Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1044: The sensation caused by all parties 1

"Dong Jiang, how do you feel about your body?" Chu Muyue asked Jiang Xu.

Jiang Xu came back to his senses and looked at Chu Muyue with a smile on his face and said, "Okay, very good! I have never felt so comfortable! I used to have a backache in my back and I would go for some acupuncture and moxibustion. Massage, but it’s not as useful as what you did, Mr. Chu!"

"Well, as long as you feel comfortable, let's go to the next door first, and I will prescribe a prescription for you, and you will follow this prescription when you go back!" Chu Muyue stood up and said.

When Xiao Junyan saw Chu Muyue about to get up, he held her arm and led her away.

Jiang Xu looked at Xiao Junyan and couldn't help but wipe the sweat from his forehead. He was shocked unconsciously. Who is this man, and why his eyes are so terrible.

He has met many people, and he has also seen many people with murder cases, but they are not as good as Xiao Junyan alone. A look in his eyes can make him feel cold and unable to move.

Had it not been for Chu Muyue's sudden opening, he wouldn't know how long he would stand there stupidly.

This also caused Xiao Junyan to help Chu Muyue leave without paying attention.

After regaining some consciousness, Jiang Xu left the room and went to the office next door.

Chu Muyue wrote down the prescription and handed it to Jiang Xu, "Jiang Dong, this is your prescription. After you go back, take it according to the medicine, three meals a day, and take it after a good meal!"

"Okay!" Jiang Xu took the prescription, looked at it, nodded, "I will take the medicine immediately after I go back!"

"Also, Dong Jiang, your illness was caused by your overeating and eating in the past. Therefore, you must eat more in the future. Don't drink anymore. I will help you during the treatment period. Light is the main thing!" Chu Muyue reminded.

Jiang Xu listened and nodded quickly, "Good job, I will definitely pay attention!"

"Well, when you are fine, you can also come to my medicated food restaurant to find Ling Hong and ask him to help you order some light and warm medicated food, it is also ok!" Chu Muyue smiled, and did not forget to call his medicated food restaurant An advertisement.

"Do these medicinal diets also treat my body?" Jiang Xu asked Chu Muyue curiously.

Chu Muyue smiled and shook her head, and said, "It's not considered a treatment, but if you add the Chinese medicines I gave you, it will be easier to develop the medicinal properties, and it will be more able to warm and treat your stomach. The speed can be faster!"

"Okay!" Jiang Xu nodded, seemingly understanding, "Then thank you Miss Chu."

"Dong Jiang now go back and take a good rest. Don't be too tired during the time I am treating you!" Chu Muyue asked again.

"Okay, then... I won't bother Mr. Chu too much, Mr. Chu, take a break, too!" Jiang Xu only then saw Chu Muyue's face a little pale and ugly, and said with concern.

Although I don't know why, from the effect of the treatment Chu Muyue gave him, she must be very tired, so she won't be bothered here anymore.

In fact, the most important thing is that he can't stand whether a certain man will look at him indifferently, it is too stressful.

Chu Muyue nodded, "Okay, Brother Xiao, give it to me!"

Now she was too lazy to get up and give away, she was too tired.

Xiao Junyan reached out to Jiang Xu, "please!"

Jiang Xugan smiled and nodded. Hearing Chu Muyue's address to him, he didn't expect that he would be Mr. Chu's senior.

I don't know if I am in awe of Xiao Junyan, or because I am so happy, I forgot to pay Chu Muyue the consultation fee.

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