Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1067: Press meeting at the medicated restaurant 3

Let them see all the information prepared by Ling Hong, it means that the incident of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau is purely a routine inspection, and there is no major problem.

Now that the investigation materials were available, they were released directly, and the ban on the medicinal food restaurant was lifted again.

"Because of this misunderstanding, the medicated restaurant went to the Bureau of Industry and Commerce in the morning. Now it has been handled properly and opened again. If you want to come to the medicated restaurant in the evening, you can come!" Ling Hong smiled and said to everyone, "There is also , We will file a complaint against the person who maliciously reported this matter and let him compensate us for our losses!"

"Hiss!" Hearing Ling Hong's words, everyone took a breath of air.

"Everyone has a bottom line. Like our medicated restaurants, we have nothing to look for, and we will report indiscriminately without real evidence. This has caused our medicinal restaurants to suffer heavy losses and severe damage to our reputation! This is something that our medicinal restaurants absolutely cannot tolerate, our Chu I have always asked me to represent him and file a lawsuit in the court!"

The reporters immediately wrote down what Ling Hong said.

Their abilities are limited, and it hasn't been investigated yet, who actually did it on Chu Muyue and the Medicinal Food Restaurant, so they also want to know who is behind this and what their end will be.

Ling Hong bowed slightly to the reporters and said, "Thank you for coming here today!"

After speaking, Ling Hong left directly and left the matter here to others to deal with.

Chu Muyue, who was in the office checking the account that just came up with statistics, looked up and saw Ling Hong walk in, put down the pen, and asked, "How is the process?"

"It has been handled properly!" Ling Hong nodded and said.

"Yeah! That's great!" Chu Muyue nodded and said, "I just saw the money lost this time. Although it was not a lot, the incident this time still has some impact on us."

Ling Hong nodded and said, "I think this press conference should save a lot of money!"

"Yeah! At the end of the month, you announced the products of Dream Cosmetics. I believe that at that time, the matter was almost settled! Release while the matter is resolved!" Chu Muyue raised the corner of her mouth slightly and said with a smile.

"Yes!" Ling Hong nodded, only feeling that following Chu Muyue, there was no worries.

Chu Muyue thought for a while, and there was nothing else for the time being. She closed the account book and said, "I still have to go to class. It's all because of leave. You send me back!"

When Ling Hong heard this, he smiled, nodded and said, "Okay! I'll get off and drive!"

Then he said jokingly, "It is estimated that I am the first person in history to send the boss to school!"

Chu Muyue rolled her eyes a bit irritably, "Just tease! There will be more delivery times in the future!"

Ling Hong burst into laughter immediately, without any burden, and his mood became happy.

"Mr. Chu, who made your grade so young?" Ling Hong said with a ridiculous smile.

Chu Muyue checked her watch and said, "I hope I can go back to school before dinner, or I will be hungry!"

"Then why don't you eat it before you go!" Ling Hong said concerned, "The medicated diet here is better than the dinner in your school!"

Chu Muyue smiled and shook her head, "No, let's go to school, my friend is waiting for me at school!"

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