The most important thing is that his goal has been achieved, and Huang Guoda has agreed to take him home.

Although it may be a dangerous place, it may also be more miserable than living with the caregiver.

But it is much better than being imprisoned for a lifetime.

The most important thing is that he can only have the opportunity to compete for the other half of Huang Guoda's property if he returns to the Huang family.

For the other half of the property, he will accept a little hardship and suffering.

Thinking about his future life, all of this is worth it.

While Su Zijin was thinking, the secretary had pushed him to the parking lot, and then carried him into the car.

After doing all this, the secretary sat in the driver's seat with a lazy look on his face.

Then he looked at Su Zijin with interest through the rearview mirror.

Seeing this, Su Zijin frowned slightly and said in a somewhat unfriendly tone:

"Why are you looking at me?"

Hearing this, the secretary chuckled and then said meaningfully:

"I remember I told you in the hospital that there were two roads for you to choose after that incident, right?"

After hearing this, Su Zijin pondered for a moment, and then looked at the secretary with some doubts and said:

"What do you want to say?"

However, this time, the secretary did not look at Su Zijin through the rearview mirror, but turned his head and said with a joking face:

"What I want to say is that you have chosen the wrong road again."

After that, the secretary turned his head and leaned lazily on the driver's seat again, and said indifferently:

"Originally, you could have lived your life without worries. , although it seems that you are imprisoned by the nurse,

but that is only temporary. When you are no longer a threat to the chairman,

or he relaxes his vigilance against you, he will release you from the imprisonment.

You may not be rich by then, but he will not let you starve to death for the sake of the father-son relationship.

At least you can have enough food and clothing and live an ordinary and well-off life. What a pity... "

At this point, the secretary looked at Su Zijin through the rearview mirror again and said sarcastically,

"What a pity, you have chosen the wrong path again. What awaits you this time will be endless torture,

or maybe hell on earth...,

But this time, you don't have the chance to choose again... "

After that, the secretary closed his eyes, as if he was taking a nap.

However, after hearing this, Su Zijin sneered and then spoke to himself:

"I'll wait and see, but it's still unknown who will win..."

On the other side, Su Zhengguo was sitting outside the Su family villa, staring at his former home with burning eyes.

He still had half a bottle of wine in his hand, and there were bottles all around. Judging from the number, he should have been drinking here all night.

That's right, since Su Zhengguo left the police station yesterday, he came to the Su family villa alone and sat there all night.

Looking at the home that once belonged to him, he now doesn't even have the qualifications to enter.

This made him feel sad.

But he was powerless to do anything about it, so he could only drink in a depressed mood, as if he wanted to eliminate the boredom in his heart.

At this moment, Su Zhengguo raised the bottle of wine to the Su family villa, as if he was making his final farewell.

Farewell to the family business he had built with his own hands, and the place where he had lived for more than ten years.

After drinking a bottle of wine, two lines of tears flowed unconsciously from the corners of his eyes.

Mixed with the wine overflowing from the corners of his mouth, it was hard to hide the bitterness in it.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he shed tears, but I don’t know what his mood was at the moment.

"Ding ding ding~~."

The buzzing sound of a car interrupted his thoughts.

Looking back, I saw a moving truck with a full truck of luggage slowly driving towards this side.

And it stopped right in front of the door of the Su family villa.

Then I saw several staff members get off the car and move the things into the villa.

At this moment, I don’t know if it was intentional or the alcohol took effect.

I saw Su Zhengguo staggering to his feet, then threw the bottle of wine at the staff, and then cursed:

"Who asked you to come to my house? Get out of here."

As he said, he staggered forward to stop the staff from moving things into the house.

"Who are you? Are you sick?"

Seeing this, the staff member did not tolerate him and started to curse him.

However, Su Zhengguo could not listen to these words at this time and still wanted to drive the staff away.

At this moment, Su Zhengguo's arm

Suddenly, someone grabbed her arm, and then a familiar voice sounded in her ear:

"Let's go, stop making trouble."

Hearing this, Su Zhengguo looked back and saw Liu Fang standing behind him, looking at him with a bitter face.

Seeing this, Su Zhengguo suddenly became anxious, and then he burped and said hurriedly:

"He...they want to occupy our home, I can't let them succeed."

However, after hearing this, Liu Fang shook her head, then looked at their former home, and said with a self-deprecating look:

"We...where is our home anymore."

Yes, where is our home anymore? Now their own son has cut off relations with them.

Even their daughters who have the best relationship with them have drawn a clear line with them.

Now, this only home has become a shelter for others, where is their home anymore?

Hearing this, Su Zhengguo seemed to be completely awakened by this sentence, his eyes full of bitterness.

Then he raised his eyes, took a last careful look at their former home, and then shook his head, saying in a self-deprecating tone:

"Yeah, where do we have a home anymore?"

After that, Su Zhengguo staggered away with the help of Liu Fang.

At the same time, a black business car also stopped at the door of the Su family villa.

A middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman got out of the car, and their three children followed behind them.

"Who is this person?"

Looking at the backs of Liu Fang and Su Zhengguo leaving, the man couldn't help but ask with some confusion.

However, at this time, a middle-aged woman who was watching the excitement sighed lightly, and then slowly said:

"He is Su Zhengguo, the former president of Su Group, but he went bankrupt recently."

Hearing this, the man suddenly showed a look of sudden enlightenment, as if he also knew about Su Group, and then spoke again:

"Where are all his children? Why don't they come to pick him up when he is in this state?"

"Alas~ If you say that this is his own fault, he has seven daughters and one son, all of whom are very smart and good children,

But he just loves an adopted son and even alienates his son for this.

I am also his neighbor. I often heard the screams of his biological son in the middle of the night before.

Later, his son broke off relations with him and there was no contact after that. As for his daughters, it is probably the same."

The middle-aged woman sighed and explained, her eyes full of regret.

However, after hearing this, the middle-aged lady's eyes did reveal a hint of contempt, and then she said lightly:

"That's really what he deserves. He ignored his own son and insisted on being nice to an adopted son.

It's not surprising that he ended up like this."

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