Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1041: Chairman Jiang sees a doctor 3

Chu Muyue looked up and saw a middle-aged man walk in behind Ling Hong. When he saw this middle-aged man, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"It turned out to be Dong Jiang, welcome!" Chu Muyue stood up from behind the desk, smiled and walked towards the middle-aged man who entered the office.

This middle-aged man is no one else, but Jiang Xu, who was found ill by her at the elder's banquet yesterday.

This Jiang Xu is the chairman of the largest department store in Jiangnan Province, and he is well-funded.

Jiang Xu saw that Chu Muyue was in this office as expected, and his face also showed a smile. It looked like he didn't even know that he was seriously ill.

"Miss Chu, I am still worried that I will not be able to find you today!" Jiang Xu stepped forward and Chu Muyue shook hands and said with a smile.

Chu Muyue stretched out her hand to Jiang Xu and said, "Jiang Dong, please sit down. There are some things today, so I will deal with some things here in the morning, but I won't be here in the afternoon!"

"Hahaha, then I have a good fate!" Jiang Xu laughed and nodded.

Chu Muyue's deliberate friendship with Jiang Xu didn't break, with a small smile at the corner of his mouth, "Yes, it's really fateful!"

Jiang Xu has a smile on his face, but his face is still a bit tangled. Shouldn't he tell Chu Muyue directly about his affairs?

Seeing Jiang Xu not knowing what to say, Chu Muyue helped him, "Jiang Dong left the banquet early yesterday. I didn't have time to talk to Jiang Dong and get to know each other! "

Hearing what Chu Muyue said, Jiang Xu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, smiled and nodded, and directly borrowed the donkey from Po, "Yes! Yesterday, after hearing your reminder from Mr. Chu, I went to the hospital immediately. I checked it, and sure enough, as President Chu said, I really got that kind of disease!"

"As long as this disease is discovered early, it can still be controlled and cured!" Chu Muyue smiled slightly and picked up a cup of tea made by Ling Hongxin.

Hearing what Chu Muyue said, a look of excitement flashed across Jiang Xu's face, looking at Chu Muyue expectantly, "I don't know how Ms. Chu you treated?"

"I study Chinese medicine, not Western medicine, so I won't use Western medicine's chemotherapy and resection treatments!" Chu Muyue said with a smile, "The treatment time is relatively long, but I don't know whether Mr. Jiang is willing to try. Give it a try?"

Jiang Xu pondered for a moment, and said with a smile, "My illness was seen by President Chu. Now I have come to find Miss Chu. Naturally I believe that Miss Chu, your medical skills must be better than those of you!"

When he said that, Jiang Xu actually thought so in his heart.

Whether it was Yuan Xiao's business or his own business, he had to believe that Chu Muyue had this ability.

After all, Chu Muyue saw his illness, and others didn't know it yet, and he only thought it was chronic gastritis.

But I didn't expect that it would be such a disease.

Before coming, he had been thinking about whether to seek medical treatment or Chu Muyue for treatment.

However, after weighing the pros and cons, he thought it would be better to come to Chu Muyue for treatment.

Hearing Jiang Xu's answer, Chu Muyue smiled and nodded, "Yes, I believe that Jiang Dong's choice must not be wrong!"

It's no wonder that Jiang Xu was able to create Jiasheng Department Store before he was fifty years old. This kind of courage is not something that everyone can have, after all, it is related to his own life.

If she believed her by mistake, she would have given her whole life.

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