Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1107: Endorsement for the company 4

The announcement was over. After the introduction of the person was introduced, Ling Hong asked the reporters to go out and announced on the podium.

"Here, I have a good news to announce to everyone. Today is the first day of the opening of the Dream Cosmetics Company. In order to thank you, President Chu and President An will be able to get a copy of the Dream Skin Care Series One. Before the reporters leave, they can also get a copy, and our service staff will take you to get it!"

Among them, many reporters are women, and many of them are elderly. There must be wives in the family and they can be given to them.

These are all potential propaganda forces, and nothing is more persuasive than personal experience.

These reporters have used it themselves, and the effect is really good. It will definitely give them more good words for the dream cosmetics company.

The women who heard about skin care products, especially those who often come to the medicinal restaurant to eat some beauty snacks, swarmed towards Ling Hong.

At this time, they will not care about face or face.

"Manager Ling, what you said is true? Is there any difference between that skin care product and the things we eat in the medicated restaurant?"

"Yes! Is the effect better?"

"Manager Ling, is this skin care product really that good?"


The sound of interrogation came into Ling Hong's ears, making him a little dizzy.

Ling Hong raised his hand and pressed down, "Don’t worry, this skin care product is more useful than the medicated meals made in our medicated food restaurant, and the effect is very significant, especially after getting married and having a good baby. clear!"

"Really!" The women who had given birth showed surprise on their faces when they heard what Ling Hong said.

"Yes, and it is also very useful for people who are not married. If the skin is dry or too oily, the dream skin care series will automatically adjust the skin needs of your face and let your skin It becomes more supple and delicate, and even acne can be eliminated!" An Qing walked over and said to the women with a smile.

These women looked at An Qing, saw her delicate face, and curiously asked, "Manager An, are you also using this dream skin care product series to make your skin look so good?"

"Yes! Manager Ann, are you really using it?"

An Qing nodded with a smile, raised her hand, and gently touched her cheek with her fingers, and explained to everyone, "Yes, I have been using it all the time. My face is the best proof. Everyone can come and touch it. My face, today I just drew a light makeup, and I can see it when I get close!"

Hearing An Qing's words, many women who cared about freckles and other things on their faces surrounded them one by one, looking at her white and tender face, they were amazed in their hearts. It was really like this.

"Everyone, our dream cosmetics company has already opened. Naturally, we won't let everyone down. A week or a week will be able to make significant changes. After you go back, you can take a picture of your current appearance and wait until a week. After comparison, you will be able to know our skin care product series, and you will definitely not disappoint!"

Regarding the effect of skin care products, she doesn't mind being an endorsement.

This is also after Chu Muyue used it to her, she also absolutely believes that this skin care product series will definitely catch fire.

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