Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1047: The sensation caused by all parties 4

When Chu Muyue came to school, it was already nearly night to study on her own, and she went straight to the classroom.

When I walked into the classroom, I received the strange look of the classmates who raised their heads.

For these staring gazes, Chu Muyue directly ignored them and sat in his seat.

Ouyang Mengxi approached Chu Muyue's side and said, "The students at the school probably already know about you!"

"Well, I guessed it too!" Chu Muyue nodded lightly, her tone very relaxed, as if she really didn't care about their attitude at all.

Yan Yu turned around and smiled at Chu Muyue and reminded him, "It is estimated that the school leaders also know about this matter. The head teacher just came to see you in the class. I should ask you about this matter!"

"Yeah! I see!" Chu Muyue nodded gently.

She disagrees with the school's approach, but it is also the trend of the times. However, at least she did not want troublesome things to happen at that time, so she did not disclose her identity.

Now, the school leader knows and wants to find her, whether she should deal with them or deal with them.

While we were talking, the time for late self-study was almost up. The head teacher Yu Chengwei walked in from outside, and she was slightly taken aback when she saw Chu Muyue who had already arrived in the classroom.

Then he went to the podium and put down the book in his hand, and said, "Chu Muyue, come out!"

Hearing Yu Chengwei's words, everyone looked up at Chu Muyue.

To be honest, they also wanted to ask Chu Muyue whether the news from the outside was true, and whether the content in the news paper was true.

However, until now, everyone's relationship with Chu Muyue is just classmates. The one who usually plays with her closest is Yan Yu and the others next to her seat.

I haven't talked so much in normal times, so I dare not come forward and deliberately ask about this matter.

Ask Mu Zhitong what about them? They didn't say anything, they just sold Guanzi, saying that they could ask her when Chu Muyue came, which made them scratch their hearts.

Seeing Chu Muyue followed Yu Chengwei to leave the classroom, the students in the class began to talk again.

"Chu Muyue was called out, is she inquiring about her identity!"

"Yes, the teacher has come to see Chu Muyue in the class a long time ago, and hasn't seen her yet. Now that I see it, I should be asking about this!"

"I heard that this was created by Chu Muyue herself, not by her own family!"

"I also saw it in the newspaper. Her father was just an ordinary person, who was created by Chu Muyue himself!"

"But how is this possible, where did her money come from?"

"That's right, open that kind of restaurant, where does the money come from!"

"I think it was obtained by an unholy way? After all, her family doesn't have much money!"

"Impossible? If this is the case, then the police will investigate and come!"

The classmates bowed their heads and talked a lot, and the classroom was noisy and became more and more noisy.

Yan Yu and the others praised Chu Muyue as they listened to the comments of the surrounding students.

Of course, there are people who can’t eat grapes and say the grapes are sour, so Chu Muyue’s money is of unknown origin.

Mu Zhitong, who knew most about Chu Muyue's money, was very angry at their discussion.

Yan Yu slapped the table on the table and yelled, "It's in class, don't whisper!"

Frightened by Yan Yu's scolding, all the students in the class lowered their heads and dared not speak any more.

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