Su Zining.

Then wouldn't he have no chance to be with the Su Group in this life?

It was because of this that Su Zijin volunteered to manage the Su Group.

"I can learn if I don't know how to do it. I don't believe it can be so difficult?"

Su Zijin looked at the documents in front of him and spoke to himself, as if to cheer himself up.

Then, he imitated Su Zhengguo in handling these documents.

On the other hand, Su Xiaoyao had already learned from Liu Baocheng that Su Zhengguo was ill.

He also knew that Su Zining was unwilling to help manage the Su Group.

So he, who was just happy, smiled even more.

Su Zhengguo was ill, Su Zining ignored the Su Group, and now the Su Group was managed by Su Zijin.

Hearing that Su Zijin was managing the Su Group.

This made Su Xiaoyao more confident

Take down the Su Group in a short time.

At the same time, Su Zhengguo in the ward has also woken up and realized that he is still in the hospital.

Su Zhengguo was about to get up and go to the company to handle work.

However, Liu Fang saw this and immediately pressed Su Zhengguo back.

And with red eyes, she told Su Zhengguo what the doctor said.

After Su Zhengguo heard it, his pale face became even uglier.

Among all the rich people, how many are not afraid of death? After Liu Fang said this, Su Zhengguo had to lie down obediently.

However, there was still some worry in his eyes that could not be hidden.

"What happened? You are so angry that you vomited blood."

Here, Liu Fang looked at Su Zhengguo with a worried look and asked.

However, after Su Zhengguo heard it, the worry in his eyes was gone.

Instead, she was filled with endless anger, as if she wanted to eat someone alive. She gritted her teeth and said:

"Su Xiaoyao, that beast Su Xiaoyao, somehow got a project that originally belonged to our company.

The company could have relied on this project to ease the current situation, but now this only chance is gone."

Hearing this, Liu Fang's face instantly turned ugly, but she was still calm, and immediately asked:

"Have you investigated the surveillance in your office? See who took the contract?"

Hearing this, Su Zhengguo's eyes were a little evasive, and he stammered:

"I... There was no surveillance installed in my office at that time, so..."

Indeed, there was no surveillance in Su Zhengguo's office.

As for why it was not installed... It has to start from when Su Zhengguo was young.

At that time, the Su Group was in the limelight, and Su Zhengguo, as the chairman, was inevitably a little arrogant.

Rich people, all have that habit...

He was having a hot affair with one of his secretaries at the time, often in the office or in a corner of the company where no one was around…

At that time, Su Zining was still young and had never joined the Su Group.

Although other employees in the company did not dare to tell Liu Fang about these things.

But Su Zhengguo was still a little worried, afraid that these things would leave a handle.

So he did not install cameras in the office.

Until Su Zining grew up and helped him to manage the company.

Su Zhengguo was afraid of being caught by Su Zining, and Su Zhengguo was a little older at that time.

Some things were even more beyond his ability, so he gave the female secretary a sum of money and sent her away.

As for where she went later, I don’t know, I only know that she got married in her hometown a few years ago.

And Su Zhengguo didn’t take this matter to heart, after all, it was just a joke.

But who would have thought that Su Zhengguo’s move would lead to the situation today.

Things were stolen and there was no evidence. It was like a dumb person eating bitter herbs, and there was no way to say it.

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