Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1065: Press meeting at the medicinal restaurant 1

Chu Muyue returned to the office of the medicated restaurant. At this time, Ling Hong had received the call and was waiting for her.

"President Chu!" Ling Hong walked to Chu Muyue's face, looking a little ugly.

Chu Muyue nodded, and said, "I already know, this matter is my burden to the medicinal food restaurant, someone deliberately troubled me!"

Sometimes, there are too many enemies and it is troublesome. Fortunately, there are still many friends around Chu Muyue.

This time, it was because of her connections and her friends that she was able to stifle everything in the cradle. The loss of the medicinal restaurant should not be great.

"Let me talk about how much the medicinal food restaurant has lost because of this incident!" Chu Muyue sat in front of the desk and chair and asked Ling Hong.

Ling Hong said apologetically, "The time is a bit rushed, and it hasn't been counted yet. However, there are not one hundred thousand, but seven to eighty thousand! This is not counted as the guests lost at night!"

After all, it is only the beginning of the twentieth century. In this era, such a small amount of money every day is considered good.

Chu Muyue nodded gently, and a mocking smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, "Since they have lost so much, let them make compensation, prepare materials, and file complaints against those people!"

"Complaint?" Ling Hong looked at Chu Muyue in surprise, and asked puzzledly, "Didn't Officer Ye have done this matter?"

Chu Muyue shook her head and said, "Since Liu Qingyue wants to trouble me, then I also trouble her. If she wants to destroy my foundation, then I will destroy her trust!"

Who is Liu Qingyue relying on?

Except for her father, there are no other people now.

Therefore, she dragged her father into the water and did not raise her fault as a godfather, but she didn't know, did his father know about this.

If his father is an upright official and there is no evidence, that's fine, if not, then they can only be considered unlucky.

Ling Hong nodded slightly when he heard Chu Muyue's words, and said, "Well, I will find a suitable lawyer in a moment!"

It is estimated that Liu Qingyue never expected that her plan would be solved by Chu Muyue so quickly.

Moreover, it can also be said that Chu Muyue failed from beginning to end without any effort.

In the end, it brought disaster to herself and put her father in jail.

"Also, since this matter has already started to cause trouble, I will ask Yuan Family to show part of their medical expenses, which is exactly what the medicinal restaurant needs!" Chu Muyue thought for a while. Ordered.

Others don't know Chu Muyue's medical skills, but those rich people do.

But sometimes, those who don't know like all kinds of speculations, let them know how her money came from, and block their mouths.

Moreover, this is also a good opportunity to help her publicize her medical skills, and advertise ahead of the launch of the Dream Cosmetics company's products.

"Okay!" Ling Hong nodded, naturally knowing Chu Muyue's purpose, and said with excitement in his heart, "I will arrange it now!"

Chu Muyue nodded and waved to Ling Hong, "Come here first and show me the list of losses!"

At the same time, a plane fell from the sky and stopped at an airport near southern Xinjiang.

Yuan Fengting got off the plane and looked at the distant sky.

Then he bowed his head, got into a car parked outside the airport, drove the car away, and headed towards the forest.

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