Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1153: Brother Xiao helps detoxify 3

Ye Tianming came to the upstairs of the medicinal food restaurant and saw Ling Hong sitting outside with a stool, his face showed a surprised and curious look, "Huh? Ling Hong, why are you here?"

Ling Hong was not surprised when he saw Ye Tianming coming up. After all, Zhang Cong was the one who called Ye Tianming, and he knew it.

"Yes, President Chu healed his injuries inside, so he didn't go in!" Ling Hong nodded and explained.

Ye Tianming asked curiously, "Then my boss, did he also go in?"

"Yes!" Ling Hong also nodded, and reluctantly sat on the stool again, and said, "It's just that after I went in, I never came out. I don't know what's going on inside!"

However, he thought, there should be nothing wrong, right?

If there is something to do, it is estimated that Xiao Junyan will be making noise inside, so Ling Hong will sit outside with peace of mind.

Ye Tianming walked to the door with his face pressed against the wall. Hearing the sound inside, he didn't seem to hear any sound.

"Why is there no sound?" Ye Tianming muttered to himself for a while, thought about it, and asked Ling Hong, "Is there no sound from the boss inside?"

"No!" Ling Hong shook his head and said, "This is just the rest room where I will be, so the sound insulation function is not very good. Generally, any sound in it can be heard here!"

It was also because of this that Ling Hong would sit at the door and wait, as long as there was a voice, he would be able to rush in.

Ye Tianming pondered for a moment, then knocked on the door lightly, "Boss, how is the younger sister?"

After waiting for a while, without hearing Xiao Junyan's voice inside, he became a little anxious.

He understands Xiao Junyan's character. If something really happened to Chu Muyue, he would definitely hold Chu Muyue motionless, like an ice sculpture.

Thinking of this, Ye Tianming said quickly, "Boss, can I come in?"

Xiao Junyan, who was healing Chu Muyue, originally didn't want to pay attention to Ye Tianming, but after hearing what he said, he glanced at Chu Muyue's body, who was still healing, and could only speak.

"No come in!"

Ye Tianming finally got a sigh of relief after receiving Xiao Junyan's response.

"Boss, how is Little Junior Sister? I want to see Junior Sister!" Ye Tianming quickly asked Xiao Junyan with concern.

"Heal, you are not allowed to come in!" Xiao Junyan ordered again, also full of strong threats.

How could he let other men look at Chu Muyue's body casually?

"Oh! Okay!" Ye Tianming listened and could only obediently put down his hand on the doorknob.

Originally, he wanted to go in to see Chu Muyue's situation, but when he heard Xiao Junyan's words full of threats, he knew that if he went in by himself, he would die miserably.

This is the experience of being brothers with Xiao Junyan for a long time. You must not provoke the boss, otherwise you will die miserably.

Now, Chu Muyue is Xiao Junyan's bottom line, and no one can touch it.

"So, what do you plan to do with that old witch?" Ye Tianming thought about the grass ghost who had not been dealt with, and then asked.

Hearing the words "old witch", Xiao Junyan remembered the old **** who caused Chu Muyue to such a consequence, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Old rules!" Xiao Junyan's voice was very cold, with a strong murderous aura.

Ye Tianming touched his nose and turned around, "Oh, okay, I get it!"

Only he knew the old rules, and the old witch would die miserably.

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