Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1042: Chairman Jiang sees a doctor 4

Chu Muyue looked at Jiang Xu seriously, and said remindingly, "However, Dong Jiang, I still want to remind you that when I treat you, you can’t seek treatment with Western medicine, because it may cause rejection of Chinese and Western medicine. Helping you cure your illness will make your illness worse!"

In fact, mutual treatment of Chinese and Western medicine can have no effect, but since she has been treated by herself, she will be treated from beginning to end.

Jiang Xu can find a doctor of western medicine to help him with an examination, but it is absolutely impossible for him to be treated.

That's why she wants to make it clear to Jiang Xu, and she also wants to see what Jiang Xu's attitude is.

Jiang Xu nodded gently, "Okay!"

He has also heard of this disease. Even in foreign countries, there is no cure. It can only be treated by chemotherapy. This kind of treatment is very painful, and he doesn't know if he can bear it.

Therefore, he would rather seek treatment from Chu Muyue, after all, her medical skills are over there.

"Thank Jiang Dong for his trust in me. I believe that I will not let you down, and I will definitely help you cure the disease!" Chu Muyue said to Jiang Xu with a smile.

Chu Muyue was very happy that Jiang Xu was willing to believe in her treatment.

These are incurable relative to terminal illnesses in later lives, so she still has some research on them.

In the previous life, because her father's illness was terminally ill, she could only watch her father die. Now, she is committed to these terminally ills, so that those terminally ill will no longer be terminally ill.

Jiang Xu said with emotion, "Mr. Chu, you are the only one who knew about my illness without investigating my physical condition. To be honest, if this matter was not what you told me, but I was in the hospital long ago. I will definitely not believe you when it is found out that there is this disease, but this is the first thing you said, so I believe you so!"

After Chu Muyue's answer, Jiang Xu breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't know why, he just believed that after Chu Muyue said that she would be able to cure his illness, he would really be cured.

These words are exactly what he said, because Chu Muyue was the first to find out that he was sick.

It is not known through other information surveys.

Chu Muyue listened to Jiang Xu's big truth, smiled at the corner of her mouth, and said, "I understand, after all, who can believe such a thing 100%!"

"Then bother Mr. Chu, you will take good care of you in the future!" Jiang Xu said with a smile.

Chu Muyue stood up and said with a smile, "Then let's start treatment now!"

"Can treatment be done here?" Jiang Xu asked after looking at this office.

"Yes!" Chu Muyue nodded, pointed to the next door, and said, "There is a room next door. It is President Ling's lounge here. If Dong Jiang doesn't mind, go to that room!"

Sometimes when he is busy, Ling Hong will live here directly, so a lounge is also arranged here, this time it also comes in handy.

"It's all right!" Jiang Xu shook his head quickly.

As long as the illness on his body can be cured, it is estimated that he would be willing to lie in the mud.

Chu Muyue smiled and took Jiang Xu to Ling Hong's room to help him perform acupuncture treatment first.

And Xiao Junyan knew that Chu Muyue had tools for practicing medicine on her body, that was in her space, so she didn't go there, staying in this office, there was nothing he could do to help.

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