Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1002: The best news in the newspaper 2

In a blink of an eye, November passed and entered December.

The people sent by Liu Qingyue hadn't waited until Chu Muyue, and planned to wait for the last week before withdrawing them.

However, just before they were planning to withdraw, Xiao Junyan drove and brought Chu Muyue to the medicinal restaurant.

The watcher saw Chu Muyue appear, and compared them with Chu Muyue's photo, and determined that it was the person Liu Qingyue was waiting for, and quickly went to the public telephone booth to inform Liu Qingyue.

When mobile phones have not yet become popular, phone booths set up on the roadside are the best and fastest way to contact.

Moreover, here is Lin City, the capital city of Jiangnan Province, an indispensable telephone booth.

Upon receiving the notice, Liu Qingyue rushed to the medicated restaurant without stopping.

At this time, Chu Muyue was still checking the accounts in the medicated restaurant, summing up in a week, and summing up in a month, Chu Muyue had to check it.

Tomorrow I need to go to the birthday of the elders. I guess I’m a little busy, and I don’t have time to deal with the medicinal restaurant.

Busy until the sky was getting dark, Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan walked out of the small door of the medicated restaurant, accompanied by Ling Hong behind him.

"Then see you tomorrow! You go first, and I won't be with you!" Chu Muyue said to Ling Hong.

Ling Hong nodded, "Okay, Miss Chu!"

I have to say that when Chu Muyue heard about the behavior of the elder's child, she was a little dumbfounded.

Inviting Ling Hong, even bluntly asked him to send medicated wine over, other gifts are not necessary.

Although Chu Muyue would give the elder some medicinal wine every month, how could this old man feel that it was not enough!

Chu Muyue was unwilling to give more, so he put his attention on Ling Hong's head and asked him to take the medicinal wine directly to the birthday party.

After bidding farewell to Ling Hong, Chu Muyue got into the car with Xiao Junyan.

"Tomorrow you can't go, you and my dad will eat together at home!" Chu Muyue turned her head, looked at Xiao Junyan, and said.

Although he was going to attend the birthday banquet of the elders, Chu Muyue still cared very much about Xiao Junyan's life and whether he would eat very little.

Xiao Junyan nodded gently, "Okay!"

"You have to eat more this time. If you eat less, I will be angry!" Chu Muyue looked at Xiao Junyan with a smirk, and said threateningly.

Xiao Junyan turned his head, glanced at Chu Muyue gently, and nodded gently, "Okay!"

At this time, the two of them were sweet, but they didn't know that someone had already taken a photo of them just now.

Liu Qingyue narrowed her eyes slightly, staring at Chu Muyue and the car they were driving away, gritted her teeth.

"It turned out to be true, how is this possible! She turned out to be the owner of the medicinal restaurant!"

Don't blame Liu Qingyue for not knowing Xiao Junyan, subconsciously thinking that Xiao Junyan is Chu Muyue's driver, this car belongs to Chu Muyue.

Liu Qingyue didn't care about Xiao Junyan's license plate either, she was already shocked by the fact that Chu Muyue was the owner of the medicinal restaurant.

The person arranged by Liu Qingyue was not a professional reporter, so he didn't understand what Xiao Junyan's license plate represented.

Is it possible to have a private driver to prove that the family has money?

"You don't want others to know, I want to let others know! Moreover, I also want to let your medicinal restaurant, from then on, can't open it anymore!" Liu Qingyue watched Xiao Junyan disappear into the traffic, her eyes fell. At the gate of the medicinal food restaurant, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a mocking light appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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