Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1155: The interrupted Xiao Yuanfu 1

Because he was worried about Chu Muyue's body, Xiao Junyan hugged her directly.

Knowing that his own affairs angered someone, Chu Muyue obediently obeyed the order this time, holding his neck with both hands.

When he walked out of the room, Ling Hong stood up from his seat, saw Chu Muyue being held by Xiao Junyan, and quickly asked concerned, "Mr. Chu, are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Chu Muyue smiled comfortingly at Ling Hong, "I just expelled the toxins from my body, it was a little weak!"

"Oh, that's good, as long as it's okay!" Ling Hong heard Chu Muyue's explanation, heaved a sigh of relief, and nodded.

Xiao Junyan hugged Chu Muyue and walked downstairs.

When Ling Hong saw Xiao Junyan and Chu Muyue leave, he thought they were leaving the medicated food restaurant, so he quickly followed and sent them out.

Only when I walked down the stairs, I saw Xiao Junyan walking in the direction of the back door kitchen.

"Mr. Xiao, you can go to the side door!" Ling Hong quickly reminded Xiao Junyan.

Chu Muyue waved her hand to Ling Hong and said, "No, we have to check the back door!"

In order to avoid some trouble, Xiao Junyan went out from the back door holding Chu Muyue.

After receiving Xiao Junyan's call, Ye Tianming stopped torturing the old lady, planning to wait for Chu Muyue and Xiao Junyan to arrive before making a decision.

The back door opened, and Ye Tianming and others saw Xiao Junyan walking out holding Chu Muyue in his arms.

As soon as he saw the situation in front of him, except for Ye Tianming, the people of the other special units stared at his own eyes one by one.

Looking at Xiao Junyan's cautiously, for fear that he would fall into the posture of the person in his arms, his chin would fall.

Although Xiao Junyan did not serve as a deputy captain before, this identity has always been linked to special errors. After all, she is also a member of the special forces.

Therefore, almost all of these people know that Xiao Junyan's character is almost a cruel and unkind person.

In their army, many girls wanted to approach him, but he was swept back by a murderous look. They didn't dare to approach him anymore. There were no girls who wanted to do missions with him.

But now, they actually saw Xiao Junyan walking down holding a girl like Chu Muyue.

I don’t know if it’s because Chu Muyue has been cleaned, and after changing a piece of clothing, Chu Muyue’s temperament has changed. None of these people recognize her. She was beaten up by the old lady before. Girl.

When Ye Tianming saw Chu Muyue being hugged by Xiao Junyan, he glanced at the corner of his mouth. The boss really loved the younger sister more and more.

"Little Junior Sister, is your body okay?" Although Ye Tianming muttered in his heart, he still asked Chu Muyue with concern.

Chu Muyue smiled and nodded, "Well, there is nothing more to do, just take a few more days of rest!"

"That's good, that's good!" Ye Tianming was relieved when he heard that Chu Muyue was okay. He patted his chest and exaggeratedly said, "In the future, you must not have any more things, otherwise, , I really don’t know, can I bear the plane driven by the boss, I’ve never been in such an uncomfortable plane before, and I feel that if I don’t get to Linshi again, the plane will have to disintegrate!”

Xiao Junyan's speed is already the limit speed of the airplane. If the speed is faster, it is estimated that the engine will be burnt out at this speed.

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