Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1104: Endorsement for the company 1

The guests in the banquet venue applauded for Chu Muyue.

I don't know if it was because of Chu Muyue's words, or because of Chu Muyue's achievements.

"Mu Yue, this girl is really getting more and more scary!" Wei Lao sighed and shook his head. Looking at Chu Muyue, he was helpless and admired.

The elder turned his head and smiled and asked Wei Lao, "Yes, I remember when you met Mu Yue, she still didn't have anything?"

Mr. Wei nodded, "Yes! I was suddenly ill and Mu Yue rescued me. There was no medicinal restaurant at that time!"

"Then when was she established?" Mu Zhitong asked curiously.

"Of course I know this. It was at the restaurant where Mu Yue invited us to Linghong for dinner!" At this moment, Ye Tianming walked over from behind them and said with a smile.

Everyone turned their heads and saw Ye Tianming, Ouyang Mengxi, Yuan Xiao, and others all knew him, but Ouyang Guohua, Yuan Lao, Wei Lao and others didn't recognize him.

Yan Lao looked at Ye Tianming, squinted his eyes and frowned slightly. He seemed to have seen him somewhere, but he couldn't remember it.

"Ling Hong? That is after I introduced Mu Yue?" Wu Hongjun thought for a while and asked.

"It should be. At that time, I happened to meet that so and so who was making trouble in Ling Hong's restaurant. We slapped him away!" Ye Tianming walked up to them, found a place to sit down, and raised his feet. He said, "At that time, Yuan Xiao seemed to have just paid Mu Yue 10 million yuan! At that time, Mu Yue had almost 15 million yuan on hand, and the boss and I also paid Mu Yue medical expenses. In it, I invested some money and opened this medicinal restaurant!"

Think about it at that time, although he was only allocated 5%, but now he is fortunate that he can at least take up such a small share, and naturally there will be more in the future.

Yuan Xiao suddenly realized, "It turned out to be that time!"

Unexpectedly, there is still the money he gave to Chu Muyue in the first place.

Is it because she can't open a medicinal restaurant without the money?

"More than ten million dollars, this medicinal restaurant opened! Hiss, do you want so much!" Xiang Tianhe listened, couldn't help taking a breath of air, and asked in surprise.

Ye Tianming glanced at the soldiers he had trained before, and said in a lesson, "Of course it's not just a medicinal restaurant, or how did the current dream cosmetics company start? Use your brain, you, you still can't be with admiration forever. Yuebi! Not only did they use their own Chinese medicine skills to create this medicinal restaurant, they also opened a skin care product developed with Chinese medicine, and started this company!"

Xiang Tianhe showed an awkward smile on his face, and touched his nose in a jealous manner, "Instructor, I know I can't compare to Mu Yue, so don't belittle me like that!"

"Not enterprising!" Ye Tianming shook his head helplessly, "Go out in the future, don't say I am your instructor!"

Xiang Tianhe was immediately depressed, but he didn't dare to fight back against Ye Tianming. He knew that this guy was amazing. After all, he had been their instructor for a while.

"Yeah! Mu Yue will draw inferences from one another. It seems that she is not only superb in Chinese medicine, but also has a clear understanding of the characteristics of Chinese medicine. Even I am ashamed of this point, at least I can't use it. Chinese medicine makes such medicated diet and skin care products!" Xiang Lao said with emotion.

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