Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1045: The sensation caused by all parties 2

Chu Muyue collapsed into the big office chair, looking very lazy.

After Xiao Junyan sent Jiang Xu away, he walked in and saw Chu Muyue's lazy but elegant posture, her thin lips slightly raised, and she gently closed the door.

Although the sound of closing the door was very soft, Chu Muyue still heard it, but only her eyelids moved. She didn't open it, she knew it was Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan came to the edge of the office chair, looked at her posture, looked around, there was only a sofa in the room, and he carefully picked her up.

Chu Muyue groaned in her nose, her eyelids trembled lightly, and she wanted to open.

"Hold you to rest on the sofa!" Xiao Junyan's voice was gentle and soft, as if he was afraid of waking her up.

Hearing Xiao Junyan's words, Chu Muyue didn't seem to move anymore, and she nuzzled in his arms.

Seeing the well-behaved appearance of the little man in his arms, Xiao Junyan's eyes became more gentle, put her on the sofa carefully, and found another blanket and put it on her.

It wasn't until twelve o'clock that Chu Muyue opened her eyes and stretched out comfortably.

Xiao Junyan looked down at Chu Muyue with her head resting on her legs, and said, "Awake?"

"Yeah!" Chu Muyue nodded and looked at Xiao Junyan, "What time is it?"

"Twelve o'clock!" Xiao Junyan looked at his watch and said.

"It's so late?" Chu Muyue sat up, turned around and looked around, scratching his head again, "How about lunch? Have you eaten it?"

"No, waiting for you!" Xiao Junyan said, raising his hand to help her trim her somewhat messy hair.

Chu Muyue rolled her eyes angrily, knowing that someone would never eat obediently.

"You let the kitchen get something to eat, don't be too delicate!" Chu Muyue yawned, lay down on the sofa again, and ordered, "You eat with me!"

"Good!" Xiao Junyan nodded, got up and left the office.

As Xiao Junyan left, Chu Muyue stretched again and rolled on the sofa a few times before she was willing to get up and went out to wash her face with cold water.

After rejoicing, I walked back to the office and happened to meet Xiao Junyan who was walking up.

Xiao Junyan saw Chu Muyue's wet face, and Chu Muyue, who had washed her face, gave people a very refreshing feeling, and her dark eyes became deeper.

However, Xiao Junyan still walked to Chu Muyue's face, raised her hand and wiped her wet cheeks, "Why don't you wipe them dry?"

Chu Muyue smiled, turned around and entered the office, "Be more sober!"

"Be careful of cold!" Xiao Junyan still caringly exhorted, and walked into the room with Chu Muyue.

In fact, what Chu Muyue didn't know was that at this time, many of the rich people who went to the birthday banquet of the elders last night were asking for news.

What news do you want?

That is to inquire, last night Chu Muyue said that Jiang Xu had stomach cancer, is it true?

Inquired into the hospital that Jiang Xu went to check last night, and asked the doctor to confirm this matter.

After it was confirmed that Jiang Xu actually had stomach cancer, all of them were shocked.

And some people sent someone to wait outside the medicated restaurant to check whether Jiang Xu was going to the medicated restaurant today.

When Jiang Xu really appeared, they all boiled.

Now there is no need to ask anymore, they have already determined that it seems that Jiang Xu really has stomach cancer, as Chu Muyue said.

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