Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1046: The sensation caused by all parties 3

As a school leader, I also pay attention to some facts every day.

When they saw the contents of the news paper, their jaws fell to the ground in an instant.

They had to drop their chins. It was exactly the identity of Chu Muyue written in this newspaper. They were students of the No. 1 Middle School in Linshi, the 18th class, and they were also the champion of the high school entrance examination in Xingshi.

How can they not understand this title?

Subconsciously, they thought this thing was false, but it was already written in several newspapers, and it was still a certain thing, and they had to be convinced that it was true.

At the beginning, the three champions in Xingshi's high school entrance examination came to the No. 1 Middle School together. They attached great importance to them, but they only valued Wu Hongjun and Yuan Xiao.

It is true that the family affairs of these two people are very good, so that they only noticed them, but did not notice Chu Muyue who was with them.

After all, in the materials they treated, Chu Muyue's father was just a retired veteran.

And it seems that Chu Muyue is still an orphan, adopted by his father.

Such a girl with no housework, even if her grades passed the Xingshi high school entrance examination, they didn't really notice.

It's just that, letting her come to school to study, that is the usual practice, the champion in the high school entrance examination, it must be a little more to come in, so that they have the confidence.

However, they did not expect that their practice, but because they neglected, Chu Muyue, a figure in the limelight, would be ignored.

Chu Muyue, who was about to go to school, naturally didn't know what happened in the school.

"It's estimated that I'm going back to study this week, it's a little troublesome!" Chu Muyue sighed helplessly, her small face a bit distressed.

Looking at Chu Muyue sitting in the passenger seat, the corners of Xiao Junyan's mouth rose slightly, "Don't like it?"

"It's not that I don't like it, it's just that I am afraid of being annoyed!" Chu Muyue shook his head gently, "It is estimated that there are a group of people watching good shows outside the class!"

Xiao Junyan's eyes were filled with a thick gentle smile, "Don't pay attention to them!"

"Well! Ignore them, I will live my own life!" Chu Muyue nodded gently.

It was also Chu Muyue's luck. Because of the sudden exposure of his identity, many things had to be rearranged, which made it a bit late to return to school.

Therefore, I didn't encounter the students from time to time to the door of the eighteenth class to see if she was there.

Mu Zhitong and the others, who were sitting in their seats, all had smiles on their faces.

They were very clear about their actions. They must have been shocked by Chu Muyue's affairs. Let's confirm it now.

However, now Chu Muyue hasn't returned to school yet!

"Hey, the thing Mu Yue least wants to see has happened!" An Ziyun said with a smile on her face of schadenfreude.

Yan Yu cut and said disdainfully, "What's this? On Saturday night, the scene of being surrounded by a group of rich people is even bigger than this!"

An Ziyun stared, "I don't know what happened that time, but now I can see it!"

"Hey, it's a pity that you didn't go. That scene, it was a lively scene. Mu Yue was surrounded by those people, and she couldn't see her at all!" Mu Zhitong nodded for a while. Tsk tsk shook his head, "If I face such a scene, I might be speechless!"

"So, people are more popular!" Yan Yu sighed helplessly, admiringly said, "Now I am waiting for Mu Yue to come to school, hehe, I am also looking forward to it!"

"me too!"

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