Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1125: Gift Prepared by Junior Sister 2

After three rounds of wine, I had a full New Year's Eve dinner.

Chu Muyue was the first to eat enough. First, he looked at the steamed dim sum in the kitchen. It was also cooked, and then wrapped it in a box so that Xiao Junyan and Ye Tianming could eat something on the plane.

Xiao Junyan also finished dinner, took down the suitcase upstairs and put it on the side of the sofa.

Chu Muyue came out carrying two boxes and put them on the coffee table, "I have prepared them for you here, you can eat them on the way!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan glanced at the box on the table, nodded gently, his eyes became very gentle.

Ye Tianming hugged the box, a little warm, "Haha, okay, the little junior sister is so nice, so care about us!"

Chu Muyue ignored Ye Tianming's gratitude, and the welding head said to Xiao Junyan, "Have you put all the gifts I prepared for your family in the box?"

"Well, let it go!" Xiao Junyan nodded gently.

"Gifts? There are gifts for the old folks? Do I have them?" Ye Tianming asked Chu Muyue curiously.

Chu Muyue glanced at Ye Tianming faintly, and said, "Yes, there are some dream skin care products at home, you can take them!"

"Is the boss too?" Ye Tianming asked.

"No!" Chu Muyue shook her head and turned to look at Xiao Junyan, "Don't make a mistake!"

Xiao Junyan nodded, not annoying Chu Muyue's long-windedness at all, but felt warm, "Hmm! Don't worry!"

Ye Tianming approached Chu Muyue and asked curiously, "The boss is not a dream skin care series, what is that?"

Chu Muyue grinned and pointed at Xiao Junyan, "You can ask your boss!"

The things given to the Xiao family are naturally different from those given to Ye Tianming.

What she gave to the Xiao family was Meiyan Pill and medicinal wine. Meiyan Pill was for women, and medicinal wine was for men.

The medicinal liquor is still very pure. After Xiao Junyan goes back, he can have a lot of them.

Ye Tianming glanced at Xiao Junyan, he just curled his lips and asked the boss, it would be better not to ask!

"But whether you have a dream skin care product series, bring me a car!" Ye Tianming said with a very domineering wave.

When Chu Muyue listened to Ye Tianming's words, the muscles in the corners of her eyes trembled, and the medicinal liquor that Chu Zhiming drank into her mouth also spurted out.

Can this still be a car? It depends on whether he can take the plane!

"You can turn to the factory first, there are some over there!" Chu Muyue said flatly.

When Ye Tianming heard it, he waved his hand, "That's fine, if you have as much here, take as much, you can't miss me, my seven aunts and eight aunts, there are too many people! If the score is not good, I will just They have to get rid of it!"

In fact, Chu Muyue also knew that Ye Tianming probably did this to promote and introduce her!

"In the garage, you can get it, there is a box!" Chu Muyue smiled and said.

"Okay!" Ye Tianming nodded, turned and left first.

Chu Muyue turned her head to Xiao Junyan and said, "Then you will be careful along the way!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan looked at Chu Muyue reluctantly, and directly in front of Chu Zhiming, he bent over and hugged her into his arms.

Chu Muyue was a little embarrassed and patted Xiao Junyan on the back, "Senior Brother Xiao, goodbye, when the year is over, you have to come over!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded, took a deep breath of the fragrance on Chu Muyue's body, and then reluctantly let go, "Take care, don't be too tired!"

"you too!"

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