"Mu Yue!" Mu Zhitong and the others all greeted Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue came to the front of everyone, with a smile on her lips, "Everyone is here!"

"Yeah, this is your invitation letter to us, we naturally have to come!" Mu Zhitong said triumphantly.

An Ziyun with one hand akimbo, looked up and down at Chu Muyue, and cut, "It's okay not to dress up. Once I dress up, my limelight will be lowered. You still let me not dress up like this. Alive!"

Hearing An Ziyun's words, she subconsciously looked at Chu Muyue's light makeup and smiled.

Chu Muyue's appearance was already very delicate and beautiful, but now with light makeup, it looks more fresh and beautiful, and with the temperament exuding from her body, it looks more mature.

"You are also very beautiful!" Chu Muyue was also a little helpless, and praised An Ziyun a lot.

An Ziyun rolled her eyes, "Forget it! You are the protagonist today, so beautiful is also beautiful!"

"Puff!" When everyone heard An Ziyun's words, they couldn't help laughing.

Yan Yu laughed haha, watching Chu Muyue's eyes full of ridicule, "That's right, Mu Yue is the protagonist today. How can it not be beautiful? It must be everyone's focus!"

"Sister Mu Yue, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen!" Duan Tianyu praised Chu Muyue exaggeratedly.

Chu Muyue smiled at the compliments of everyone, "Don't praise me, I will be ecstatic!"

"More immortal, better!" Xiang Tianhe nodded and added.

The elder nodded and said with emotion, "Yeah! Mu Yue was sent by God. If it weren't for Mu Yue, my old man would lose his grandson!"

"Don't talk about me, everyone, today everyone eats and drinks well, I won't be with you later!" Chu Muyue smiled and said modestly.

Yan Yu waved his hand, "It's okay, I know you will be very busy today. We will never disturb you. Of course you don't have to entertain us anymore. We will never be polite to you. We should eat and drink. !"

"Well, turn some more medicinal wine and go back by the way!" Old Yan nodded, and the old naughty boy echoed his grandson Yan Yu's words.

"That's right!" The elder patted his thigh and said with a laugh.

When Yan Lao heard this, he immediately stared, "Fart! You old fellow, last time you pressed so many medicinal wines, you didn't give it to us, you still don't think you have too few!"

"Of course it will be too small. Sooner or later, I will finish it!" The elder's face was thick enough, he didn't feel embarrassed or blushed at all, but said naturally.

Chu Muyue watched the two elderly people quarrel, and quickly persuaded them, "Haha, don't worry, everyone has medicinal wine this time!"

"It's fine if you didn't say it earlier!" The anger on both faces of Yan Lao and Yuan Lao disappeared instantly, and they turned into happiness and satisfaction.

Hearing this, Chu Muyue was a little helpless to help her forehead. Sure enough, Jiang was still hot. The two elderly people deliberately quarreled in front of her!

"Mu Yue, what about me?" Duan Tianyu pointed to his neck, looking at Chu Muyue excitedly and expectantly.

Chu Muyue smiled at Duan Tianyu and said, "I will give it to Aunt Duan, this is for Grandpa Duan!"

"Tsk!" Duan Tianyu's face broke when he heard Chu Muyue's words. He was really bullying him too much, do you want to do that!

Duan mother smiled and nodded, "Okay, then I will thank you Grandpa Duan for you!"

"This is what I should do! I hope Grandpa Duan can save a little drink this time!"

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