Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1143: Poisoned by Miqing Poison 1

Ye Tianming hung up his cell phone and hurriedly ran out of his home and drove.

While driving, he also dialed Xiao Junyan's number.

At this time, Xiao Junyan was still walking behind his mother and sister in the bustling shopping mall.

And Xiao Junyan became a porter again, carrying a lot of bags in his hand, but he didn't say a word.

Suddenly, the phone rang, took out the phone and saw that it was Ye Tianming, then put it in his ear to answer.

"Boss, something has happened. The grass ghost went to the medicinal restaurant and is now fighting against the junior sister!" Ye Tianming quickly explained the matter to Xiao Junyan briefly.

Hearing what Ye Tianming said, a cold light flashed in Xiao Junyan's eyes, and a strong murderous aura rose from the slender body.

"Get ready for the plane now!" Xiao Junyan threw away the bag in his hand, turned and ran towards the mall.

"Eh, Junyan, where are you going?" Mother Tang Yalan hurriedly called to Xiao Junyan when she saw Xiao Junyan's behavior.

Xiao Fengyi also yelled, thinking that Xiao Junyan was going to escape, "Xiao Junyan, you bastard, how dare you run away!"

However, Xiao Junyan only left them a back view, and then, supporting the railing with one hand, he fell directly from the second floor, fell to the ground easily, and ran towards the exit of the mall.

Now he, whether in his heart or in his mind, has only one thought, and that is to hope that Chu Muyue is okay.

Nothing is more important than Chu Muyue's safety, so he didn't care how much sensation he would cause to the shopping mall if he jumped down, and ran out quickly.

Even though the phone on his body kept ringing, he didn't answer it.

Naturally, Chu Muyue didn't know what was happening. Ye Tianming told Xiao Junyan about the situation here. Xiao Junyan was so nervous and angry that he wanted to go to Lin City quickly.

At this time, Chu Muyue only had the grass ghost in front of her, holding the talisman in her hand and watching with caution.

Zhang Cong in the monitoring room watched the situation nervously, turned around and said, "I'll help Mr. Chu!"

"Can't go out!" When Ling Hong heard it, he quickly grabbed Zhang Cong's arm and said, "Mr. Chu said that even if we see this, we must never go out. You can let people block the way into the back door, don't let They are close!"

"No, I'm going to help President Chu!" Zhang Cong was more worried about Chu Muyue's safety.

Yu Gong is an employee of Chu Muyue, so he should protect the life of his boss.

As for Yu Shi, he was once saved by Chu Muyue. Without him, he would not live such a stable life now, and his family would not have this opportunity to enjoy the blessing.

"I know you are worried about Mr. Chu's safety, but Mr. Chu said that you don't need to save her, she can handle it, she just hopes that ordinary people will not be implicated in!" Ling Hong stood up and looked at Zhang Cong , Asked, "Don't you believe her?"

Although she couldn't see who had the upper hand, since Chu Muyue had such an arrangement, there must be a way to deal with the old witch in front of her.

Zhang Cong looked at Ling Hong, thought about it, and nodded heavily, "Okay, I will immediately send someone to guard the entrance and keep no one near! If the old witch wants to escape, we will definitely not let her go. !"

If you let other people get close, then this old witch will probably threaten Chu Muyue with their lives, and things will get worse by then.

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