Ling Hong stretched out his hand and pointed to the direction where Chu Muyue was, and said, "Let's welcome, President Chu Muyue of Dream Cosmetics Company!"

Suddenly, the lights of the banquet venue fell on Chu Muyue who was in the crowd.

Chu Muyue, in a light green evening dress, smiled at the corners of her mouth and exuded a noble and elegant temperament.

Everyone who knew Chu Muyue widened his eyes in surprise, and took a breath of air in his heart.

Even those people who didn't know showed surprise when they heard the name Ling Hong said.

If they heard it right, the name Ling Hong just reported was "Chu Muyue"!

They have not known how many times they have heard this familiar name in this period of time.

"Hey! Coming!" Mu Zhitong clenched her fists in excitement, with a triumphant smile on her face.

Mu Xianglei turned his head stiffly, looked at Chu Muyue, and asked, " you know that Chu Muyue is the boss of this dream cosmetics company?"

Mu Zhitong raised her chin triumphantly, "Of course!"

Seeing her father's shocked appearance, Mu Zhitong was very disgusting and joyful.

It seems that since knowing Chu Muyue, he has often seen his father look like this.

Old Yan shook his head and sighed for a while, "Oh, this girl, you can see from the beginning that she is definitely not a thing in the pool, she really is!"

The corners of Yan Yu's mouth raised, and a smile appeared, "Yes!"

Duan Tianyu also smiled on the side and said triumphantly, "Of course! Don't look at who is Mu Yue sister! No one can surpass her achievements!"

"Next, please come on stage to speak for everyone!" Ling Hong smiled and applauded Chu Muyue.

"Papa!" Qiao Mobai and others applauded first, pulling the atmosphere of the entire banquet to a climax.

It was also because of their applause that the wealthy businessmen who were shocked by Chu Muyue's identity gradually returned to their senses, applauding her subconsciously.

I don't know if he applauded for the shock of Chu Muyue's ability and identity, or applauded for the admiration generated from the bottom of my heart.

Chu Muyue walked slowly towards the rostrum with countless gazes.

The focus of everyone is moving along Chu Muyue's figure, looking at her petite but elegant figure, which makes people look at her, and they can't take their eyes away at all.

The reporters and photographers all took photos and videos at Chu Muyue for a while.

At this moment, their eyes seemed to be X-rays, and they wanted to see her thoroughly.

Today's news is enough to shock them. They have already prepared the manuscript for tonight.

But I didn't expect this content to be so shocking that it made their flexible brains a bit dull.

Seeing Chu Muyue, Ling Hong showed a bright smile on his face and gave her the seat, while he himself stood behind her and looked at the people in the banquet venue.

"Welcome everyone to come to the banquet!" Chu Muyue smiled, and glanced at the shocked faces of all the people present.

This is the effect she wants to see. Only when she is shocked can people pay more attention to this dream cosmetics company and even more want to buy skin care products of the dream cosmetics series.

"Today is New Year's Day, a new year, and a new day! For me, it is also the first day of the official opening of the Dream Cosmetics Company! I also believe that the Dream Cosmetics Company, in my hands, will definitely grow more and more it is good!"

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