Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1040: Chairman Jiang sees a doctor 2

After breakfast, Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan went to the medicated restaurant.

I don’t know if it’s because of the news in the newspaper.

The line of people outside the medicinal restaurant is already long.

Ling Hong also prepared a lot of plastic stools for the waiting people to sit outside and wait.

Chu Muyue was very satisfied with what happened outside. Perhaps this was the effect of the news.

People who have only heard something from others also come over to eat and eat, just like the Internet celebrity food of later generations, they all want to keep the heat.

Of course, this is also aimed at people who have some money at home, and those who don't have money just look outside.

It was a bit cold outside, so Chu Muyue asked Ling Hong to arrange for the chefs to prepare lamb bone soup. As long as they lined up outside, they could come up with another bowl of lamb bone soup to warm them up.

Lamb bone soup with two kinds of medicine can not only warm up the body, but also make the body more comfortable.

After drinking lamb bone soup, I obviously felt more comfortable and warmer than drinking soup at home.

Deliberately selected service personnel to explain to them some of the Chinese medicinal materials in the mutton bone soup, and their medicinal properties were clearly explained.

This also caused many diners to brave the cold wind to wait outside.

"President Chu, there are so many people outside, should we add a few tables outside?" Ling Hong asked Chu Muyue expectantly.

Chu Muyue shook her head and said, "No, we are taking the high-end route, and the chefs below are also very busy every day, so it's not suitable to increase the amount!"

"Well, all right!" Ling Hong nodded.

In the past, when he opened a restaurant, most people would add a little table outside, as long as they were willing to eat outside.

After all, who would think there is too much money?

But since Chu Muyue didn't plan to do this, Ling Hong didn't say more.

Indeed, as she said, they are taking the high-end route, not suitable for adding tables and chairs outside.

"From today, it is estimated that it will be very noisy in the next year. You should recruit more service staff and don't be too tired!"

"Okay, I will arrange it!" Ling Hong nodded.

"Cooks can also recruit more. Anyway, they can relax now. After the new medicinal restaurant opens, people will be needed there. It is possible that there will be not enough staff. Let's choose now!" Chu Muyue confronted. Ling Hong reminded.

"Okay, I will go down and arrange to recruit more chefs to come in!" Ling Hong nodded, indeed these chefs are still too few.

I am still a little too busy now. In the future, a new medicinal restaurant will be built over there. The ordinary membership card will have several floors of boxes, and there will be a dining table in the hall below.

There will be silver and gold memberships in the back, and these people also need a lot of chefs.

"Cultivate first, by that time, the craftsmanship will be able to pass the level, let those who have better skills to cook for those silver card and gold card members!" Chu Muyue said to Ling Hong with a smile.

Ling Hong nodded, "Okay! I will tell the chefs this news!"

"Yeah!" Chu Muyue nodded, "You go down first!"

Ling Hong turned around and left the office, leaving only Xiao Junyan to accompany Chu Muyue in the office to read documents.

However, before a minute or two passed, Ling Hong knocked on the door of the room and walked in with a smile on his face, "Mr. Chu, there is a guest here!"

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