Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1158: The interrupted Xiao Yuanfu 4

Xiao Junyan took Chu Muyue back to the villa and let her rest in bed.

Because it is the eighth day of the new year, the Dream Cosmetics Company has already started work, and Chu Zhiming is idle and bored. Since the work has started there, he also goes there every day.

Chu Muyue also needs to be busy with the company every day. Chu Zhiming stays at home alone, just like Chu Muyue goes to school, but now he can still go home for dinner every day.

Therefore, now Xiao Junyan brought Chu Muyue back home, Chu Zhiming has not yet returned home.

"Sleep for a while, I'm going to cook dinner!" Xiao Junyan held Chu Muyue from beginning to end until she put her on the bed.

Although he wanted to let Chu Muyue sleep a little longer, he still had to eat iron rice instead of steel, otherwise his recovery would be slower.

"Yeah!" Chu Muyue nodded gently, and looked at Xiao Junyan apologetically, "I'm sorry, I worried you!"

Xiao Junyan raised his generous palm and gently touched Chu Muyue's head, "In the future, don't do such dangerous things again!"

Chu Muyue nodded, but also retorted, "This old witch came here by herself! I didn't provoke it!"

"Then Yuan Xiao will be saved!" Xiao Junyan threw a word to Chu Muyue coolly, and a certain woman choked dumb.

Chu Muyu smiled wryly, and explained weakly, "Yuan Xiao is my classmate and friend, I should save him!"

Xiao Junyan looked at her with an expression of resentment in her eyes, and she saw Chu Muyue clutching her quilt and covering her face.

Chu Muyue couldn't bear the look in Xiao Junyan's eyes the most. Although she didn't say a word, her eyes seemed to be able to speak.

"I was wrong!" Chu Muyue stretched out her small hand and gently tugd Xiao Junyan's sleeves, weakly apologizing.

Xiao Junyan bent over, knocked his forehead and Chu Muyue's forehead together, and said softly and guiltily, "Don't do this kind of thing again in the future, at least, let me be by your side!"

In fact, it was not Chu Muyue who was angry, but himself.

Under such circumstances, he was not by Chu Muyue's side, it was really too bad.

"Yeah!" Chu Muyue responded weakly, looking at the bloodshot eyes of Xiao Junyan, knowing that he was worried about himself.

"Senior Brother Xiao, thank you!" Chu Muyue put her arms around Xiao Junyan's thin lips.

Xiao Junyan was startled, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he kissed Chu Muyue's lips.

Just as it was about to deepen, a rapid telephone ringing rang.

Hearing this ringing tone, Chu Muyue's cheeks couldn't help but flushed, and she quickly let go of Xiao Junyan, and put the quilt on her face.

Xiao Junyan also sat up slightly, frowned, and glanced at his pocket. If he could, he really wished to lose the phone, which would spoil his good deeds.

However, he did not answer the phone the first time, instead he lifted the quilt covered by Chu Muyue's face, and said concerned, "Don't cover your face, the air is bad!"

Chu Muyue stuck out her tongue and glared at Xiao Junyan remindingly, "The phone is ringing, hurry up and answer the phone!"

Unconsciously rejoicing in my heart, this electricity really came in time, if it doesn't come, will Xiao Junyan have to deepen it again.

Because this is already her own practice after ignition.

Xiao Junyan looked a little unhappy, but still could only get through the phone, "Hey!"

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