Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1156: The interrupted Xiao Yuanfu 2

Chu Muyue couldn't help laughing with Ye Tianming's exaggerated speech and words.

Chu Muyue still asked Ye Tianming in disbelief, "Is it such an exaggeration?"

"Yes, there must be!" Ye Tianming nodded solemnly, "I can guarantee that when I got off the plane, my legs trembled. It was even bigger than my first time flying a fighter jet!"

Although Ye Tianming sometimes speaks unreliable, but sometimes he can still believe it a little bit.

Chu Muyue turned his head to look at Xiao Junyan who was holding him, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said remindingly, "How can you drive so fast?"

"Worry about you!" Xiao Junyan lowered his head and looked at Chu Muyue in his arms, his tone full of deep concern and anxiety.

Upon hearing the three words Xiao Junyan, Chu Muyue felt that what Ye Tianming said might not be exaggerated at all.

With someone’s character, it is indeed possible to do such a thing.

Chu Muyue felt happy and distressed in her heart. Does this man care about his life?

"Aren't you afraid that the plane will disintegrate?" Chu Muyue asked Xiao Junyan worriedly.

Xiao Junyan saw the worry on Chu Muyue's face, and comforted, "It's okay, I know the critical point of the plane's disintegration! Not up to the standard!"

Listening to this, feeling someone is counting that point to reach the target, and try not to exceed it as much as possible!

If there is no point to reach the standard, it is estimated that Xiao Junyan will drive faster, and will be even more reckless.

Ye Tianming listened, just wanting to cover his face. It turns out that this so-so guy is good for him!

He was worried and frightened on the road, because Xiao Junyan was too worried about the speed and the plane disintegrated, and he kept begging for the blessings of the gods in his heart!

"Boss, then why don't you drive the plane to disintegration! Isn't this faster?" Ye Tianming couldn't help but roll his eyes and asked.

After listening, Chu Muyue nodded and looked at Xiao Junyan, "Yes, didn't you say you were worried about me?"

Unexpectedly, Xiao Junyan was worried and worried, but he was still very measured!

A firm light flashed in Xiao Junyan's eyes, "It can't be saved!"

No matter how worried he was, he definitely couldn't let the plane disintegrate before arriving in Lin City. This would only delay the time to save Chu Muyue.

Ye Tianming touched his nose, "Okay!"

He was also worried that the boss would lose his mind because he was worried about Chu Muyue, and he didn't think through his brain. After all, every time he encountered Chu Muyue, Xiao Junyan's temper became a little anxious and even more desperate. .

It turned out that although the boss was concerned, and anxious, he was anxious. Sometimes, his mind was still there, knowing that if the plane disintegrated, it would delay the time to arrive at the medicinal restaurant, and even the best time to save Chu Muyue.

The corners of Chu Muyue's mouth rose slightly, and the muscles in the corners of her eyes twitched slightly. This man is really good at calculating.

"Anyway, it's fine! Don't do this kind of thing again in the future!"

However, this is good, at least there is some sanity.

This should be the quality of soldiers. They know what they should do and what they should not do, and they can easily control their emotions.

Even in extremely bad situations, one must keep a clear head to be able to accurately arrange what to do next and what not to do.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you may lose your partner's life, or even your own life.

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