Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1150: Xiao Junyan's Arrival 4

Outside the medicated restaurant, many passers-by were curiously watching the situation here.

Perhaps because the matter was a bit big, a few more police officers came to maintain order and let the busy things go away.

They don't know what happened in the medicated food restaurant, but the medicated food restaurant is still open and in order, making them extremely puzzled.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, it's not a good thing anyway, right?"

"I only saw the security guard of the medicinal restaurant at first. We were not allowed to enter. Later, a group of people came in. Then the police came. After the police came, they did not ask what happened. They wanted to give us. Drive away!"

"Should there be some murder, right?"

"Isn't that possible? I haven't seen any corpses being carried out!"

"Is that a robbery? What can be robbery behind this? Behind this is the site of the medicinal restaurant, right?"

"The medicinal food restaurant is still open. The specific situation is still unclear!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people on the road, and some reporters around were curiously inquiring about the situation.

However, no matter how they inquired, they didn't find out what was going on.

Because, only Ling Hong and the security guards were in the medicated restaurant who knew about this, and the other chefs who worked in the back door kitchen were not very clear.

After that, the police came again and stopped them from letting them approach, making them even less clear about what happened.

Xiao Junyan and Ye Tianming took a plane and landed directly at the military airport in Lin City, and then drove straight to the medicinal restaurant.

It has been two hours since the incident happened.

Ye Tianming stepped out of the car, only feeling relieved, his legs trembling a little, the boss was crazy, every time he could hear the overloaded motor of the car.

If it weren't because it was in the urban area, there were a lot of people, and the speed couldn't be as fast as possible. It is estimated that the road would have to be at the same speed as the suburbs, and this car would have to be driven and scrapped by Xiao Junyan on the way.

Arriving on the road to the back door, Xiao Junyan wanted to go there but was stopped by the police, "You can't enter here!"

"Let him pass!" Ye Tianming walked up quickly, saw his colleagues, and greeted them.

Seeing Ye Tianming's arrival, these colleagues who had been called by him put Xiao Junyan in.

These people, they were called by Ye Tianming, but their speed was not as fast as these special personnel, so when they arrived here, the things inside were almost finished.

With the order, they did not dare to go in to see the situation, so they could only maintain order outside.

Ye Tianming watched Xiao Junyan walk inside eagerly, and quickly followed in, "Boss, don't go so fast, wait for me!"

With that, he also followed Xiao Junyan's footsteps and walked inside.

Xiao Junyan walked to the back door, only seeing people from his special unit, but not Chu Muyue, the dark expression in his eyes became stronger.

"Vice team..." Seeing Xiao Junyan, the young man hurriedly saluted him. He wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Xiao Junyan, "Where is she?"

"What is she?" The young man was puzzled, not understanding what Xiao Junyan meant.

Ye Tianming, who followed behind, smiled and said remindingly, "I mean, that little girl who was saved by you, where is she!"

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