Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1066: Press meeting at the medicinal restaurant 2

What happened in the medicated food hall developed quickly, resolved quickly, and naturally spread quickly.

Those who were driven out by the Bureau of Industry and Commerce all talked about what happened in the medicated restaurant.

Although it will be open in the evening soon, many people are still curious about what happened.

Smelling the scent of conspiracy, he hurried to the medicinal restaurant, trying to figure out what happened.

However, when they rushed to the medicated restaurant, they suddenly discovered that many reporters were waiting in the lobby.

After asking them, I found out that the medicated restaurant had to release some news.

Knowing that the medicated restaurant is about to release the news, the reporters will naturally not leave. Some radio stations have even directly called in cameramen to prepare video recordings and make an appointment with the radio stations about today's news content.

Now there is nothing more shocking than Chu Muyue's.

Because the boss behind this medicinal restaurant, the founder who founded him, is a girl who is only sixteen or seventeen years old.

In a modern society, such a news can definitely arouse everyone's attention. As reporters, they have a sensitive sense of smell and know what news can cause a sensation.

At this time, the Medicinal Food Hall had already set aside a space for Ling Hong to issue a press conference. After all, it was urgent now, and everything was urgent.

Standing on the rostrum, Ling Hong was very satisfied with the arrival of many reporters.

"Welcome everyone to come, on behalf of Mr. Chu, thank you all, but because Mr. Chu is still in school, he can't come to this emergency press meeting!" Ling Hong explained to the reporters that Chu Muyue did not The reason for the approach.

"Hello, Manager Ling, we heard that there is a problem with the start-up funds of your medicated restaurant. Is this true?"

"Hello, Manager Ling, I heard that your medicated restaurant was closed by the Bureau of Industry and Commerce in the morning. Why did you open it so soon?"

"Manager Ling, can you tell us more about Chu Muyue?"

"Manager Ling..."

Listening to the noisy inquiry below, Ling Hong raised his hand and pressed it down, not allowing them to speak any more.

Each of these reporters handed their microphones to Ling Hong, waiting for his answer.

Ling Hong glanced at the people and said, "About our boss Chu of the medicinal food restaurant, her news is already clear in your newspaper news, but I still need to provide some, our source of funds, also Why does she have the ability to create a traditional Chinese medicine restaurant like a medicinal restaurant!"

Having said that, I took out a copy of the information so that everyone can see it.

Among these materials, there are information about Chu Muyue's employment in Xingshi No.1 Hospital, and information about seeing a doctor in the Bailao Chinese Medicine Museum.

There is also some information to help Yuan Xiao treat, the medical expenses and Chinese medicine expenses that Yuan Xiao paid.

The reporters were horrified and inexplicably surprised at the contents of these materials. Unexpectedly, Chu Muyue still had such a great medical skill.

This turned out to be true, and they all thought it was a fabricated rumor!

Ling Hong put down the materials in his hand and said, "If you need these materials, you can get a copy at the door when you leave!"

Hearing that Ling Hong had prepared a document for them, he put down the camera in his hand, so he was not so scrambled.

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