Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1151: Xiao Junyan's Arrival 5

Hearing Ye Tianming’s explanation, the young man said quickly, “She was poisoned and was helped in by the medicinal restaurant for treatment and rest!”

Upon hearing the report, Xiao Junyan did not listen to the young man saying anything else, nor did he say how to deal with the grass ghost, so he turned around and left.

"Deputy Captain, where are you going!" The young man hurriedly called when Xiao Junyan turned to leave.

Ye Tianming waved his hand at the young man and said, "No need to call him! I'll take care of the things here!"

"But the deputy captain!" The young man seemed to hesitate.

"He is worried about that little girl!" Ye Tianming said with a grin, showing some worry again, "You just said that she was poisoned?"

The young man nodded and said, "Yes! But the lady said that she was a doctor, so we didn't let us handle it for her!"

"It's okay!" Ye Tianming also sighed in relief, turned his head to look at the grass ghost who was pressed on the ground, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

But Xiao Junyan left, turned around and entered the medicated restaurant, and went straight to the top floor to find Chu Muyue.

Hearing his subordinates say that Chu Muyue was poisoned, his whole heart was lifted up, and his face became more and more gloomy, as if a storm was about to come.

Chu Muyue drank the medicine and crossed her knees in Ling Hong's lounge to relieve the toxins in her body.

Ling Hong had been waiting outside, fearing that Chu Muyue would require him to do anything.

At this moment, Xiao Junyan appeared in front of him.

"Mr. Xiao!" Ling Hong exclaimed.

Xiao Junyan walked towards him and asked, "How is she?"

"It should be nothing!" Ling Hong thought for a while and said.

Xiao Junyan didn't speak, he pushed open the door of the room, walked in, and then closed the door.

Although Chu Muyue was healing her wounds cross-knee, she still heard the movement outside. Moreover, the fascination poison on her body had not been solved yet, so she was afraid that she would lose her mind.

Xiao Junyan walked into the room and saw Chu Muyue sitting cross-legged on the bed with a flushed face.

Chu Muyue had already opened her eyes at this time, looking at Xiao Junyan who appeared in front of her, a forced smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and her voice was a little hoarse, "Brother Xiao!"

Xiao Junyan strode forward, stood in front of Chu Muyue, and looked up and down. Chu Muyue's arm wound had been treated, but there were still some black and red blood stains on the gauze, which was oozing.

The more I looked at the injuries on Chu Muyue's body, Xiao Junyan's dark eyes became darker and deeper. He bent down and raised his hand closer to her wound. His voice was a little low and soft, "Doesn't it hurt?"

"It's okay!" Chu Muyue shook his head gently, her voice was a little hoarse, and her breathing was a little heavy, "Xiao...Senior Brother Xiao, you are finally here!"

Xiao Junyan sat on the side of the bed, took Chu Muyue into his arms and hugged him tightly, but avoided her wound, for fear that it might hurt her, "Sorry, I'm here late. Up!"

I know that there is a scourge beside Chu Muyue, but he is not by her side!

He should come right away after the new year is over, and he won't hurt her this time.

"It's okay, as long as you are here!" Chu Muyue was held in Xiao Junyan's arms, and she felt that her whole body nerves were relaxed, her strength was dissipated, and the whole person leaned in his arms.

It seemed that as long as Xiao Junyan came, she could not worry about anything.

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