Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1159: This one can't mess with 1

On the other side of the phone, there was a burst of angry cursing from the woman, "Xiao Junyan, you bastard, where did you die?"

Hearing this familiar voice, even Chu Muyue knew who it was, isn't it Xiao Junyan's sister Xiao Fengyi?

Chu Muyue was a little surprised listening to Xiao Fengyi's voice on the phone, but quickly guessed something. It is estimated that Xiao Junyan was with Xiao Fengyi when he knew what happened to him.

However, Xiao Junyan ran away immediately, making Xiao Fengyi very angry.

Xiao Junyan glanced at Chu Muyue's, his tone was very flat, "In Linshi!"

"So you are in the forest..." Xiao Fengyi was a little indifferent at first, but she was shocked when she heard that Xiao Junyan was already in the forest city, "What! Are you in the forest city? When did you go to the forest city? What are you doing in Linshi? Don't you still not go to work? You don't want to carry things for me and my mother and run away, right?"

Listening to Xiao Fengyi's questioning, Chu Muyue felt wronged and wished for Xiao Junyan.

This is not true at all, it is not that he wants to run away, but he rushed to Linshi to save her.

Xiao Junyan would not explain so much. For him, he never bothered to explain what it was.

"You can call a guard!" Xiao Junyan said lightly.

Xiao Fengyi was suddenly so angry that she wanted to scold someone by Xiao Junyan's words, and stomped the ground fiercely, as if Xiao Junyan was lying on the ground, making her kick her fiercely.

"Xiao Junyan, I'll give you ten minutes, right away! Right now! Come in front of me, otherwise, I won't recognize you as a younger brother!" How could Xiao Fengyi believe that Xiao Junyan is now in Linshi?

Xiao Junyan threw only four words to Xiao Fengyi again, indicating that he could not help it, "I'm in Linshi!"

"Linshi! Linshi! Are you really in Linshi? What are you doing in Linshi? Make it clear!" Xiao Fengyi heard the words Linshi again, and began to wonder.

"Save Junior Sister!" Xiao Junyan glanced at Chu Muyue, thought about it, and said.

"Junior sister?" Upon hearing these two words, Xiao Fengyi took a deep breath and exclaimed, "What happened? What about your junior sister? How is it now? Is there anything wrong?"

She and her mother ate the beauty pill that Chu Muyue gave them last time.

Especially my mother, after eating, she obviously feels that her appearance has become younger and more beautiful.

Therefore, for Xiao Junyan's younger sister, she and her mother both liked it.

And they know their younger brothers and their sons very well. With such a cold personality, it is simply too little to care about a person. Even if they are, they are probably not so enthusiastic.

Therefore, in their hearts, they believed that Chu Muyue was their daughter-in-law and younger siblings.

Now that Chu Muyue heard something happened, she was naturally very worried.

Originally, she was still angry with Xiao Junyan, but when she heard Xiao Junyan's explanation, Xiao Fengyi's attention completely shifted to Chu Muyue's body.

Xiao Junyan's tone slightly softened, "It's okay!"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Xiao Fengyi was relieved when she heard that Chu Muyue was okay, "Then...what about your junior sister? Are you by your side? Can I talk to your junior sister?"

Well, I haven't seen the younger sister of Xiao Junyan, but first took a lot of good things from others, and originally wanted to go to the street to buy something.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Junyan ran back before buying it.

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