Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1108: Chairman Jiang's goodwill 1

Chu Muyue was surrounded by the entire dinner banquet, just like at the veteran's birthday banquet.

However, there are also some people who are a bit busy and leave the medicated food restaurant one after another. Of course, although they have left, they are carrying a pound of medicinal wine and fantasy cosmetics.

Of course, if the man took it, he would be snatched away by the female companion he had brought.

These men looked at their female partners in amazement, but got a look of contempt from their female partners, "This is for women, not for you big men!"

To their actions, they just smiled helplessly and shook their heads, and then left.

The banquet time is about to end, and there are not many people in the banquet venue, and all of them have no chance to come forward and get closer to Chu Muyue.

At this moment, a slender figure walked in from the gate of the medicinal food restaurant.

Ye Tianming was holding a wine glass, the authentic one, and when he looked up, he saw someone coming. He raised his hand and said hello, "Boss, here!"

Xiao Junyan didn't turn his head to look at Ye Tianming. He first glanced at Chu Muyue, who was surrounded by the crowd but could not see any shadow, and then silently turned and walked towards Ye Tianming.

Ye Tianming has become accustomed to Xiao Junyan having Chu Muyue in his eyes, and touched his nose, "Boss, you are here just right, the dinner is about to end, you can just send the younger sister back to rest!"

Originally today was the last day of the New Year's Day holiday, and I needed to go back to school in the evening, but everyone took a leave of absence.

Ouyang Mengxi and the others have to go back to school after attending the banquet. Anyway, there is not enough time, so they can go back before class tomorrow morning.

Chu Muyue couldn't go back to class. After all, the banquet had just been held today, and it would be very busy next, so Xiao Junyan sent her back.

"Yes, yeah, anyway, Mu Yue has asked for leave, don't have to go back to school with us!" Mu Zhitong also nodded ambiguously, with a smile on her face.

When Mu Xianglei saw Xiao Junyan for the first time, a flash of astonishment flashed across his face, and he lowered his head and asked Mu Zhitong, "Who is she?"

"Mu Yue's senior!" Mu Zhitong faintly explained.

Chu Muyue had told them that the relationship between them must not be known to anyone other than them.

Therefore, Mu Zhitong now only introduces Xiao Junyan as Chu Muyue's senior.

"Oh!" Mu Xianglei nodded and looked at Xiao Junyan.

The elders and others had all met Xiao Junyan, and only Yan hadn't.

When he saw Xiao Junyan, Yan Lao's body was straight. Although he hadn't seen the person in front of him, he could feel a strong suffocation from his body, which made his whole body feel a little bit cold. a feeling of.

"Is he Mu Yue's senior?" Yan Lao also heard Mu Zhitong's introduction, but still turned to ask Yan Yu.

Yan Yu nodded and explained, "Yes, but they are not from the same master. It seems that their masters are friends, so they call each other senior brothers and sisters!"

Yan Lao nodded clearly, looking at Xiao Junyan, his old face was still somewhat shocked and horrified.

He came during the War of Resistance, and he could feel the murderous aura emanating from Xiao Junyan, just like those soldiers who had experienced countless **** battles.

Xiao Junyan found a vacant seat and sat down, instead of looking at others, he looked at the group of wealthy businessmen and guests who surrounded Chu Muyue.

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