Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1136: The First Battle of Miaojiang Grass Haunt 3

Chu Muyue also did not expect that his master's school of profound medicine would have broken so many things about these Miaojiang grass ghosts!

However, almost everything they do is poisoning people with Gu, and the descendants of their mysterious medicine, as doctors, have the purpose of practicing medicine to save people.

When these Miaojiang grass ghosts attack ordinary people, they will naturally not let them go, so this hatred is accumulated.

"That's what you did yourself, and you deserve it. Everything we do is just walking the way for the sky!" Chu Muyue snorted and looked at the grass ghost in mockery.

After hearing Chu Muyue’s words, the grass ghost suddenly burst into laughter, "Walking for the heavens, you really regard yourself as gods, since today you little Nizi is the progenitor of the mysterious doctor, I will kill first. You, let your mysterious doctors break the inheritance!"

As the voice fell, the old lady waved her hands continuously, and countless Gu worms flew out of her hands and attacked Chu Muyue.

At this time, Chu Muyue didn't relax his vigilance either, and she didn't know when a pair of daggers was in her hands while waving.

Chu Muyue's toes were on the ground a little, and her body was quickly removed like a cannonball. She was holding a dagger, and she was like a monkey. She flashed and moved quickly, waved the dagger and flashed a cold light, killing one or two Gus. Worms, divided them into two halves.

The old lady looked at Chu Muyue's actions, and the blood in her eyes became stronger, and she wished to kill her so many babies.

These Gu worms were all cultivated by her hard work. Seeing them die, she was naturally reluctant and angry.

"Little girl, you're looking for death!" The old lady yelled angrily, and she didn't know when there was a long whip in her hand. With the sound of howling wind, she attacked Chu Muyue.

Although Chu Muyue was dealing with those Gu worms, she did not reduce her vigilance against the old lady.

When the old lady shot, Chu Muyue raised one of his hands and blocked the old lady's attack with a dagger.

The dagger intersected with the long whip in the old lady's hand, and there was a sound of metal collision.

But what surprised Chu Muyue was that the long whip in the old lady's hand was covered with snake skin. It seemed that the long whip should be made of snake skin.

Moreover, the appearance of this long whip was shining with a cold black light. At a glance, Chu Muyue knew that this long whip should have been soaked in the venom by the old woman, which caused the whip to be attached to it poison.

Chu Muyue looked at this long whip and couldn't help but sigh in her heart. She is indeed a grass ghost. This method of making drugs is really not ordinary.

Although she was sighing in her heart, the movements in Chu Muyue's hands did not slow down or stop. Instead, she sneered, "Do you think you can kill me with this whip?"

"Little girl, don't be too proud, old lady, I eat more salt than you eat!" The old lady threatened Chu Muyue gloomily.

Chu Muyue didn’t pay attention to the provocation of the old lady, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly, "Really? Then I want to see if you are the better one who eats more salt, or me who eats less. Strong!"

Because she was so distressed that her baby was killed by Chu Muyue, the old lady directly matched Chu Muyue's weapon.

The two people fought against each other in this alley passage, also because this passage is usually a special delivery passage for the medicinal restaurant, and almost no one pays attention to the situation here.

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