Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1135: The First Battle of Miaojiang Grass Haunt 2

When the old lady heard Chu Muyue's words, her old eyes became cold, "You are the little girl who killed my baby!"

At the beginning, she didn't expect it, but after hearing what Chu Muyue said, she understood that this girl was the little girl Yuan Fengting had said to her.

She didn't expect that this little girl knew she was here.

But I don't know how she knew it. You know, her whereabouts have always been secret.

Could it be that Chu Muyue knew it a long time ago?

However, that's not possible, she couldn't have appeared in front of her until now, it should have been shot long ago.

No matter what she thinks, the old lady of the grass ghost can't guess, it's all because Chu Muyue has eyes that can predict the future.

"Yeah! I'm that person, didn't you expect it?" Chu Muyue chuckled lightly and looked at the old lady mockingly.

The old lady snorted coldly, her eyes narrowed slightly, her eyes seemed to exude a cold air, "How do you know I will be here!"

Chu Muyue looked at the old lady playfully, "You want to know? But, I don't want to tell you, if you know, you can go to hell, and ask Hades, maybe he will tell you how did I know!"

Hearing Chu Muyue's words, the old lady suddenly yelled, "Arrogant!"

In the heart of the old lady, she didn't think what this little girl could do to her.

She has practiced Gu technique for so many years, but Chu Muyue is a little girl, how long has she been studying martial arts? It will definitely not be her opponent.

Before the words fell, the old lady threw away the crutches in her hand, waved her hands, and there were dozens of Gu worms flying towards Chu Muyue's face.

Chu Muyue didn't have any fear of the old lady's actions, and she responded calmly, waving her hands, dozens of silver needles shining coldly with the sound of breaking through the air, toward those who flew to think of herself. The worm shoots away.

"Puff!" A dozen silver needles landed on the Gu worms accurately, nailing them to the ground.

The old lady saw Chu Muyue's behavior, her eyes flashed, and her mouth let out a gloomy laugh, "It seems that you girl is still a little capable. No wonder you dare to kill my baby so arrogantly!"

With just this hand, the old lady already has a general understanding of Chu Muyue's skills, at least, this little girl is definitely not as difficult and easy to deal with as she thought before.

If you dare to deal with your own babies, you also have a certain ability!

"Hehehe, how dare you go to Liangshan without twos and threes! Don't you?" Chu Muyue smiled and said to the old lady.

The old lady snorted coldly and asked, "Who are you on earth!"

Chu Muyue's hands on her belly and back, her petite body straightened, her tone arrogant but proud, "The hundred and ninth generation of the mysterious doctor!"

Hearing the name Chu Muyue said, the old lady's face became even more angry, "Mysterious doctors! You turned out to be a member of mystic doctors!"

Looking at the appearance of the old lady, Chu Muyue smiled, "It seems that you still know our mysterious doctors, and looking at your appearance, it seems that you have an enmity with ours mysterious doctors!"

The old lady spoke with gritted teeth, and her tone of voice was full of strong resentment, "You guys from the mysterious medical school are not good things, you know the good things that ruin us!"

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