Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1142: Anxious Xiao Junyan 4

However, when Ling Hong saw Chu Muyue appear in the scope of the monitor's line of sight, he saw her wave a hand and threw out a talisman in her hand.

This talisman instantly turned into a ball of flames, which instantly burned into a huge flame at the back door of the medicinal restaurant, and then extinguished, dropping a little bit of dust.

Ling Hong widened his eyes again, opened his mouth wide, and stared at what was happening inside the monitor in shock.

"This, this..." Ling Hong's voice trembled a little, and he couldn't believe it. This was true.

Is this filming a fairy tale drama? Still making a ghost movie?

Standing behind Ling Hong, Zhang Cong, who was also looking at the monitor, was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

Different from Ling Hong, Zhang Cong used to be a special soldier and participated in some activities. He also experienced some situations in these activities.

Especially this kind of things that deviate from the real world, they also know a little bit.

But he didn't expect that he actually saw it today, and saw that Chu Muyue turned out to be such a type of person.

Now, he finally understood, why the old meeting knew Chu Muyue and still had such a good relationship with her, it turned out that there was also this reason!

Think of Chu Muyue. Not only does he possess magical medical skills, but now he has such unpredictable abilities, Zhang Cong admires Chu Muyue even more in his heart.

With such a boss, the future company must be extraordinary.

Seeing Ling Hong's shocked appearance, Zhang Cong was still calm, comforting him, "Manager Ling, don't be shocked, there are such things, but they are not exposed to the world!"

Ling Hong turned his head and looked at Zhang Cong in surprise, and asked, "Do you know this?"

"Yes!" Zhang Cong nodded, "I have encountered a few when performing tasks before!"

If it were before, he would absolutely keep it secret, but under the circumstances like this, he can't keep it anymore.

Ling Hong nodded, wondering if Chu Muyue always scared him in various ways, which made him recover some of his mind quickly at this moment.

Thinking of Chu Muyue's instructions before leaving, she quickly ordered Zhang Cong, "Hurry up and tell Ye Tianming what happened here!"

When reminded by Ling Hong, Zhang Cong quickly thought of Ye Tianming, nodded, called him, and told Ye Tianming what happened here.

At this time, Ye Tianming was still in Beijing during the Chinese New Year after all.

Ye Tianming, who was lying on the sofa gnawing on an apple and watching TV, heard the phone ringing, so he picked it up and put it in his ear, "Who is that?"

"Boss, it's me, Zhang Cong, something happened to the medicated restaurant!" Zhang Cong heard Ye Tianming's voice and screamed.

Ye Tianming jumped up from the sofa when he heard Zhang Cong's words.

What happened to the medicated restaurant? Is this okay?

Now he and the boss are not in Linshi, and there is no way to do it yourself for a while!

"What happened?" Ye Tianming asked Zhang Cong quickly.

Zhang Cong told Ye Tianming about what happened here.

Of course, he didn't know what Chu Muyue predicted, so he didn't know. He just said that he saw Chu Muyue playing against an old woman, and he also used things like fire amulet.

Ye Tianming heard Zhang Cong's report, with a look of horror on his face, and yelled, "Something really happened!"

He was also clear about the affairs of the Dimension Family last time, so naturally he also knew that there might be something troublesome about this grass ghost.

They just couldn't find it, and they didn't know when she would come to trouble, but they didn't expect to come now.

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