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Hearing this, Su Zining nodded, and then explained again:

"The reason I did this is not to use Xiaoyao as cannon fodder,

but to help him take back what belongs to him, and wait until the Su Group is completely controlled by him. If so,

then he can change it to Xiaoyao Group, or a branch of Xiaoyao Group, whatever is fine,

I know he may not want me to help him, but once the Su Group falls completely into Huang Guoda's hands,

then he will It's hard to get it back, so I'm helping him get half of it back.

The rest is up to him. Just think of it as a little token of my appreciation as a sister.

Also, think of it as what I've done for you over the years. "I have done this to atone for my sins."

When the girls heard this, they suddenly realized something.

At the same time, they all nodded in agreement, because what Su Zining said was indeed correct.

Once the Su Group completely fell into Huang Guoda's hands, then Su Xiaoyao would It will be difficult to take it back.

After all, Huang Guoda's strength at this time should not be underestimated, and he also has industries in the neighboring Jiangcheng.

Therefore, Su Zining also concluded that Su Xiaoyao would accept his help.

Su Xiaoyao is not a fool, he will definitely think it over carefully.

The power of this He knows it himself...

"Since that's the case, Third Sister, you should call Su Zhengguo and ask him to transfer his shares to you first.

When he transfers them to you, you can go to the company to take up the position.

This Don't be fooled by him this time. You must not release the eagle until you see the rabbit. "

Su Zirui pondered for a moment, then reminded Su Zining.

Hearing this, Su Zining chuckled and then slowly said:

"Don't worry, naturally I won't forget... I'll call him right now."

After that, Su Zining directly dialed Su Zhengguo's number.


Su Zhengguo's faint voice came from the other end of the phone.

Hearing this, Su Zining immediately went straight to the point and explained his conditions.

However, after hearing this, Su Zhengguo seemed to be in deep thought for a moment before he slowly spoke:

“I can give you 20% of the shares first, and then I will give you 20% of the shares after half a year. All the remaining shares in my hand will be handed over to you. "

However, after hearing this, Su Zining snorted coldly and said in a mocking tone:

"Su Zhengguo, do you think I'm a fool? I helped you last time just because we are father and daughter.

I can't bear it. Seeing all your hard work for so many years destroyed,

But you still want to use this method to deceive me today, do you really think I am a fool? "

After hearing this, Su Zhengguo on the other end of the phone suddenly turned pale and almost gritted his teeth when he spoke :

"Okay, I promise you."

"Okay, then you take some time and we'll transfer the shares.

When you transfer the shares to me, I'll take over the company."

After that, Su Zhengguo responded, and Su Zining hung up the phone first.

On the other side, Su Zhengguo's face was extremely ugly.

"What's wrong? What did Zining say?"

Seeing Su Zhengguo's face was a little ugly, Liu Fang on the side hurriedly asked.

Hearing this, Su Zhengguo immediately said Su Zining's words word for word. I told her without missing a beat.

But who would have thought that Liu Fang sighed softly after hearing it, and then she spoke again to comfort her:

"Well, we are a little old, and it is really not suitable for us to worry about the company's affairs.

Why not Let's take this opportunity to hand over the company to Zining.

We can also have time to enjoy our own time.

We have been busy for most of our lives, and it's time to take a break... "


Hearing this Su Zhengguo paused, then smiled, and then gently touched Liu Fang's hand, and said tenderly:

"Wife, I... I'm sorry. I was wrong before, but you have to believe that I love you.

I was just... just confused for a moment."

In response to Su Zhengguo's explanation, Liu Fang just smiled tiredly: "What's so confusing? We've lived together for most of our lives. Am I really going to divorce you?

Let's forget about what happened last time. You forgot about it, and I forgot about it too. Let's spend the rest of our time together. Just enjoy it slowly. "

Hearing this, Su Zhengguo pursed his lips and nodded.

Of course, he could see that Liu Fang still couldn't get over this hurdle in her heart.

The forgiveness now is just a reluctance to give up the feelings of so many years. That's all.

But this is enough for Su Zhengguo who made a mistake.

Fang had chosen to forget about that matter, so Su Zhengguo was naturally happy.

He didn't have to be so tired for the rest of his life.

However, his thinking was still a little too simple.

He now had half of the shares of Su Group, so Huang Guoda couldn't easily touch him.

But what about after handing over the shares? Will Huang Guoda let him go?

Of course, this is all later...

The next morning, Su Zhengguo, with the help of Liu Fang, went through all the procedures.

He quickly completed the share transfer contract with Su Zining.

"Zining, will you blame us?"

When the public relations officer left the door, Liu Fang pursed her lips and finally asked the doubts in her heart.

However, after hearing this, Su Zining only smiled contemptuously, and then slowly spoke:

"Why do I blame you? Blame you for protecting Su Zijin? Blame you for alienating me for him?"

After saying that, without waiting for Liu Fang to answer, Su Zining shook his head and spoke again:

"You are wrong. In fact, I have not suffered any special harm because of this.

On the contrary, it is you who have been plotted against by the son you have raised with so much effort for so many years. You must feel bad, right?

However, these are all your own faults. Who can you blame?"

Hearing this, Liu Fang smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, but did not speak.

After the Su Zijin incident, she was the most wronged.

Not to mention being deceived by her adopted son, the most important thing is that this adopted son is the son of her rival in love.

For the son of her rival in love, she even broke up with her own children. It is simply ridiculous.

If she must use a word to describe herself, it is probably... idiot.

"Okay, now that the matter has been completed, I will go to the company. You two can take care of yourselves."

After saying that, Su Zining left quickly without giving the two time to react.

Seeing this, Su Zhengguo and Liu Fang pursed their lips, and in the end, the two did not say anything.

Or rather, the two of them did not know what to say at all...

On the other side, in the Huang family villa...

"Chairman, Madam, Master, come downstairs for dinner."

The servants were calling softly upstairs at this time.

Soon, Huang Guoda and others were seen wearing clothes and going downstairs.

However, when several people had already started to eat, they saw the door of a utility room slowly opened.

Then a dishevelled, bruised and swollen man walked out of it.

Looking closely, isn't this person Su Zijin?

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