Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1160: This one can't mess with 2

Xiao Junyan glanced at Chu Muyue and saw that as soon as she heard Xiao Fengyi calling her, she immediately closed her eyes, indicating that she was resting.

Seeing Chu Muyue's actions, the corners of Xiao Junyan's lips rose slightly. Unexpectedly, this girl was nervous and afraid of things!

However, he wouldn't be able to dismantle it either, he would let Chu Muyue adapt slowly.

"She was injured and just drank the medicine and lay down to rest!"

"That's it! Then forget it!" Xiao Fengyi didn't reluctantly, "Then let your junior sister take a good rest and heal her injuries. You can take good care of her on your junior sister's side, and don't use your iceberg face to face her. People, be gentle, know if you don't!"

"Know!" Xiao Junyan replied in a rare voice.

Hearing Xiao Junyan's answer, Xiao Fengyi only felt that there was a way, and said with a smile, "Jun Yan, do you like them? If you like them, go after them. My mother and I will definitely support you!"

Although Chu Muyue closed her eyes, she just pretended to be asleep, and kept her ears upright to listen!

Hearing what Xiao Fengyi said, his cheeks couldn't help but flushed.

The roots of Xiao Junyan's ears were slightly red, but his tone was flat, "She is underage!"

After saying this, Xiao Junyan sighed slightly in his heart, a little regretful and depressed, how could Chu Muyue grow so slowly, it would take another year to reach adulthood!

"Um! Not an adult yet? The old cow eats tender grass!" Xiao Fengyi suddenly cried when he heard it.

When they were at home, they also wanted to talk to Xiao Junyan about this little junior, but they didn't always know how to speak, or how to open the topic.

But I don't know, Chu Muyue's age is still under adulthood!

The last five words made Chu Muyue who wanted to pretend to be asleep even unable to pretend, and she smirked while hugging her quilt.

Even Xiao Junyan's sister said that, this guy is an old cow eating tender grass!

Now she is seventeen years old, and Xiao Junyan is twenty-five years old. The difference between the two is eight years old. This age is really nothing.

Whether it is ancient, modern, or even in the future, there are many people who are different in their teens, especially those stars. There are so many teens, and her eight-year-old is really quite small.

When Xiao Junyan heard the last five words said by Xiao Fengyi, the blue veins in his temple suddenly jumped twice.

"You are older than me!" Xiao Junyan is definitely a black belly, coldly speaking, and biting out five words.

He hates people saying that he and Chu Muyue are two old cows eating tender grass.

Xiao Junyan's words made Xiao Fengyi so angry that he screamed, "I'm looking for death! You are a mental attack!"

"To each other!" Xiao Junyan said lightly.

Xiao Fengyi gritted her teeth and threatened Xiao Junyan viciously, "Huh, I won't tell you. In short, my mother and I like your younger sister very much. It's best to marry your younger sister back to me, otherwise, hum, you just Don't want to enter the house again!"

She felt that if he continued to talk to Xiao Junyan like this, he would be **** off by this bastard.

Every time it was like this, Xiao Junyanyun was able to make her angry. She really got a woman who could restrain Xiao Junyan to come back and fight him with her, so that she could get revenge.

"I won't tell you!" Xiao Fengyi snorted coldly, and closed the phone with a snap.

Before Xiao Junyan could say anything, he hung up the phone.

However, Xiao Junyan was a little dazed looking at his mobile phone.

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