Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1001: The best news in the newspaper 1

Just as Chu Muyue expected, when she went to school for a new week, the school had no rumor that she was the behind-the-scenes boss of the medicinal restaurant.

As for the students, they are all hot, and the fire quickly, but it also goes out quickly.

Unless this matter has been confirmed, and it has caused a sensation for everyone, it will not subside so quickly.

Chu Muyue was very satisfied with the development of such a situation, and it was better to let him calm down slowly, and it was still so fast, to spend his energy to calm down this matter.

Ouyang Mengxi smiled and told Chu Muyue good news, "Mu Yue, no one really said that you are the boss behind the medicinal restaurant, so you don't have to worry about it!"

"Well, yes, so I don't get bored!" Chu Muyue nodded in agreement.

"Cut, I have to let them say it again sooner or later!" Mu Zhitong rolled her eyes and looked at Chu Muyue, "However, I just don't know how long you intend to hide this matter from everyone!"

Chu Muyue shook his head, "It won't be long, at most, I'll know it next semester!"

She has to wait until those products of Dream Cosmetics Company begin to enter the market and announce her identity.

If her identity is announced, she may have a heart to join in the fun.

She, a 16 or 17-year-old girl, has already fired a good restaurant like a medicinal restaurant. What about the skin care products produced by the dream cosmetics company now opened!

She wants to use this limelight to quarrel with the limelight of her dream cosmetics company.

This can be said to be an intangible and capitalless publicity advertisement. How can she not take advantage of such a good thing?

After all, she is still short of money!

"Hehe, then I'll just wait. When those people hear this news, what kind of expression will they look like!" Mu Zhitong said excitedly and expectantly.

An Ziyun laughed excitedly with her arms akimbo, "That is, they are still looking for various reasons to refute it, but when that time comes, they will probably have to cry and want to hit the wall!"

"Let this matter take its course!" Chu Muyue said leisurely.

It is also because this matter is still uncertain, Chu Muyue's current study life is still very peaceful.

Moreover, because Chu Muyue's grades were the first in grade, Yu Chengwei read other books to Chu Muyue and didn't say anything.

However, Chu Muyue didn't know that Liu Qingyue sent someone to adjust the matter and stood guard at the entrance of the medicinal restaurant, whether she was there.

But, unfortunately, Liu Qingyue's speed was a bit slow.

She investigated on Friday, and it was only on Saturday that someone squatted at the gate of the medicinal restaurant to see if Chu Muyue was there.

However, Chu Muyue, who had already been to the medicinal restaurant once on Friday, did not go.

Liu Qingyue sent someone to wait for two days and didn't wait. She was still unwilling to give up, and sent someone to wait for the next Friday to Sunday. Before Chu Muyue went to school, did she go to the medicinal restaurant?

What Liu Qingyue didn't know was that in addition to the medicinal restaurant, Chu Muyue also had Dream Cosmetics Company and Hengyue Real Estate Company. Therefore, during the weekends, he did not go to the medicinal restaurant, but went to the construction site.

After all, next month is December, and it is about to enter the end of the year, and she has to check how the factory of Dream Cosmetics is built.

As long as the first phase of the factory is built, the first recruited employees can be allowed to produce and package the products.

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