Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1141: Anxious Xiao Junyan 3

The old lady saw Chu Muyue's actions, her face was horrified, her eyes widened, "Little bitch, you are looking for death!"

The corners of Chu Muyue's mouth rose slightly, and one after another she threw out the fire talisman, burning all the poisonous worms coming towards her from the ground to ashes.

"You found this yourself!" Chu Muyue sneered. The spells between the fingers of both hands were written in advance.

The old lady was so angry that she was really careless about Jingzhou this time, is she really going to die in the hands of this dead girl?

Thinking of this, the old lady was extremely unwilling and angry in her heart. She didn't want this kind of thing to happen, and even less wanted to die so early.

The angry grass ghost woman had already killed her red eyes at this time, and kept throwing the Gu worms from her body towards Chu Muyue.

For these grass ghosts, there are countless Gu worms on their bodies, and a dozen Gu worms are just thrown away.

Chu Muyue burned these gu worms to ashes with a talisman.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." the old lady let out a sharp scream, suddenly she turned and ran, but the direction she ran was the direction of the back door of the medicinal restaurant.

Chu Muyue yelled angrily, and followed suit, "Stop!"

Following the old lady's footsteps, Chu Muyue's movements didn't stop, and she threw a fire talisman behind her.

Anyway, before dealing with the old lady, Chu Muyue had already written no less than a hundred talismans, so this was completely unnecessary to waste.

The old lady's movements were also very flexible. Although she was at large, she easily avoided Chu Muyue's attack.

A flash of anger and cold flashed in Chu Muyue's eyes. She had already guessed what the old woman was going to do, probably because she wanted to attack the people at the medicinal restaurant from the back door of the medicinal restaurant.

Thinking of this, how could Chu Muyue make her move succeed?

Yesterday, Chu Muyue had instructed Ling Hong to bring all the ingredients needed in the afternoon this morning. The back door of the entire medicinal restaurant can be said to be empty.

But even if there was no one, Chu Muyue was still worried that the old woman would break into the back door.

Sure enough, the old lady ran to the back door of the medicinal restaurant, and saw that the back door was empty, not only there was no car, but there was no one, thick anger and murderous intent flashed in her scarlet eyes.

I was angry, but the movement in his hand did not stop, waved his hand and threw a few Gu worms toward that door.

Chu Muyue's movements were not slow, she had long understood the old lady's plan, and when she raised her hand, she waved a talisman to kill the Gu worms that were heading towards the back door on the spot.

The old lady turned her head angrily and stared at Chu Muyue with her eyes.

Chu Muyue quickly rushed towards the back door of the medicinal food restaurant, rubbed his feet on the ground, and stopped in front of the back door, facing the old lady.

At the entrance of the backyard, the camera of the monitor fell in a scene at the back door, and Chu Muyue and the old lady appeared.

Sitting in front of the monitor and waiting, Ling Hong looked at him with a look of surprise on his face.

At the very beginning, Chu Muyue told him that today an old woman would come to the back door of their medicinal restaurant, and then he would have to administer medicine to their food. He still felt a little unbelievable.

However, seeing this situation now, he had to believe it.

After all, this kind of thing is the same as prophecy, in this 21st century environment, who would believe it.

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