The two of them were still in pain, but the two of them were still in pain.

Just when Su Zhengguo was still immersed in pain, his eyes suddenly caught sight of the secretary standing there.

At this moment, his eyes were full of anger.

He came to the secretary with an angry face and grabbed his collar.

He stared at him and asked in a deep voice:

"Tell me the truth, have you known these things for a long time?"

Hearing this, the secretary was flustered for a moment, but then he returned to normal:


Seeing the secretary admit it so frankly, Su Zhengguo's anger in his eyes became even stronger.

"Since you knew, why didn't you tell me? Check your conscience.

I have never treated you unfairly over the years, but in the end, are you just going to watch the company sink into the quagmire bit by bit?"

Su Zhengguo had been accumulating anger for a day and had nowhere to vent it. Now he was all directed at the secretary.

However, the secretary laughed after hearing this, and then mocked:

"Chairman, you have been very kind to me for so many years, but I am really powerless in this matter.

I want to make money, but I can't offend Su Zijin. Everyone in the company knows that you love him the most.

If I really offend him, I will lose my job if I report it to you.

I might even be retaliated by him, so I dare not do it.

Also, when he took over the Su Group, there were people who opposed it, but did you listen?

You didn't even listen to your own daughter and insisted on letting him take over the company.

Now that something has happened, you blame me again. I'm afraid this is a bit inappropriate, isn't it?"


Su Zhengguo was speechless by the secretary's words.

Indeed, he was the one who caused all this, and he even transferred the shares to Su Zijin.

Who can he blame now?

Seeing this, the secretary beside him sighed softly, then took off the badge on his neck and put it on Su Zhengguo's desk.

Then he looked at Su Zhengguo with a look of regret and said:

"Chairman, since you already know the truth of the matter, there is no need for me to stay here anymore."

After that, the secretary left without looking back.

This is called good words can't persuade the damned ghost. Su Zhengguo himself didn't listen to the advice, and in the end he had to pay for his original decision.

Only Su Zhengguo was left standing in the office with a blank look on his face.

Another, another old employee left him.

At this time, he couldn't help but wonder, is it really his fault?

Except for Uncle Chen, Su Zhengguo has never treated anyone unfairly.

But why did they leave him one by one?

At this moment, Su Zhengguo was like a deflated ball, as if all his strength had been taken away.

After a long time, he saw him leave the company with empty eyes.

The things he experienced today hit him hard.

The son he had raised for many years broke off relations with him, and now even the company he founded is no longer his own.

Such a sense of gap made him a little overwhelmed for a while.

Perhaps at this moment, he should really find a place to calm down like Liu Fang...

"Mom, don't be like this. We have seen how Dad has treated you for so many years.

That incident may just be a moment of confusion for him. We can see that he still loves you."

In the villa, Su Ziwei looked at Liu Fang with a worried look and comforted her.

Since they came out of the court, they were afraid that Liu Fang would be upset for a while, so they followed her.

However, since Liu Fang returned to the villa, she has been sitting on the sofa blankly without saying a word.

After hearing Su Ziwei's words, Liu Fang's expression suddenly became dazed for a moment.

Then she sneered and said self-deprecatingly:

"Love me? How could he do such a thing to hurt me if he loves me? Is this the way he loves me?"

Hearing this, Su Ziwei pursed her lips but did not speak.

As women, they naturally understood Liu Fang's feelings at this moment.

Imagine that if the man you love is having an affair with another woman behind your back, no one would be able to accept it.

Seeing this scene, the sisters stopped persuading her, and the rest depended on how Liu Fang made her decision.

Whether to choose divorce or forgiveness was not something they, as children, could interfere with.

In this way, Liu Fang had been

Staying in the Su family villa, I spent a few days in a daze.

However, just this morning, Liu Fang just woke up and received a strange call.

After thinking about it, Liu Fang still picked up the phone, but I don’t know what the other end of the phone said.

I saw Liu Fang came out of the bedroom with a panicked look on her face, and then woke up Su Ziwei and others.

Then she hurriedly asked them to pack up and follow her to the hospital.

It turned out that Su Zhengguo had found a hotel to stay in since he left the company that day.

Because Liu Fang was still angry, he didn’t dare to go back to disturb her, so he could only stay in the hotel.

But he had been drinking in the hotel every day these days, trying to forget the troubles in his heart, and he was in a daze all day.

However, this morning, Su Zhengguo suddenly left the hotel for some reason.

But he drank a lot of wine last night and slept late, so he drove away before he woke up from the alcohol.

So he drove drunk and hit a tree directly while driving.

He is still lying unconscious in the hospital.

After knowing the specific situation, Su Ziwei and others did not dare to delay and immediately drove Liu Fang to the hospital.

Although Liu Fang was very angry about Su Zhengguo's betrayal, they were a couple who had lived together for so many years.

It was impossible for her to ignore Su Zhengguo. They still had a deep relationship.

However, when everyone arrived at the hospital, they immediately saw Su Zhengguo with blood all over his face.

Seeing this, Liu Fang thought that Su Zhengguo had an accident, so she immediately threw herself on him and started crying.

Finally, after the doctor's explanation, several people were relieved.

Su Zhengguo basically had some skin injuries on his body, and there was nothing serious except some minor concussions.

The coma at this time was only due to the effect of alcohol, and he had not rested well in the past few days.

So he has been in a coma.

After hearing this, everyone was relieved, and then helped Su Zhengguo treat the wound under the arrangement of the doctor.

After the treatment, she was arranged in the ward.

On the other side, Su Xiaoyao was sitting in the office at this moment, but Liu Baocheng suddenly came at this time.

Seeing this, Su Xiaoyao seemed to be unexpected, and immediately told Liu Baocheng to sit down and talk.

"Boss Su, I just saw Su Zijin being taken away by Huang Guoda."

Liu Baocheng drank a cup of tea and then spoke slowly.

However, Su Xiaoyao did not react much after hearing this, but said with a playful look:

"Do you know what means Huang Guoda used to take Su Zijin away?"

Hearing this, Liu Baocheng shook his head gently:

"I don't know about this, but it is said that Huang Guoda has been using Su Zijin's underage as an excuse to

use his connections everywhere to prepare for a new appeal. Now it seems that he should have succeeded in the appeal."

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