Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1124: Gift Prepared by Junior Sister 1

Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan prepared the New Year's Eve dinner and brought the dishes to the table.

"It's dinner!" Chu Muyue laughed and called out Chu Zhiming and Ye Tianming, who were still chatting enthusiastically.

"After dinner, the younger sister and the boss will cook by themselves, I must eat more!" Ye Tianming rubbed his hands and walked to the table.

Looking at the deliciousness of this table, Ye Tianming really sighed, this man really needs exercise.

Take a look, take a look, how did the boss make such a good dinner before?

It's not bad to just skin a live snake and throw it in front of them for them to eat.

However, it was also because of the limited conditions at that time, no matter who it was.

The ignition means that there is smoke, and the smoke means that their whereabouts are exposed, so when they perform their tasks, they eat raw food.

Chu Zhiming took out a bottle of medicinal wine from the cabinet and put it on the table with a smile, "A rare reunion dinner, drinking some medicinal wine can also warm your body!"

Ye Tianming immediately raised the wine glass in front of him, "Uncle Chu, come, give me a little too, let me have a drink first!"

Chu Zhiming and Ye Tianming each poured a glass first and drank all of their enjoyment, "Tsk, it's so cool!"

Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan brought the last dishes to the table. Looking at Chu Zhiming and Ye Tianming, they looked like a pair of father and son or brothers.

"Okay, the food is here, everyone open their stomachs to eat!" Chu Muyue sat at the table with a smile, and said to everyone.

Ye Tianming smiled, picked up the medicinal wine, and said with a flower to present the Buddha, "Come here, let us respect the younger sister, the younger sister must be very hard tonight, drink a cup of medicinal wine to relieve fatigue!"

"Well, then celebrate our reunion dinner too!" Chu Muyue also raised the wine glass in his hand.

The four people's wine glasses collided, and there was a crisp sound of porcelain collision. Because of the medicinal wine in their hands, the four people's hands were all porcelain wine glasses, not that kind of glass.

As long as Ye Tianming is there, this dinner table is very lively and never cold.

Unlike Xiao Junyan, he didn't say a word after a meal. At most, he was asked. An answer was not as much as Chu Muyue and Chu Zhiming who had a meal together.

"By the way, what time do you get for the plane? Have the tickets been bought? Is it too late?" Chu Zhiming asked caringly while eating.

"Uncle Chu, don't worry, it's time. It's only four o'clock, and the plane ticket is half past six. It's very close to the airport, and it's only two hours to the home. The home is still very noisy! "Ye Tianming laughed and said.

He also knew that it was because he asked them to go back earlier that he had the New Year's Eve dinner so early.

He understood what Xiao Junyan meant, so he obediently obeyed his orders.

"That's really early, don't worry, eat slowly!" Chu Zhiming nodded, "No matter what, I still have to eat!"

"It's okay, I made some dim sum, and now it is steamed. The New Year's Eve dinner is eaten early. I let the seniors take it with them, and they can eat it on the plane!" Chu Muyue smiled and said.

Chu Zhiming nodded, "Well, that's fine too!"

"Okay, it's okay to have a snack, you can eat it slowly!" Ye Tianming's eyes lit up when he heard it. The snacks made by the little junior sister must be tasted.

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