At this time, the banquet hall was full of excitement.

Although Chu Muyue had already arrived at this banquet hall, no one came.

Not for anything else, just for the people sitting here, whose identities are all extraordinary.

Let alone Duan Tianyu's mother and son, there is also an old Yan, who is the father of Yan Gaoguan. His arrival is more important than the arrival of Duan Tianyu's mother and son.

Seeing that these two are here, how dare other people come here and interrupt their conversation?

I was afraid that it would provoke anyone of them, and then I would be unlucky.

Therefore, Chu Muyue is still relatively leisurely for the time being, and the other busiest is Ling Hong, who is the main person in charge of the medicinal restaurant.

Ling Hong was surrounded by the bosses of major groups, and they were all asking, what is this going to do?

Ling Hong avoided their inquiries, but just smiled and said, "Wait a minute, you will know, naturally, it will not hurt everyone! If possible, I hope to have some cooperation with everyone present. !"

The word "cooperation" has made many business-sensitive people aware of what they are talking about, but they can't figure out what they are talking about.

"Manager Ling, time is almost up!" A waiter came to Ling Hong's ear and reminded softly.

Ling Hong nodded softly, "Well, I know!"

So, I apologized to everyone, and then went to the podium.

Ling Hong stood on the rostrum, placed the microphone in front of Lian himself, smiled and glanced at everyone in the hall, as well as the reporters who had just been put in.

Especially those reporters looked at Ling Hong curiously, waiting for what news he planned to announce next.

"Hello everyone, and welcome everyone to come to the banquet held by the Medicinal Restaurant and Dream Cosmetics Company!"

Hearing what Ling Hong said, everyone was subconsciously taken aback.

"Dream Cosmetics Company?"

"What company? Why haven't you heard of it before?"

"Cosmetics company? When did this company have such a good relationship with medicated food restaurants?"


Hearing a set of unfamiliar vocabulary, everyone is naturally puzzled and curious.

Ling Hong did not immediately answer all those who were in doubt. Instead, he smiled and said, "Although the medicinal food restaurant has only been opened in Linshi for a few months, it has already achieved such achievements, thanks to your support! Today, through the medicated restaurant, the opening of the Dream Cosmetics Company will be announced!"

"Hi! It turned out to be a new company!"

"I don't know who owns this dream cosmetics company!"

"No wonder you haven't heard of such a dream cosmetics company before, it turned out to be just opened!"

"However, who owns this dream cosmetics company!"

All of them bowed their heads and talked about each other, guessing who it was, but it must have an unusual relationship with Chu Muyue.

However, they didn't think about Chu Muyue.

Because the medicinal restaurant opened by Chu Muyue was enough for them to be shocked, and now if another dream cosmetics company is opened, it will be too fast.

However, what they didn't know was that Chu Muyue really opened it.

There are only so few people who know.

Yuan Xiao and the others all turned their heads and looked at the reporters and the rich with a smile, discussing with each other, asking who knows about this dream cosmetics company and who knows the boss of that company.

The more they listened, the thicker the smiles on everyone's faces. They were all excited one by one, looking forward to the shocking news that Chu Muyue would announce.

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