Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1154: Brother Xiao helps detoxify 4

With Xiao Junyan's help, Chu Muyue's fascination poison was finally solved.

After unlocking the fascination poison on her body, Chu Muyue put on her own clothes, and her face was still red.

It's just that the redness on her face this time was not because of the blushing of Mi Qing poison, but because she was exposed to Xiao Junyan in such a dress.

Xiao Junyan withdrew his gong, and there was some sweat on his forehead, but he did not wipe it off. Instead, he asked Chu Muyue with concern, "Is it resolved?"

Chu Muyue nodded lightly, and replied with a faint mosquito voice, "Hmm!"

"Your face is still red, you haven't solved it?" Xiao Junyan asked concerned about Chu Muyue's red face.

Chu Muyue raised her head and glared in disbelief, her blushing was not because of him.

Xiao Junyan was stared at by Chu Muyue's eyes, staring a little puzzled, not understanding.

"I'll send you back to rest!" Xiao Junyan said with concern.

Chu Muyue raised her head, and asked with concern and curiosity, "By the way, where is that grass ghost? How is she now?"

"It should be dead!" Xiao Junyan replied in a flat tone.

He didn't care about that old woman's life or death, but he also cared whether that old witch died in the end due to torture.

Only in this way can he avenge Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue was slightly surprised, "Did you kill her?"

"No, Ye Tianming!" Xiao Junyan explained, "I ordered it!"

"Well, can I go and have a look now?" Chu Muyue hesitated for a moment, and asked Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan looked at Chu Muyue, was silent for a moment, and nodded, "Let me ask, the current situation!"

Anyway, he was by her side now, even if the old witch was not dead, he wouldn't let the old witch hurt Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue smiled slightly, "Okay, I want to see how that old witch is doing, dare to let me get that kind of poison!"

I thought that if Xiao Junyan were not there, she still didn't know if she would have lost her first time!

This old witch, she will never let her get better!

If she is still alive, she will make her dead.

Xiao Junyan called to inquire about Ye Tianming's situation. It seems that the old witch is not dead yet, and Ye Tianming is going to take the tortured old witch to the outskirts to light the sky lanterns.

Hung up the phone, Xiao Junyan turned his head, looked at Chu Muyue, and said, "Not dead yet!"

"Then let's go and see!" Chu Muyue's eyes lit up when she heard that her enemy hadn't died yet, and she stood up excitedly.

However, I don't know if it is because the toxins in the body have just been eliminated, the body has not yet recovered, and he stood up too fast, his legs softened, and he moved towards the ground.

Xiao Junyan saw that Chu Muyue was about to fall to the ground, and hurriedly stepped forward to take it.

Chu Muyue, who had originally thought that she would fall to the ground, fell into Xiao Junyan's arms, and she was relieved and raised her head and smiled at him.

However, Xiao Junyan's face was a bit ugly, and the expressions in Chu Muyue's eyes were full of warnings.

"You are not allowed to go out before school!" Although Xiao Junyan's tone was threatening and domineering, his tone was gentle.

Hearing Xiao Junyan's words, Chu Muyue couldn't help shrinking her neck and sticking out her tongue. Sure enough, sometimes it was terrible to provoke this guy, but now it's terrible.

"Okay, I see, before the Lantern Festival, I will definitely take a good rest, you accompany me!" Chu Muyue raised her head and said with a grin at Xiao Junyan.

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