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Hearing this, Su Ziyue's face showed regret, and she sobbed and said:

"No... it's not like that, Xiaoyao brother, listen to me, I was just vain at the time, so... "

"Then tell me, why are you so vain only towards me? Have you ever been so vain towards others?"


"I remember Su Zijin once gave you a valuable necklace. You showed off to others everywhere.

On the contrary, you threw away the gift I gave you as if it were trash. Although the things I bought were not as expensive as Su Zijin's,

I bought them with my own money, while Su Zijin I used your Su family's money.

It's the same necklace, why should mine be treated as trash, while Su Zijin's is shown off by you?

Su Ziyue, tell me, what is your vanity? Are you doing something wrong, or are you intentionally treating them differently? "

Hearing this, Su Ziyue fell silent, with regret on her face.

After a pause, Su Xiaoyao spoke again:

"You knew that it would hurt me, but you still chose to do it. This is enough to prove my position in your heart.

And what you are doing now is just After experiencing what Su Zijin did to you in the last life, he regretted it,

but it was not because of the hurt you caused me in the last life that he regretted it, so Su Ziyue, admit it,

you are not driven by vanity at all, It's not a momentary confusion.

You just don't like me. Now you regret it, but it's just because you saw Su Zijin's true face.

Then only You think of my goodness, so you turn around to look at me.

It's a pity that the brother who once wanted to be good to you at all costs has been strangled by you in the last life.

And I am just It's just Su Xiaoyao, and it has nothing to do with you anymore.

Having said this, I hope you can take care of yourself and continue to maintain your attitude in your previous life. Don't come to me again,

And don't say anything that makes me sick... "

"No ...Brother Xiaoyao, listen to me."

Hearing this, Su Ziyue immediately tried to struggle to get up, but after several unsuccessful attempts, Su Ziyue had to give up.

Then he looked at Su Xiaoyao with hope, and his voice was filled with a hint of pleading:

"Brother Xiaoyao, everyone makes mistakes, but everyone should have a chance to correct them.

I did hurt you in my last life, but in the end I also got The retribution I deserve,

In this life, I have ended up like this. I know you were at the scene of the car accident,

but you didn't choose to save me. But I don't blame you. I'll just take this as my own fate. Retribution,

It is my apology to you in my last life, but can you give my second sister a chance? Make it up to you.

Do you know how much I regretted when I learned the truth? I regretted saying bad things to you,

I regretted favoring Su Zijin and hurting you,

I regretted even more why I didn't protect you. As for your tragic death in that car accident,

But I swear, from now on, I will never let you get hurt again,

I will do my best to protect you and make up for what I owed you in my last life. I want to make up for all the family affection,

not for anything else, just so that you can still call me second sister affectionately like before... . ”

Hearing this, Su Xiaoyao sneered, and then spoke meaningfully:

“Su Ziyue, don’t you think what you said is ridiculous? Yes, that person should have a chance to change,

But why? Why should I choose to forgive you just because you say you regret it?

When I liked to stick to you and call you my second sister, it was just because I longed for this hard-earned family affection.

But what about you? You took me from your Push it away,

Now I no longer need this affection, why do you think I will still call you like before? Second sister?"

After saying that, Su Xiaoyao paused, then laughed at himself:

"I was desperate and sad before, but that was only in the past.

Do you know why I didn't have any regrets in that car accident? Did you call the emergency number at the first opportunity?

That's because I'm tired of it. I'm tired of the insignificant family affection.

I'm even more tired of your indifferent and even disgusted attitude towards me.

So, those The phone call I made to you was a test, I was unwilling, but more of a letting go,

I don't want to be in that meaningless family relationship

I wasted my time,

So I called you for the last time, and it also gave me a reason to let go of this family relationship,

The reason is very simple, my heart is dead, so I let it go naturally,

So the scene you saw was not fake, and my smile was not fake, I was really relieved,

But fortunately, God gave me a chance to start over, so that I can have enough time to stay away from you and face myself,

I began to try to leave the Su family and leave you,

But in the end I found that I was happy when I was away from you,

This proves that I don’t particularly need this family relationship, let alone you,

So, from then on, I began to completely stay away from the Su family, away from you, and live my own life. "

Speaking of this, Su Xiaoyao looked at Su Ziyue again, met her panicked eyes and spoke again:

"So, Su Ziyue, do you understand what I mean? "

Hearing this, Su Ziyue hurriedly shook her head. Her eyes were already full of tears, and the big tears flowed slowly down her cheeks.

At this time, even if she was stupid, she could understand what Su Xiaoyao meant.

He was happy when he left the Su family and left her.

That is to say, he was not happy when he stayed in the Su family, and it could even be said to be painful.

So, since he had left the Su family, he didn't want her to disturb him again.

But how could she do it? The brother who used to be full of her heart and eyes.

Now he is getting farther and farther away from her, how can she accept it?

An unprecedented panic rushed into her heart, and she thought of everything Su Xiaoyao had done for her in her previous life.

She felt more and more like a bastard.

She didn't cherish her brother who always thought of herself and cared about her all the time.

Instead, she liked an adopted son who was ruthless and pushed her into the abyss. It was a pity that she was really blind in her previous life.

"Okay, that's all. Take care of yourself. I was confused in my previous life, but I want to look forward in this life.

There are many beautiful things waiting for me in the future. I will meet many people and many things.

But I never want to meet a sister like you again... "

After saying that, Su Xiaoyao left the office without looking back.

Only Su Ziyue was left, sitting in a wheelchair, crying with her head in her hands, her voice full of regret.

After leaving the office, Su Xiaoyao saw Su Zihan and others standing at the door.

The moment they saw Su Xiaoyao, they pursed their lips, wanting to say something, but they didn't know what to say.

They must have heard what was said just now.

However, Su Xiaoyao ignored them, but said to Su Zirui lightly:

"I will hand the evidence to the police right now, you should be ready. "

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